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Radial Javelin discussion


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I know it's kind of out of nowhere but as I forma'd my Excal recently I noticed that there is NO reason RJ shouldn't cost the same as RB. It just doesn't make sense to me and I was wondering what you guys think about it?

Do you want RJ to be given a new mechanic to justify it's cost (like each hit counts to the melee counter or something) or would you rather have it as it is and have it reduced to 50?

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RJ was originally Excalibur Warframe/Ultimate ability, but was buffed and moved over as his 3rd ability when reworked. RJ is fine as it is, being an AoE damage dealing ability able to clear a room with the added benefit of a stun. RB is pure utility, and as ability trends dictate, the higher costing abilities usually are damage abilities.

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RJ is currently the most effective AoE map-cleaner in the game. Its price is one of few things that keeps it in check in terms of being hard to perform at 100% effectiveness, hence requiring some efforts to actually be the most effective.

However, I would love some synergy between RJ and the rest of Excal's kit. However, it shouldn't affect RJ build's damage output. In my opinion, melee buffs/debuffs are a good direction to go.

I also liked "Combo Counter discharge" idea suggested some time ago.

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2 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:


Well, there is the augment that does a good job of this. I forget the name but it increases the damage of Melee by a % per enemy hit with RJ. As most augments go, I'd assume thus buff is affected by strength and duration.

The combo counter discharge is interesting from what I read, but doesn't really suit well with Excalibur. His Exalted Blade only gives counters for those hit by the actual melee weapon and not the waves. Since most EB users just mainly use the waves, a discharge would be I'll fitted in his kit, but that's my opinion.

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I think Radial Javelin should be reformed. Since it is the best nuke in the game on frame which is not a nuker. And it mess with Excalibur kit. For aoe dmg Exc have Excalted Blade. Under 3rd key should have something different. Something combo-wombo melee action.


  • Halve the damage output to 500 max
  • Reduce range to 15m (or take a pass on all nuke abilities and give everyone 25m or 50m since why not)
  • Double (or triple) duration of stun effect
  • Make enemies vulnerable to melee attack or open to finishers.
  • After that reduce cost to 60 energy

Basicly it would change playstyle to: Enter the room. Cast Javelin. And start the dance of death around pinned enemies.

Maybe not the most complicated combo but better than press button and kill everyone in the room, and the next one, and that one mob which hide in previous room.

Edited by felixsylvaris
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10 minutes ago, felixsylvaris said:

I think Radial Javelin should be reformed. Since it is the best nuke in the game on frame which is not a nuker. And it mess with Excalibur kit. For aoe dmg Exc have Excalted Blade. Under 3rd key should have something different. Something combo-wombo melee action.


  • Halve the damage output to 500 max
  • Reduce range to 15m (or take a pass on all nuke abilities and give everyone 25m or 50m since why not)
  • Double (or triple) duration of stun effect
  • Make enemies vulnerable to melee attack or open to finishers.
  • After that reduce cost to 60 energy

Basicly it would change playstyle to: Enter the room. Cast Javelin. And start the dance of death around pinned enemies.

Maybe not the most complicated combo but better than press button and kill everyone in the room, and the next one, and that one mob which hide in previous room.

Too much like Blind. We don't need 2 of the same power.

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