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1000+ Hours, and then some :D!


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Greetings folks! I am Tactical_Fatty. I make this post both to say Hello and ask, If there are others out there like myself that have recently started playing this game, and have put over 500 hours into this game. (In less than two months...) I don't ask in this way to be show offish or flaunt, or anything like that. I Ask because as a relatively new player such sudden dedication to Warframe, One I knew from day one I would have thousands of hours in, How did you deal with the burn out? I'm curious because I want to teach other people about this game, and One of the things that bothered me the most was that I had no adequate way to deal with Warframe Burn out. SO Im curious as to how Veterans and new people alike all dealt with this same issue. :D Much thanks and many warframes fellow Tenno! 

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Well at first, a warm welcome to the game and forums!

well because I understand and catch on things fast it only took me like 200 hours (played, not logged on steam or whatsoever) to reach max rank at that time and completed all the planet nodes and also making the Dark Sectors conflict my main thing! After that I got kind off bored that I started helping out new and other veterans in making our game more effective... Then I started to search for in-game ways for improvement and bugs.. Because of my love for the game I refused to stop so yeah I'm also here to help out. ?

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27 minutes ago, ShadowQueen_X said:

Ive done 850 hours in 5 months and do keep telling myself to slow down and enjoy the journey more. Currently working my way through all the weapons alphabetically :)


Its just too addictive!!

I never thought to fo Alphabetically xD I might try that! Currently im working on getting all of my frame builds set up and maximized as best I can :D I want them to do well in battle, so they dont get hurt or get boo boo's >,>

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