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Hi I'm new as of 2 days ago.

(XBOX) Drakard Mexigun

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I'm really excited to be here. I came from destiny where I can't get anything else except by raiding or pvp which I rarely do.

If I can get through the solo content or regular group content of a game I will likely be happy.

I enjoy working the markets of games like wow and look forward to exploring this one.

I work a 8-5 mon through fri and go to school and have a wife and 2 kids, and am involved with my church so I'm not on that often. It's hard to keep regular buddies when you're that busy. It'd be nice to get a invite to a casual clan that knows about this crazy schedule though. I"m on xbox1 and so far I'm loving the game. It is so beautiful. I'd get it for PC too but my computer has been ready to be replaced for a couple years now. School and kids take the computer money though. 

At least Daddy gets dibs on the XBox1 whenever it gets right down to it. So many of my gripes about destiny are solved by this game. Where the hell has it been all my life. I actually overhead a couple people complaining about the grindyness in the elevator and searched it out of curiosity. I"m all about solo grinds!  Holy crap I was hooked. I have authorized myself a one time warframe purchase but I can't decide which one to buy. I like Ivanah, trinity, and ash. I prefer stealth but usually go healer in MMO's so that I can be carried through farming content as a party aquisition strategy. I dunno if that will fly here. Ivanah's stealth loot seems like a legit way to double my loot rewards but like I said I've only been playing 2 days I could be wrong. Ash looks cool as a stealth dps but I don't know how viable that is long term solo. 

Well anyhoo thanks for the great game. I will be patronizing the coin store soon in appreication for a single warframe but then I'm putting on my grind hat. 

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Welcome to the game and so glad to hear you like it so much. 

I'm only on PC, but if you do get on that platform, be sure to drop me a line and you can join my clan ^^

When it comes to your first purchase, I'd advise to buy platinum. Why? Well, everything in this game you can farm. This means all Warframes and all weapons, etc. However, the only things in this game you can only get with Platinum are slots. 

So get the platinum and  buy yourself a good bunch of slots so you can get Ivara, trinity and ash. Later on you'll also be able to trade prime parts and special mods for plat in the trading tab, so spending money isn't required, but you'll save yourself a lot of time and struggle by buying slots. 

That's my opinion on it, but ofc, feel free to choose what you like. It's great to hear you're supporting our game

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Wading past the spam posts that have appeared on forum i eventually find a good post - welcome to Warframe!!

Take your time enjoying the journey.
Dont spend plat except on slots until you know whats what then treat yourself!
Use the warframe wiki.
Find experienced people to help you, consider joining a clan.
Try a bit of everything and collect everything.
Have fun!!

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Hi and welcome to the forum. I agree with ShadowQueen, this is a good post. Like most of us, I also come from Destiny and Warframe offers a whole lot more. Solo grind is great especially if you want to get all the loot and search for the rare gold containers or easter eggs like the orokitty. It depends on your preference, some don't like the kubrows, but it'll help in opening lockers and some like the chesa can fetch you loot. 

Good luck and have fun playing.

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Hello there,

almost same situation as you here.. Wifi, kiddos, work and after that other priorities it's Warframe ? 

I recommend you either start your own clan or join a close friend with one, like that you can keep account of your busy schedule and or your friend will understand that you are busy... Good luck in finding a clan and remember to mostly have fun! ?

Happy Hunting, Tenno!

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