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Permadeath, "hardcore" Mode?


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I'm not seeing the "benefit" of the permadeath mode. For one, it's already possible of having this feature- as stated. Create a new account. There's nothing stopping you from having your own little permadeath mode. Sounds like the only reason you or anyone would favor this specific idea is because of bragging rights (example: little star by your account, or a tag of some sort).


Now, I would be happier with a "Hard Mode". One where you cannot revive if you die, lasers hurt, damage increased, more enemies,

less energy and health drops, but with a much higher reward pool for mods and credits. I also would be completely okay if say this Hard

Mode were only available if you completed a specific planet, similar to other games out there. Clear Mars, now Hard Mode is unlocked for

Mars! I could also even see a super secret level opening up if you somehow clear Hard Mode, like an Orokin Ruin stage that has insanely

difficult enemies and one heck of a mean boss.


Again, that would take work. I don't expect it. But it would be cool. Permadeath though? Already possible.

Edited by Rogkun
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 So basically - a Game mode in which no one plays high leveled missions EVER so that high tier enemies can never brutalize them?

What high tier enemies?


Wave 50 defense?



The most dangerous enemies in the entire game are lvl 20 grineer scorpions and rollers spaming perma knock down on you.

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Its the thrill of knowing when youll die youll lose everything. If I make a new account and die nothing changes.


Its hillarious what kind of low intellect is hovering around and bashing this thread.

Don't make a new account just delete all your stuff like this guy said. Ta-Da! optional hardcore mode, just like you wanted.

If you REALLY want hardcore mode that much then just delete all your stuff once you die, I dare you to do it. I am sure you won't want to.

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So what happens if you die at level 1 with your first frame? Is your account deleted because you don't have any more warframes and cannot create any new ones (unless you spend plat to buy one)


Anyway, how will hardcore permadeath change anything? Warframes are hardly like characters since we can reslot them and reset them how we like. What about weapons? Do we lose them as well when we die? One of the strong points of warframe is that we can have one weapon we can use with multiple different frames. If you lose your guns and mods with death this will destroy one of the principles of the game (also what if you only have 1 gun? do you simply start unarmed if you don't have platinum or credits?)


Really, if they implement a hardcore mode it just seems like a pay2win mode as when you die, you simply buy your warframe and weapons again with their mods using platinum, and you know how successful pay2win game modes are....

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