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I activated my starter pack from the psn store on march 11th right around the time the game started crashing horribly. I was kept off all weekend and never got to use my double resources. Also on march 11th I had a clan mate trade me 50p so I could rush a warframe but when I attempted I was kicked out of my foundry and placed in the front of my ship as if I just logged on;. I made my way back to the foundry only to find 20p missing from my wallet. I know I'm fairly new to the game but I have spent actually money on this game and to have these little set backs upset me a lot. I've seen numerous and heard of many more getting refunded and I understand that the starter pack was free but shouldn't I get reimbursed as well. I don't understand the 20p missing but I feel like I was robbed and I deserve something. Even today I log on and I'm getting kicked from the server. Please fix my issues or I refuse to spend any more money or time with this game. Hope to hear back soon.

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