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[Recruiting] The Teleri // Active and Friendly // Storm Clan//


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Current member count: 68/100 5 pending
Hi there! 
We have been a clan on Warframe for some time and now we're ready to become a storm clan! We accept anyone of any mastery rank, no matter how 'nooby' or how 'pro'! You could just have joined Warframe or have been here for years!

Here's some information about our clan!

TL;DR: We got some rooms, we are friendly and we are active. Join if you want, please leave your clan if you are already in one or I'll just send you a friend request and message me when you'd like to join :)
We seem to have some confusion on the layout on our dojo so here is two maps I've drawn to help you get around. I know it isn't the best layout but I enjoy it like this.





Current rooms in the Dojo:

UPDATED 16/3/16
Bottom level Dojo rooms:
- Labs (ALL research completed):
  - Tenno Lab *
  - Bio Lab 
  - Chem Lab 
  - Energy Lab 
- Oracle
- Gardens:
       - Autumn Garden Stone
       - Junno Water Garden
       - Vosen Water Garden
       - Mosaic Garden
       - Leto Garden
       - Soleto Garden 
       - Temperantia Water Garden
       - Industria Water Garden 
       - Cartias Water Garden
       - Humilitas Water Garden
       - Equinox Water Garden
       - Wooden Sand Garden
       - Stone Sand Garden
       - Aestas Water Garden
       - Castitas Garden
- Grandest Hall (Spawn point)
- Obstacle Course
- Grand Hall
- Greater Hall
- Great Hall
- Orokin Research Lab (all research complete)
- Storm Barracks
Upper level Dojo Rooms:
- So many god damn reactors 
- Temple of Honor
- Observatory
- Duelling Room
- Shadow Barracks 
Transporters are in the main few rooms so getting around isn't that hard. Trading stations and a Treasury are also present. I can also do a tour if anyone gets lost heh.
* the only research we have left for the tenno lab is color pigments, but they are easy to complete :)
Our clan emblem (and what it looks like on a Warframe):


In game (in the dojo):



sorry for the low quality, no idea why it kept doing this :(


Background for the leaders:

Couple from Australia who have both spent 600+ hours on the game (according to steam anyway). We both took a 1 and a half year break after we got into other games and out of school. We've both returned and will help anyone in need c:. I'm more active than my boyfriend at the moment, as he is playing other online games. I'm on mostly every day! (You can ask me for my steam if you'd like)

What our clan can offer:
- Friendly people who can help with daily missions or resource hunting
- In future, we will be doing events which the reward will be a number of platinum or prime pieces
- A dojo to relax in
- A talkative clan
- Orokin Derelict runs
- Void runs
- Help with any mission or issue you are having
- Alert taxis
- Daily draco runs
What we would like from you:
- To be active (to clarify, this means just be one once every 2 weeks! No rush, it can even be longer than that. Just play whenever you can c:) 
- To be friendly to other members 
- To help with the dojo decorations or building (OPTIONAL BUT ENCOURAGED)
Extra information on what our clan can offer:
- 24/7 Dojo hosting - Any initiate can host the clan dojo whenever they'd like
- Freebies are usually offered, I offer freebies to most of the clan usually if they need something or are having trouble and I can get it
- Rudeness and discrimination etc is not tolerated, message me and the issue will be dealt with immediately
- Full time support from all of the clan 
- After 50 days you will be kicked from the clan unless you have a reason, are a very friendly clan member or have been very active beforehand 
- I personally dislike people who join a clan and then immediately leave it when I get offline, but I'm okay with it. You don't have to but please give me information on how I can improve the clan or be a better clan leader if that was the case
- As I like to be honest, apparently when myself or some of my good friends go offline, the clan isn't as lively. It would be great if we could have people who are either talkative or looking for friends, but you don't have to ^ ^
Either comment below if you would like to join or message us in game!
Leaders IGNS
Thanks for reading this! Have a good day and a good game!
- Aircawn
- Glitznglemr 
- lancedrago
- Aoikazega
- Chopchop4084
- yarpas
- myrru
♥ Thank you for being one of us! You are some of the greatest people I've ever met ♥
We will be joining an alliance in future, but as there was some issues with our last alliance, we will stay alliance free for a while. 
I am also considering to have a TeamSpeak server made for our clan! I will post more information if it does happen :)
The Teleri poll on monthly events: http://strawpoll.me/7322188 
Edited by Msninjasaur
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10 hours ago, DeistPriest said:

i amlooking for a more established clan. currently in one with just friends who do not play all that often

Mastery Rank: 4

IGN: DeistPriest


Hey there, you need to leave you clan for me to invite you, but I've added you as a friend, message me when you'd like! :)

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On 08/03/2016 at 10:41 AM, DeistPriest said:
13 hours ago, shottakillz said:

i would love to join IGN: shottakillz



7 hours ago, Sylvallic03 said:

I would like to join :D

Mastery Rank:8

IGN: Sylvallic03


5 hours ago, DeistPriest said:

i have left my clan and accepted your friend request



3 hours ago, SolidHebi said:

Hi may i join! :)

Hey everyone! I've sent you all a clan invite! Thank you for choosing The Teleri <3 


@SolidHebi same as above, you're in a clan but I've sent you a friend request so just message me when you would like an invite :)

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7 hours ago, shnigy said:

Hi I'd like to join.

Mastery Rank:7

IGN: Shnigy


4 hours ago, Chillingo117 said:

Hey, I'd like to join as well. I've only played a few sessions and I kinda want to see everything war frame has to offer.

mastery rank:1 :)

Hey there! I've sent an invite to both of you! Thank you for choosing The Teleri <3

@Chillingo117 seeming as you're new, if you need help with anything at all feel free to message me whenever I'm on, I usually am free and can help :)

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Hey, i would like to join as well, been playing for couple of days, but i got some vacation time coming up i plan to spend playing :-)

Mastery level 2

I play Eu timezone though. do you have active members in the zone ?




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4 hours ago, Dokatoku said:

Hey, i would like to join as well, been playing for couple of days, but i got some vacation time coming up i plan to spend playing :-)

Mastery level 2

I play Eu timezone though. do you have active members in the zone ?




Invited :)

Probably we do, but I guess we'll have to find out and see

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I'd like to join as well if you still have room.

IGN: duba99

MR 9

Currently in a clan that consists of only my friends. Sadly almost all of them have stopped playing and the ones who do still play have switched clans.

Edit: I should probably mention that I'm European too, so timezones might not match very well.

Edited by duba99
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This is looking like a promising clan! Can I join :D?

Got an MR of 7...least thats the number by my name.

Have a few Frames.

Few weapons.

...I am a noob xD

EDIT: My name is the same as it is here o-o

Edited by Makuzex
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On 3/14/2016 at 9:16 PM, duba99 said:

I'd like to join as well if you still have room.

IGN: duba99

MR 9

Currently in a clan that consists of only my friends. Sadly almost all of them have stopped playing and the ones who do still play have switched clans.

Edit: I should probably mention that I'm European too, so timezones might not match very well.

Added you as a friend because you currently are in a clan, but will add you whenever you are ready! :)

8 hours ago, Sokatsu said:

Hey there, would be interested in joining as well, currently MR 9 and very active. IGN is same as forums. :)

I've sent the invite! Should be in your inbox! :D

4 hours ago, Makuzex said:

This is looking like a promising clan! Can I join :D?

Got an MR of 7...least thats the number by my name.

Have a few Frames.

Few weapons.

...I am a noob xD

EDIT: My name is the same as it is here o-o

Dw, I can be a pretty big noob sometimes too :P

I've sent the invite, should be in your inbox!

1 hour ago, vid540 said:

Let me join pls.

MR 3 

You're currently in a clan so I've sent you a friend request, message me whenever you'd like to join :)

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