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Greetings fellow Tenno!


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Hello, everyone. I would like to start out by saying that warframe is one of the best games I've played, ever. I have tried many, many other multiplayer games before (TF2, WoW, HotS, and Wildstar, to name a few), but none have grasped my attention like warframe. I have no idea why, but this game just.. clicks, for lack of a better term (and a better vocabulary). Everything feels right, and, more importantly, is fun.

The community is also amazing. Whenever there is an alert I can't reach, a question I need answered, or a resource I need to grind, there is always someone extremely nice and willing to help me out. I have also played hundreds of missions with random people and have only encountered 1 toxic person, which is pretty good, since I can leave the mission easily and quickly anyway. I will most likely be staying in this amazing community, and playing this amazing game, for a while, so I might as well introduce myself now. Greetings, fellow Tenno, and I will see you in the void! (or not, because I go through keys fast).

Also, expect to see a shop-front from me fairly soon. Need to get platinum for those sweet, sweet item slots.

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