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things i dont like about warframe


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i have been playing warframe for a long time maybe not as long as some but a pretty long time, and the game is near the perfect game in its genre, the complaints i have are minor but here are a few i feel are valid and worth mentioning.

1. Parkour i miss the old parkour system even more so now that i've switch too PC and the controls make sense too me now, if i'm the only one that feels this way so be it.

2 Corrupt mods, i like corrupt mods i do but lately it seems that there are few frames worth playing a balanced build with, and a few frames that just have no negative consequences for using certain corrupt mods i think thats not right, using corrupt mods should be a tactical choice based on the mission type and should weaken you in one way or another (i wrote this with frost specifically in mind i know i'm probably a minority, but i think he's too OP)

3. Damage Types, for as long as i can remember a few damage types have dominated and others are relatively useless,  corrosive, viral, slash and puncture, those are the only usefull damage types IMO, and i think the only real way too fix this is too better scale Shielded enemies as they the levels get higher i dont really have anything more constructive too give on this

4. this one is kind of a biproduct of #3, balancing weapons, i've never been a fan of tier, i think everything should be useful in one way or another and if there must be tier it should be tier mods, if you were too better balance the damage types as well as the weapons, as long as you have the important mods, any weapons should be effective (granted you put work into it forma's and such) those are my thoughts and opinions if you disagree or agree feel free to say so, and i will just say one more time i love this game

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57 minutes ago, Nyrue said:

2 Corrupt mods, i like corrupt mods i do but lately it seems that there are few frames worth playing a balanced build with, and a few frames that just have no negative consequences for using certain corrupt mods  -- (i wrote this with frost specifically in mind i know i'm probably a minority, but i think he's too OP)

You should've cited Loki's absolute lack of caring about power strength. Frost has downsides to every corrupt mod:

Low range hurts every ability but Freeze.

Low strength hurts every ability.

Low duration hurts the Avalanche freeze time and the Freeze ability's debuff duration.

Low efficiency is self explanatory.

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well they're pretty minor negative effects, i think it bothers me more that his bubble isnt on a timer anymore just doesnt sit right with me and yeah loki too, but loki's decoy uses power strength and i think the damage from his disarm which if existent is pretty minor too begin with 

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