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Void Keys As Reward In Defence Are Ridiculous!


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And plenty of other people have run 50+ runs without finishing anything.  It's called rng.  You got lucky.


Why bother even crafting the latron prime at all when there are piles of weapons that are better than it and the normal latron?

Latron Prime is one of the best weapons imo. Great accuracy, good damage with good rate of fire. It's definitely worth crafting, and even if it wasn't, there's still an argument to be had when you compare it to the Latron.


50+ runs of T3? I pity them, whoever they are (if they exist at all). How many runs of T2 to go with'em? Or are they the selective types and stay out of scrub levels? Maybe they should do some T2, because drop chances are spread across all tiers.


Anyway, my friends did 5 defense missions in total over the last 2 days and now we got 9 Void Keys to use today. Plus my T3 that I got from doing exactly one Pluto defense yesterday. If I would hazard a guess, I'd say we'll be pretty bored of The Void pretty soon.


edit: oh, 2 more in the last 30 minutes.

Edited by krisp
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I guess lots of people will hate me for this , but i don't care, i'm tired of everyone leaving at wave 5 because that stupid key pops as reward.

Can you at least make the people work harder for it? Sure  make it reward so they can get the key ,but at least make it start to pop at wave 15+ not at wave 5 !!


on Eris and Pluto its like every battle at wave 5 = poop void key = poop everyone leaves

can't imagine how &!$$ed must be those that paid 75 plat for 5 keys when they could get 10 tower 2 keys in less than hour



and wave 15 is not that unreasonable


This is probably the only reason I'll ever have to say this. Get a clan with a bunch of your friends, run this mission and ignore the keys. Most people are there for loot, if you aren't get people who are. Go to the "find a squad" subforum and ask for people who aren't going to a defense mission for the keys or loot.

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here's how you solve your problem OP:


Click on the big shiny "online" thing and then press "private" or "invite only".

Now you'll be able to play past wave 5 with your friends or solo.


Have a great time doing defense.



On a serious note. You knowingly queued up for defense on public, you should be expecting this to happen and be ok with it.

Y'know, insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

but some ppl don't have frwands ;-;

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You are acting like you´d get a key ever 2nd or 3rd defense mission, which is not the case.They are still rare.If you think they are too common you are either unusually lucky or someone that has bought a lot of keys and cant bear it to see others get keys through playing.


I mean, OF COURSE people quit when they get a void key - they are the most important resource for endgame-content if you do not pay.


The problem is NOT that keys are too common, it is much rather that you have weird expectations: Most people need void keys, if you don´t, fine, then play with friends or clanmates that dont want keys either - but please dont demand them to get dropped less or on later waves just because you dont want void keys.This is exactly what I meant with "Nerfing x that doesnt suit my playstyle".

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Last night we had 6 defenses (palus/outer), 3 of them gave void II, 1 gave void III (all within wave 15, most of them at wave 5).


4 players, 4 keys each, 16 void runs.


1,12 milion credits.


Time needed: 4hrs?


'nuf said.

Edited by Vanadio
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Last night we had 6 defenses (palus/outer), 3 of them gave void II, 1 gave void III (all within wave 15, most of them at wave 5).


4 players, 4 keys each, 16 void runs.


1,12 milion credits.


Time needed: 4hrs?


'nuf said.




´nuf said.


I , for example, have yet to receive a tIII key as reward and have gotten 6 keys overall(2 TI 4 TII) in the last 3 weeks, and I play about 4 defenses a day.

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I understand that keys are dropping more frequently than before, but I do not see how it is a bad thing. Sure that means you can visit the void more often, but isn't that what people want? I mean finishing a void mission does not guarantee a rare item, more often than not RNG is gonna throw in a blueprint/component that you already have again and again. It's gonna take some time before you can get all the void items, unless you are really lucky.

As for credits, right now I don't see much use in credits other than fusing mods/building. Sure you'll get a large amount of money through a couple of void runs, but crazy amount of credits aren't gonna get you far.

Also, at the current phase the game is in it is actually better that more players are able to get their hands on the game's content. We need people to run around the void to see if there are any bugs/glitches on the maps/AI. We need people to get their hands on the weapons to know if there are any animation bugs and how good the weapons are. Especially since new content are constantly getting thrown in almost every week.

Speaking of weeks, this is merely the first week where T2 keys are rather common, in due time T2 are not going to be as sought after as T3s and players will stay behind more to try to get T3 or other rewards.

In the meantime, I suggest making a private party or notifying the pub team of your intention to skip keys, I'm sure not everyone is key crazy. ;)

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I am very happy with the drop rates. When I get off work I am actually happy to try the new content. I do not have endless amounts of time to farm the keys.It is good to see the bright new levels. Please go make some friends and run with them. If you do not like people leaving, you should all reply on this thread and make a clan called "we can not be pleased no matter if its for our benefit...." wcnbpnmiifob for short

Edited by doctaop
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Making the keys too easy to get cheapens the value of void runs and lowers the game experience in general.

They are supposed to be exquisite, not something you can do anytime anywhere.

It's not about forcing people out of it, it's about balancing work for reward, and making it feel satisfying, and hopefully, challenging as well.

Otherwise game will get old really fast.

So yes, I believe keys should not drop at all until wave 15. And even after that, just have a chance of dropping, one that is slightly lower than it is right now.

And also making T1 defenses not drop keys at all. At all.

Hate me if you must, but I believe that would make the game a lot better.


your opinion is bad and wrong, please never design games


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