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[Warframe Concept] Ida and Aldun (The Twin Harbingers)


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Hello there, this is my first time coming up with a frame concept so don't expect it to be perfect. I wanted a frame where you have to manage more but has good benefits. I hope you like the frame idea and I would be pleased to get some feedback. Thank you very much for your time. P.S: I will try to get concept art for them soon.

Ida and Aldun

The Twin Stars


Image (placeholder)






       I was in charge of transporting the children from the Zariman to the main vessel's "living quarters" where the children stayed. Each cell was supposed to have one child, however a pair of twins, an older brother and his younger sister, refused to be separated. We tried many ways to separate them such as taking them away while they slept, lying and tricking them, and even beating them, nothing worked. There have been many attempts to separate them for the past few days now, however all the methods have been unsuccessful. In the end we gave up as trying to separate them as it was too time consuming.

       On the eighth day after recovering the Zariman, we began testing the subjects' physical and mental state. This was the first of many tests. The first few subjects' tests went by smoothly. After the fifth subject, it was the twins' turn. Even now they refused to be separated, we had to tie up the sister's arms and legs to prevent her from hampering with the experiment. After half an hour of testing his physical condition and collecting body samples, we moved on to the next test. This test was to measure his endurance to pain, both from physical and mental. As we proceeded the sister remained oddly silent, when I looked over she laid unconscious on the ground. A shiver came down my spine, but I dismissed the thought, believing that she had merely fainted from a mental shock. As we continued the experiment the twins started to thrash, the brother had to be held down. The girl suddenly screamed out so loudly, it could be heard through out the entire vessel. The next thing I remember I had fallen backwards and my face covered in blood. I looked at the place the sister had laid, but she was gone. I was overtaken by fear and panic. I frantically ran for the door but stopped as I turned around, only to stare at the face of death himself. The twins stood at arms reach behind me. I could not move from where I stood, as if I were trapped in a glass container. The twins were silent as they walked passed me drenched in the blood of my fellow researchers. The sister put her hand in front of my face and said to me "repent and suffer," it was the last thing I remember, before being engulfed in thousands of small blades and fainting from blood loss. I still fear to this day...


How to get


 Quest: An ancient and destroyed Orokin vessel exits the void broken into 6 major parts (two parts can be found per part). The tileset will be similar to the OD tileset but the goal is to retrieve old data logs from the labs(in their lore) for their neuroptics, for their chassie you will need to find and capture grineer spies in the OD. After the final run the a new mission will appear which will have some kind of corrupt/infested boss type enemy or something along those lines (I'll try to come up with that concept later on). the final run will give you their blueprint, finish the mission and reward you with MR exp.





Ida and Aldun

The Twin Stars

Concept: Twins having the ability to share thoughts, emotions, and physical senses


Ida Stats (sister)

Role: dps/buffing support

Health: 70 (200 at rank 30)

Energy: 150 (250 at rank 30)

Armor:  50 at all ranks

Shields: 150 (400 at rank 30)

Speed: 1.10 (1.20 sprinting)


Aldun stats (brother)

Role: tank/buffing support

Health: 250 (500 at rank 30)

Energy: 150 (250 at rank 30)

Armor:  450 at all ranks

Shields: 75 (200 at rank 30)

Speed: 0.80 (0.95 sprint)

#nice numbers




Joined Passive: Two Yet One

They are two separate frames that share the same energy pool but a separate health pool. Each of them also have their own abilities unless it's shared

- This passive is more "how they work" than an actual passive 

- They will try to stay within 4 meters of each other and will teleport to the other if they are 10 meters or more  apart

- Will mimic each other when performing actions such as meditate and can hand shake with each other

- Each of the frames has its own loadout but warframe mods (such as intensify or vitality) are shared

- Have seperate weapons but the mods can be shared ( one serration on two weapons at once)

- In game they will use the last weapon they had out while controlled  ( starts with primary at the start of the mission )

- DOT/AOE damage is applied to both frames separately which means they will take more total damage than most frames.

- The twins will follow each other and attack the enemies near the controlled one's target or until attacked by an enemy (will not attack otherwise)

- Frames can be revived by the other one if it bleeds out

- For archwing stages Ida will ride on Aldun’s back and fire the equipped gun, while Aldun maneuvers and swings the equipped melee weapon. 




Ida: Twins' blade

Inflicts 20% more damage and is 10% faster but takes 25% more damage from all sources.(not affected by mods)

[Ida’s weapons have 10% extra crit chance, and crit damage (not affected by "Switch" or mods)]

- Bonus crit chance is added rather than multiplied 

- Damage output from all weapons are increased, applied before other effects

- Speed is applied before mods and other buffs

- Speed applies to melee, drawback(bows), reload, holster, and movement speed but not the fire rate of guns


Aldun: Twins' shield

Aldun is 20% slower but takes 15% less damage (not affected by mods)

[Aldun also gains 15% more health, armor, and shields from mods (not affected my "Switch")]

- Passive speed reduction is applied before other mods and debuffs

- Damage reduction is applied together with any reduction from other sources

- Speed reduction is applied to melee, drawback, reload, holster, and movement speed

- Does not affect gun's fire rate




   1st Ability


  Switch (25 energy)

Player control of the twins switches and their individual passive effects are tripled for 10 seconds.

- Both positive and negative effects will be tripled (Ex. Ida will take 75% more damage rather than 25% but will also deal 60% more damage instead of 20% and is 30% faster instead of 10% faster)

- Will activate automatically when one of the twins is down at no cost, but will not give buffs

- The twins can be revived by each other

- Is affected by duration mods

- Is affected by efficiency mods

- Not affected by stretch and strength mods

- Does stack with Ida and Aldun's second abilities and "One in mind"

- Activations while the buff is still active will have no cost however the buff will not be reapplied or stacked

   2nd abilities


 (Ida) Sharpened Witt (75 energy)

Ida increases speed (drawback, melee, holster, and movement  speed by) (10/15/25/40%) crit rate (10/15/20/30%) and crit damage (15/25/35/60%) of all nearby allies for 15 seconds

- 15 meters base range (will always affect Aldun regardless of distance)

- Is affected by duration and range mods

- Is affected by efficiency mods

- Not affected by strength mods

- Cannot be stacked

- Cannot be refreshed until buff has expired

- Cannot be applied while "Berserker aura" is active


(Aldun) Berserker Aura (75 energy)

Aldun increases damage reduction and damage of all allies in the area by 10/20/30/40% for 15 seconds

- 15 meters base range (will always affect Ida regardless of distance)

- Is affected by duration and range mods

- Is affected by efficiency mods

- Not affected by strength mods

- Can be stacked with "Switch" and "One in Mind"

- Cannot be stacked with itself

- Cannot be refreshed until buff has expired

- Cannot be applied while "Sharpened wit" is active

    3rd abilities


(Ida) Thousand fangs (50 energy)

Ida summons thousands of blades that target all enemies within an area which will damage and flinch enemies affected.

Lasts 6 seconds 

100/200/300/450 damage per second

- 20 meters base range

- Is affected by range mods but capped at 3 meters for its minimum range

- Is affected by efficiency mods

- Damage is affected by strength mods

- Duration of skill is affected by duration mods

- Duration of flinch is not affected by duration mods but will be reaplied whenever the enemies are hurt by the blades

- Damage is capped at a minimum of 50/150/200/350 damage


(Aldon) Grand impact (50 energy)

Aldun will charge forward in a straight line knocking aside all enemies, he will then slam the ground at the end of his path and knock down enemies around him. Enemies who cannot be knocked down will be staggered instead.

50/75/100/250 impact damage on slam

100/150/200/350 impact damage on charge

- 10 meters charging distance

- 5 meters slam radius 

- Is affected by efficiency mods

- Damage from his charge and slam attacks are affected by strength mods

- Range mods affect the slam radius and the charge distance

- Duration mods affect the recover speed of enemies 

- Stunned enemies can be executed

    Ultimate Ability


One in Mind (100 energy)

Both siblings lose their negative passive effects for a short duration and gain the other's current positive passive buffs in addition to their own separate.

-Ida’s attacks will deal additional slash damage and have a 50% chance proc that can be stacked with other sources and itself, she also weakens enemies around her and gives her allies as well as herself lifesteal for the duration of the buff.

-Aldun doubles his nearby allies and Ida's armor, his attacks will deal additional impact damage and will have a 60% to blast proc, also he will passively stagger enemies that get too close to him for the duration of the buff.

Lasts 10 seconds at all ranks

- 50/100/200/300 slash damage

- 50/100/200/300 impact damage

- 10 meter aura range

- 10/15/25/40% armor reduction aura 

- Reduction not affected by power mods

- 2/5/8/12% life steal

- (life steal is not affected by strength mods but does stack with other life steal)

- Has a 3 second cast time

- Activates for both frames simultaneously

- Both frames get each others buffs regardless of how far apart they are

- Slash/impact damage is affected by strength mods

- Slash/impact proc is affected by the current weapon's status chance

- Ida’s slash proc and Aldun’s impact proc stacks with any slash and impact proc from their weapons as well as itself and allies abilities and weapons

- Is affected by efficiency mods

- Not affected by range mods

- Slash/impact proc is not affected by duration mods

- Buff is affected by duration mods

- Buff does not stack with itself

- Can be used together with "Switch" for a stronger buff

    Augment mods


   Ida's 3rd ability


Vampiric Blades

(thousand fangs augment )

Blades drain health from affected enemies for Ida and Aldun and restores energy every tic ( is multiplied for every target affected). Ida also gains "madness " for 5 seconds up to a maximum of 10 seconds upon killing an affected target [madness  makes Ida 15/20/30/50% faster and deal 15/30/45/60% more damage while ignoring 10/20/30% of all damage inflicted to herself]

- 10/15/20 hp recovered for Ida and Aldun per tic

- 1/2/3 energy recovered per tic

- 2 tics per second

- Every 4 kills after the first one grant 2 additional seconds to "madness" but it cannot exceed the max cap

-"maddness" only affects Ida 

   Aldun's 2nd ability


Vengeful Rage  

(Berserker aura augment)

Aldun gains 10/15/20%25% melee speed, takes 25/50/75/100% of the damage dealt to Ida to himself, and will gain "Thorns of Vengeance" for the duration of the buff.

(Thorns reflect 20/30/40/50% of the damage dealt to Aldun [including damage he takes for Ida] before applying armor and damage reduction, upon taking damage Aldun gains 5% extra damage and damage reduction [at all ranks] which caps at 30% bonus damage and damage reduction [at all ranks], Stacks are applied upon reflecting damage 4 times)

-Thorns of vengeance are only applied to Aldun (not affected by One in Mind) 

-stacks fall off after 3 seconds

-not affected by strength, duration, or range mods

   Ultimate Ability


Eternal Wrath (Ultimate ability)

The duration of "One in Mind" is increased by 4/7/10 seconds and gains an additional second for every 5 kills, as well as a 40% movement and melee speed buff on kill for 4 seconds (does not stack but does refresh). The twins also gain "Blind Wrath" for the duration of "One in Mind". Also cost 25 more energy

- "Blind Wrath" gives Aldun and Ida a 10/15/20/25% damage reduction and 15/25/40/50% extra damage from all weapons and abilities

- Cannot exceed maximum duration of 20 seconds

-Eternal Wrath only affects Ida and Aldun

-Is not affected by duration, strength, or range mods

-extra energy cost does not scale with efficiency and will always be 25






- Ideally you  want to activate "Switch" then "One in Mind" and then one their 2nd abilities for maximum power (for example if you used the skills in this order: Switch> One in Mind > Berserker Aura, all squad members in range and Ida and Aldun  will get an 85% damage reduction for the duration of the buff, not including augment mods)

- If done correctly you can make your entire squad powerhouses

- Since the twins have their own loadouts you can customize them to fill different roles such as a sniper and a point man depending on the weapons you choose to give them (however their weapons have separate mods)

- They are great for solo play as they can revive each other regardless of the game mode

- I recommend playing mainly as Ida as she is more likely to get killed especially after using "Switch"

- They are more difficult to manage as there are two frames, kind of like a rescue target, but easier since the other will have stronger stats, buffs, and weapons to keep it alive

- Slash and crit weapons are best on Ida, to maximize her damage

- Impact weapons work very well on Aldun, greatly increases his CC ability

- Aldun works very well with the new Ack & Brunt mod, Electromagnetic Shielding [redirects up to 50% of damage taken from allies to your self while blocking (for players who haven't seen the mod yet)] he will take reduced damage and return damage to the enemies if Vengeful Rage is equipped. P.S. the reason I thought of this is because I think that mod is useful and very interesting, however it isn't very viable since most frames can't take the damage (exl. Inaros) and I would like to have a use for it.




5/15/16: lore has been entered

6/13/16: augment mod tweaks 


Edited by skullphantom
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  • 1 month later...
On Thursday, March 24, 2016 at 2:22 AM, skullphantom said:

Hello there, this is my first time coming up with a frame concept so don't expect it to be perfect. I wanted a frame where you have to manage more but has good benefits. I hope you like the frame idea and I would be pleased to get some feedback. Thank you very much for your time. P.S: I will try to get concept art fot them soon.

Lore will be up tomorrow 

Ida and Aldun

The Twin Stars


Ida Stats (sister)

Role: dps/buffing support

Health: 70 (200 at rank 30)

Energy: 150 (250 at rank 30)

Armor:  50 at all ranks

Shields: 100 (400 at rank 30)


Aldun stats (brother)

Role: tank/buffing support

Health: 100 (500 at rank 30)

Energy: 150 (250 at rank 30)

Armor:  450 at all ranks

Shields: 75 (200 at rank 30)

#nice numbers


Passive: Two Yet One

They are two separate frames that share the same energy pool but a separate health pool. Each of them also have their own abilities unless it's shared

- They will try to stay within 4 meters of each other and will teleport to the other if they are 10 meters or more  apart

- Will mimic each other when performing actions such as meditate and can hand shakes with each other

- Each of the frames has its own loadout but warframe mods (such as intensify or vitality) are shared

- In game they will use the last weapon they had out while controlled  ( starts with primary at the start of the mission )

- DOT/AOE damage is applied to both frames separately which means they will take more total damage than most frames.

- The twins will follow each other and attack the enemies near the controlled one's target or until attacked by an enemy (will not attack otherwise)

- Frames can be revived by the other one if it bleeds out

- For archwing stages Ida will ride on Aldun’s back and fire the equipped gun, while Aldun manuvers and swings the equipped melee weapon. 




Ida: Twins' blade

Inflicts 20% more damage and is 10% faster but takes 25% more damage from all sources. 

[Ida’s weapons have 10% extra crit chance and damage]

- Is not affected by “Switch” or mods

- Bonus crit chance is added rather than multiplied 

- Damage output from all weapons are increased, applied before other effects

- Speed is applied before mods and other buffs

- Speed applies to melee, drawback(bows), reload, holster, and movement speed but not the fire rate of guns


Aldun: Twins' shield

Aldun is 20% slower but takes 15% less damage

[Aldun also gains 15% more health, armor, and shields from mods]

- not affected by “Switch”

- Passive speed reduction is applied before other mods and debuffs

- Damage reduction is applied together with any reduction from other sources

- Speed reduction is applied to melee, drawback, reload, holster, and movement speed

- Does not affect gun's fire rate

1st ability: Switch (50 energy)

Player control of the twins switches and their individual passive effects are tripled for 10 seconds.

- Both positive and negative effects will be tripled (Ex. Ida will take 75% more damage rather than 25% but will also do 60% more damage instead of 20% and is 30% faster instead of 10% faster)

- Will activate automatically when one of the twins is down at no cost

- The twins can be revived by each other

- Is affected by duration mods

- Is affected by efficiency mods

- Not affected by stretch and strength mods

- Can be reactivated multiple times in a row but will not stack with itself or refresh.

- Does stack with Ida and Aldun's second abilities and "One in mind"

- Activations while the buff is still active will have no cost however the buff will not be reaplied


2nd ability: 

(Ida) Sharpened Witt (75 energy)

Ida increases speed (drawback, melee, holster, and move speed by 40%) crit rate (30%) and crit damage (60%) of all nearby allies for 15 seconds

- 5 meters base range (will always affect Aldun regardless of distance)

- Is affected by duration and range mods

- Is affected by efficiency mods

- Not affected by strength mods

- Cannot be stacked

- Cannot be refreshed until buff has expired

- Cannot be applied while "Berserker aura" is active


(Aldun) Berserker Aura (75 energy)

Aldun increases damage reduction and damage of all allies in the area by 40% for 15 seconds

5 meters initial range (will always affect Ida regardless of distance)

- Is affected by duration and range mods

- Is affected by efficiency mods

- Not affected by strength mods

- Can be stacked with "Switch" and "One in Mind"

- Cannot be stacked with itself

- Cannot be refreshed until buff has expired

- Cannot be applied while "Sharpened wit" is active


3rd ability:

(Ida) Thousand fangs (50 energy)

Ida summons thousands of blades that target all enemies within an area which will damage and flinch enemies affected.

Lasts 6 seconds 

100/200/300 damage per tic 2 tics per second

- 10 meters base range

- Is affected by range mods but capped at 3 meters for its minimum range

- Is affected by efficiency mods

- Damage is affected by strength mods

- Duration of skill is affected by duration mods

- Duration of flinch is not affected by duration mods but will be reaplied whenever the enemies are hurt by the blades

- Damage is capped at a minimum of 50/150/250 damage


(Aldon) Grand impact (50 energy)

Aldun will charge forward in a straight line knocking aside all enemies, he will then slam the ground at the end of his path and knock down enemies around him. Enemies who cannot be knocked down will be staggered instead.

50/75/100 impact damage on slam

100/150/200 impact damage on charge

5 meters base range

- Is affected by efficiency mods

- Damage from his charge and slam attacks are affected by strength mods

- Range mods affect the slam radius and the charge range

- Duration mods affect the stun

- Stunned enemies can be executed


Ultimate ability:

One in Mind (100 energy)

Both siblings lose their negative passive effects for a short duration and gain the other's current positive passive buffs in addition to their own.

-Ida’s melee attacks will deal additional slash damage and have a 50% chance proc that can be stacked with other sources and itself, she also weakens enemies around her and gives her allies as well as herself lifesteal for the duration of the buff.

-Aldun doubles his nearby allies and Ida's armor, his melee attacks will deal additional impact damage and will have a 60% to blast proc, also he will passively stagger enemies that get too close to him for the duration of the buff.

Lasts 10 seconds at all ranks

- 100/200/300 slash damage

- 100/200/300 impact damage

- 10 meters

- 10/15/30% armor reduction aura 

- Reduction not affected by power mods

- 10/15/20% life steal

-(life steal is not affected by strength mods but does stack with other life steal)

- Has a 3 second cast time

- Activates for both frames simultaneously

- Both frames get each others buffs regardless of how far apart they are

- Slash/impact damage is affected by strength mods

- Slash/impact proc is affected by the current weapon's status chance

- Ida’s slash proc and Aldun’s impact proc stacks with any slash and impact proc from their weapons as well as itself and allies abilities and damage

- Is affected by efficiency mods

- The damage from the ability is not affected by strength mods

- Not affected by range mods

- Slash/impact proc affected by duration mods

- Buff is affected by duration mods

- Buff does not stack with itself

Can be used together with "Switch" for a stronger buff



Vampiric Blades

(thousand fangs augment )

Blades drain health from affected enemies for Ida and Aldun and restores energy every tic ( is multiplied for every target affected). Ida also gains "madness " for 5 seconds up to a maximum of 10 seconds upon killing an affected target [madness  makes Ida 25/30/50% faster and deal 30/45/60% more damage while ignoring 10/20/30% of all damage inflicted]

20 hp recovered for Ida and Aldun per tic

3 energy recovered per tic

5 tics per second

Kills after the first one grant 2 additional seconds to "maddness" but it cannot exceed the max cap


Protective rage  

(Berserker aura augment)

Aldun gains 15/20%25% melee speed, takes all damage for Ida, and will gain "Thorns of Vengeance" for the duration of the buff

[Thorns reflect 20/30/40% of the damage dealt to Aldun(including damage he takes for Ida) before applying armor and damage reduction, upon taking damage Aldun gains 5% extra damage and damage reduction(at all ranks) which caps at 30% bonus damage and damage reduction(at all ranks), Stacks are applied upon reflecting damage 4 times

Thorns of vengence are only applied to Aldun (not affected by One in Mind)


Eternal Wrath (Ultimate ability)

The duration of "One in Mind" is increased by 4/7/10 seconds and gains an additional second for every 3 kills as well as a 40% movement and melee speed buff for 4 seconds. The twins also gain "Blind Wrath" for the duration of "One in Mind" ["Blind Wrath" gives Aldun and Ida a 15/20/25% damage reduction and 25/40/50% extra damage from all weapons and abilities]

- Cannot exceed maximum duration of 30 seconds

Eternal Wrath only affects Ida and Aldun

Is not affected by duration, strength, or range mods



-Ideally you  want to activate "Switch" then "One in Mind" and then one their 2nd abilities for maximum power (for example if you used the skills in this order: Switch> One in Mind > Berserker Aura, all squad members in range and Ida and Aldun  will get an 85% damage reduction for the duration of the buff, not including augment mods)

-If done correctly you can make your entire squad powerhouses

-Since the twins have their own loadouts you can customize them to fill different roles such as a sniper and a point man depending on the weapons you choose to give them (however their weapons have seperate mods)

-They are great for solo play as they can revive each other regardless of the game mode

- I recommend playing mainly as Ida as she is more likely to get killed especially after using "Switch"

- They are difficult to manage as there are two frames, kind of like a rescue target, but easier since the other will have stronger stats, buffs, and weapons to keep it alive

- Slash weapons are more effective on Ida

-impact weapons also work very well on him as they help him keep up his CC.


I like how they are both have different set of stats 


1.speed ida:1.20 aldun:0.95 

2.skills increase the range on some of the skills radius too small

3.info:its too long makes it shorter & easier to read some people don't like a mountain of text

4.overall love the idea especially the difference making them unique

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1 hour ago, skullphantom said:

The lore has been put in!!!! Please tell me what you think about it and give me some feed back.

P.S: art is currently being made

I love the lore it makes sense with their theme perfectly

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  • 2 weeks later...
On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 2:53 PM, skullphantom said:

Does anyone have any question or suggestions to help improve this concept?

Know I have some suggestions

1.quest line:how to acquire

2.art for the frames and skills animation to better describe them

3.weapons since the last 3 frames had weapons included:

saryn prime=spira&nikana prime 

Inaros:mutalist cernos,dual toxocyst,lesion

Vauban prime:akstiletto & fragor prime 

I can help if you want not really working on anything right now 

Edited by tennorod
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 Quest line is probably going something like this: an ancient and destroyed Orokin vessel exits the void broken into 6 - 12 parts (if six then two parts can be found per part). The tileset can be similar to the OD tileset but the goal is to retrieve old data logs from the labs(in their lore). After the final run the a new mission will appear which will have some kind of corrupt boss type enemy or something along those lines (I'll try to come up with that concept later on). art and skill animations are still in development as of right now.

 As for weapons, not entirely too sure yet. Maybe Ida with a bow, throwing knives(slash based because there isn't one yet), and dual daggers, as for Aldun he would have a rifle, and a mini cannon ball cannon, an ax/hammer/morning star type melee(most likely an ax). Those are just what I have for them as of now or just either a primary/secondary on each and a melee on both.

My girlfriend offered to render the art for me, so i'll get back to you on that, thanks for the offer though!

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2 hours ago, skullphantom said:

 Quest line is probably going something like this: an ancient and destroyed Orokin vessel exits the void broken into 6 - 12 parts (if six then two parts can be found per part). The tileset can be similar to the OD tileset but the goal is to retrieve old data logs from the labs(in their lore). After the final run the a new mission will appear which will have some kind of corrupt boss type enemy or something along those lines (I'll try to come up with that concept later on). art and skill animations are still in development as of right now.

 As for weapons, not entirely too sure yet. Maybe Ida with a bow, throwing knives(slash based because there isn't one yet), and dual daggers, as for Aldun he would have a rifle, and a mini cannon ball cannon, an ax/hammer/morning star type melee(most likely an ax). Those are just what I have for them as of now or just either a primary/secondary on each and a melee on both.

My girlfriend offered to render the art for me, so i'll get back to you on that, thanks for the offer though!

I like the quest idea sounds nice 

Same goes for the weapons 

Also it's nice your girl is helping you out and doesn't mind you playing warframe because I'm sure if I had a girl she would look at me weird 

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20 minutes ago, skullphantom said:

Thank you very much the quest idea was just a thought because I hadn't thought it through yet so yea.

Also my GF is fine with it because she's also a gamer and she plays warframe too, so i'm lucky.

Lol that nice I can help with the quest of you want I have my own frame ideas that I made quest lines for 

Also im not surprised gaming is a thing for Every one and quick question which frame do you 2 like the most 

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Personally I like Ida a bit more because I use glass cannons a lot and it's my play style, but I wanted some diversity so I made two frames instead. I realized that Ida would be overpowered so I made her take a LOT of extra damage

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1 hour ago, skullphantom said:

Personally I like Ida a bit more because I use glass cannons a lot and it's my play style, but I wanted some diversity so I made two frames instead. I realized that Ida would be overpowered so I made her take a LOT of extra damage

Sorry I meant the frames you like to play as such as nova,mag,etc and for me I would choose aldun because I want to win the war of attrition 

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