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Fusion Core Defense Rewards Are Laughable


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"If you continue fighting you will be compensated with reward's" i have yet to see this. Why is every 10 waves lets say, the reward not greater and greater? Reaching wave 30 seems at times the same as 5. The loot system need's a quick polish asap, before launch that is. 


It does seem far that reaching a wave of 45 for example that we have a choice of two rewards or keep fighting. Void key drops have been buffed - yes and i cant complain i received a tier 3 key on wave 15. But that was RNG, it needs to be a better-solid choice at times. A worthy choice of keep farming or choose these decent rewards and exit to safety. I dont need 2, 3, 5 best blueprints in-game, but reaching a high level wave should reward more. At least one good reward and one poor.


Anyways i have not gone to a VERY high wave and i dont actually know what the rewards are at like 70+. So i cant actually complain too much but if someone does, please fill me in.

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Going further in a defense mission DOES NOT guarantee a better wave reward, it only gives you a better CHANCE at a better reward. So basically you'll have a better chance of getting say......flow at wave 50 than at wave 5, but at the same time you could still end up with a hellfire mod at 50......oh god.....all the hellfires T_T, thank god they fixed that

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"If you continue fighting you will be compensated with reward's" i have yet to see this. Why is every 10 waves lets say, the reward not greater and greater? Reaching wave 30 seems at times the same as 5. The loot system need's a quick polish asap, before launch that is. 


It does seem far that reaching a wave of 45 for example that we have a choice of two rewards or keep fighting. Void key drops have been buffed - yes and i cant complain i received a tier 3 key on wave 15. But that was RNG, it needs to be a better-solid choice at times. A worthy choice of keep farming or choose these decent rewards and exit to safety. I dont need 2, 3, 5 best blueprints in-game, but reaching a high level wave should reward more. At least one good reward and one poor.


Anyways i have not gone to a VERY high wave and i dont actually know what the rewards are at like 70+. So i cant actually complain too much but if someone does, please fill me in.

No, you're completely right. Reward loot tables are by enemy level rather than wave - and there are only three loot tables, one per tier. If you run Xini, for example, you're going to be using the same loot table for the entire run.

I'll quote another post of mine to explain how the 'RNG' works, because you do have a somewhat good chance of getting better rewards as you progress despite this. (Then the rewards will get worse again.)



Okay. Basically, when you start a Defense mission, you get two numbers - X and Y. X is a number between 0 and 1.

X is the reward you get on Wave 5. For example, on Tier 3 Infested, if X is 0.1, you will receive Hellfire as a Wave 5 reward. This is because 0.1 falls between 0 and 0.1518, which is the reward range for Hellfire.

Y is the number that gets added to X every five waves. For example, if Y is 0.2, you will get X + Y on Wave 10, which is 0.3. You will receive Heated Charge because 0.3 falls between 0.1518 and 0.3035, which is the reward range for Heated Charge.

The reward for Wave 15 will be X + Y + Y, wave 20 will be X + Y + Y + Y, and so on - presumably cycling back around when you hit 1. In this way, you can estimate the reward for the next wave based on the numerical interval between the first and the second wave.

Corrections are welcome; I'm quite tired at the moment, so I may have gotten something wrong there.

A very small value for Y means that you will cycle through all the rewards Tier 3 Defense can give you, but you're going to have to do a lot of waves and it will circle around at some point. Not really a good system, in my opinion.

You can find the reward ranges/intervals here.

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Going further in a defense mission DOES NOT guarantee a better wave reward, it only gives you a better CHANCE at a better reward. So basically you'll have a better chance of getting say......flow at wave 50 than at wave 5, but at the same time you could still end up with a hellfire mod at 50......oh god.....all the hellfires T_T, thank god they fixed that

If thats the case, you should get to keep every reward for every fifth wave as well. That seems only fair.

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Going further in a defense mission DOES NOT guarantee a better wave reward, it only gives you a better CHANCE at a better reward. So basically you'll have a better chance of getting say......flow at wave 50 than at wave 5, but at the same time you could still end up with a hellfire mod at 50......oh god.....all the hellfires T_T, thank god they fixed that




This is what many people forget to remember. They're not guaranteeing the chance, they're increasing the odds of rarer rewards and decreasing the chance of common rewards.


All. Of. The. Hellfires. ;_;

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