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Huras Kubrow Stealth and Limbo issue


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I wanted to put primed flow on my Limbo so I put a forma on him and ran some spy missions yesterday with my huras kubrow to level Limbo back up.  Here's some things I noticed.

Huras would cloak me but then would randomly attack something while cloaked even though I hadn't attacked anything myself.  When this would happen I would remain cloaked but the kubrow would become visible to the enemy but still had the cloak effect on it.  Unfortunately it would also then get shot at and trigger alarms and such which happened inside of multiple vaults.

So as the result of my Huras not being so reliable in spy I hit Draco instead to finish leveling limbo.  I had a full ranked vitality and a full ranked shield mod on but when I got into the mission I only had 190 some shields.  After the mission I went to check my mods and the full ranked shield mod was still in place.  Went into another round of the same and the shield showed up fine this time.  Not sure what the issue is on that but I thought I'd bring it up.

In addition to this there was another issue.  Everyone who's played him knows that toxic aura effects him even though it really shouldn't.  It seems now that I can also get damaged by other things as well.  I'm 100% certain on heat procs and blast procs.  Almost died several times last night due to these.  I don't remember ever being effected by those before.  There may be others as well. This is especially noticeable with the new cat trainers.  They seem to be able to get through the rift fairly easily or they did last night.  The rift seems to be getting less reliable as to it's function.




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