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Hi from Ps4


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I'm not new to Warframe, but I am new to the whole community thing and Forums. I made a Youtube but I don't really know how to start off with it.

How can you get views when youtube doesn't recommend your videos because you don't have that many views? I may be over thinking it but, where can we post youtube videos on these forums?

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I'm guessing DE wouldn't mind you posting videos, as long as they're Warframe-related.

As for views; good luck. Youtube seems to be fairly content making channels that are already popular even more popular, and have no interest in people unless they have some way of getting easy money out of you or your work.

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Welcome to the forums. 

Cool to see youre interested in becoming a YT warframe producer. 

I'm working in this field for about a year now and am willing to help you out with any questions you may have. Just drop me a line on here via the messaging function or contact me on Skype or whatever. 

Maybe you'll become the first member of the yet to be launched Tenno prime alliance ( in which we will create a community of Warframe creators to share their experiences and be together) 


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Welcome to the forums, Tenno!

Here are some links where you can drop your YT videos:

  •  Fan Zone        -     for some Fan videos related to Warframe.


  • Off Topic         -     for any video that is non-Warframe related.   


Good Luck and Happy Hunting, Tenno!








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Welcome to the forums!

As for getting views social media is one way to market your self through networking playing with other people who do the same is another way to do it. I myself stream and do tutorial videos for Warframe and soon to be the division. So far just tag things right and the views will come its a time oriented thing your not going to get a million views over night unless your already established :) just keep on it things will happen.

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Greetings and Welcome Fellow Tenno!

YouTube can be difficult starting out... I've been running many channels... My advice for you would be to promote as much as possible.. Ask friends that are interested in Warframe to check it out and start sharing it.. then once that happens enough you'll either start getting more viewers or at least feedback for video changes to get more viewers.. Takes time.. It's definitely networking! Much luck to you and your channel!! I'd be happy to check out your videos as I dedicate myself to a few Warframe Channels of YouTube.


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