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Best Endgame Melee Weapon



So I've been running my Valkyr on an endless Hysteria and it's been fun, but I want to focus more on a tank build focusing on eternal war and a melee. I've slapped together a build that synergizes rage and toggle hysteria for "lifesteal" with good armor and health, but I can't decide on which weapon to run.


I've been running War and that's been working well but I can't help but think there's got to be something better. I know once enemies hit around lvl 100+ it's better to focus more on elemental and slash/puncture/impact becomes irrelevant, would would that mean something like a Lacera or Mios would make a good endgame melee weapon?


I've read about Orthos Prime with Primed Reach and viral proc and berserker being insanely good (crit isn't that high but it hits so many so fast that berserker works well). Just curious what melee everybody else is running (if at all) against engame level enemies.


Again, I'm trying to stick to melee only and speed isn't much of an issue as I'll be running an eternal war.

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Just now, Epsik-kun said:

Nothing important.

Tests are performed at a baseline. We were comparing weapons, not aura mods, warframe abilities or focus trees. Unfortunately, your arguments have degraded from being logical and interesting to flat out defensive denial. 

I would try it out myself, but Volt took the path that all mastery fodder takes long ago. Unfortunately I didn't keep the Raza either, though they look like quite a decent weapon.

Gave myself all the advantages you did, video speaks for itself. There is nothing more to be gained from this thread, so I'll be moving on. Hopefully someone got some useful information out of this.


Edited by Voidforged
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