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I Figure I'm A Bug Abuser!


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Let's see if this game is still in top 10 steam games 6 months from now or if it will just follow Planetside 2. Not to forget that it already has just lots of lobby sitting computers rather than actual players.

Edited by scavenge
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Let's see if this game is still in top 10 steam games 6 months from now or if it will just follow Planetside 2. Not to forget that it already has just lots of lobby sitting computers rather than actual players.


Yeah, because EVERYONE abuses glitches like you do and then rages on the forums about it. Right.


Actually, how about YOU learn how to run on walls and utilize actual planning in architecture in order to get around the map instead of complaining that your favourite glitch doesn't work? Really, I dislike even saying this, but learn to play man, stop whining already, you're just looking bad right now.

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I would like to simply say "Holy Dooley" and leave it at that, but in the interests of intelligent conversation;


OP, you speak CONSTANTLY about how warframe lost it's "feel" and apparently that "Button mashing (made you feel) like a ninja"

Which is just an absurd opinion to take.

There are so many genuinely awesome maneuvers, from wall running, slide attacks, wall jumps...

They actually take timing, skill, stamina.

Hitting a button as fast as possible and running kinda fast in straight lines is NOTHING like the way warframe should "feel"

let alone your comparing it to being a ninja.


I cannot think of a single instance where ninjas have gyrated their hips and hovered around at high speeds.



Seriously, Just take a little time to relax, think about what you're actually saying, then be grateful that DE fixed a serious bug that was detracting from gameplay.

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Look guys I know there are 1000 topics on this already but I am ONE of the MANY people that used the slide exploit. But before you rage at me or ban me for being honest I did not even know it was an unwanted exploit, infact it felt like I had mastered being a freaking ninja in this game using lots of skillfull and fast button mashing. Didn't script any move, nothing, just abused the exploit to the max, yet at the time it wasn't even considered an exploit. The actual exploit was to have toggle crouch in reach of your fingers, thusly allowing you to quickly go into slide and while you were yet sliding back to run then instant slide again. It was ultra fast, it was pure ninja. But then DE decided people like me are evil, thus we got owned. Did it look silly? Sure it did, but the eversame environments are everMORE damaging to the gaming experience, especially at snails speeds. Did I abuse it before to rush and leave all others behind? No, I used it to get to every single crate and open it and mark ultra rare ressources. FFS DE, you really ruined it for me and many others. Rushing was never a bigger problem in the europe area aswell and I can understand why. People are making a statement.

Ah, we don't need that anymore... we will use the old style

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BUG exploit ? really ? I'm sorry but it felt way more natural than now.

Your character can slide jump slide jump but then he can't slide anymore you need to stop, run and slide again.

hm why ? it makes no sense.


stop whining about rusher, whine about the fact that this game is too easy...

players shouldn't be able to go trough pack of mobs without any problems, one shoting almost everything....

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BUG exploit ? really ? I'm sorry but it felt way more natural than now.

Your character can slide jump slide jump but then he can't slide anymore you need to stop, run and slide again.

hm why ? it makes no sense.


stop whining about rusher, whine about the fact that this game is too easy...

players shouldn't be able to go trough pack of mobs without any problems, one shoting almost everything....

You tell that everything is one shot? Oh, please go play with Kunai and you will be owned how low damage it makes.

Edited by demonaii
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Kunai is great for playing undetected (but stealth play is just for fun in this game)

But the true reason Kunai is great is because it ignores armor, mobs wave 40 for exemple have a S#&$ load of life and armor, hek or gorgon are kind of useless at this stage. Kunai with good mods have an impressive dps.

Edited by yiN_
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The problem isn't "Wahh we can't go fast", it's that now sliding is inconsistent. When you hit the slide button, you expect a speed boost. Some times you get it, some times you don't. They apparently added a cooldown, yet there is 0 in game feedback as to when this cooldown is active, what activates it (reread that note, it doesn't say slide causes it, it says certain actions activate it), or whether or not your slide will give you a speed boost, or slow you down to a halt.

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Please, if you want to actually be a "Space Ninja," then feel free to go and suggest alternative methods to go as quick as your button mashing glitch, instead of bluntly and repetitively stating that Warframe will never feel the same. Who knows, they might just listen.



Although, personally, I can clear a giant cavern with a properly placed wall-jump in one second flat. I don't see how you want to go any faster than that.

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Please, if you want to actually be a "Space Ninja," then feel free to go and suggest alternative methods to go as quick as your button mashing glitch, instead of bluntly and repetitively stating that Warframe will never feel the same. Who knows, they might just listen.



Although, personally, I can clear a giant cavern with a properly placed wall-jump in one second flat. I don't see how you want to go any faster than that.

This is a good point. You can also learn all of the shortcuts for the different tile sets?
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Please, if you want to actually be a "Space Ninja," then feel free to go and suggest alternative methods to go as quick as your button mashing glitch, instead of bluntly and repetitively stating that Warframe will never feel the same. Who knows, they might just listen.



Although, personally, I can clear a giant cavern with a properly placed wall-jump in one second flat. I don't see how you want to go any faster than that.

And you don't see a problem with that, but do with a minor speed boost from sliding?

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OP, I understand your frustration and to elaborate, I will go ahead and quote myself from another thread.


The developer has a very valid opportunity to expand upon the creative use of mechanics by players and instead of that he decides to act not only is disregard of players choices, but with a directly opposite way. 


There are questions that need answering asap. I am very anxious to know what is the stance of the developer at this point.


-Did they implemented the changes that take away mobility as a way to counter "rushing"?

In a way I feel insulted because it really looks like (although I force myself to think otherwise) that they made these changes as a countermeasure to "rushing". If that is the case, then:


a. I am very insulted because I am precluded form the whole equation that dictates changes as these.


b. I find this reaction either outrageous , non sequitur or insane since I can not possibly fathom how globally scaling down mobility will stop "rushers".


-Do they want more mobility and speed in this game or not? 

I find that any direction that dictates less mobility and speed options is a game breaker for me. One of the factors that keeps me coming back playing Warframe every day is the fast pace of the game and with every new patch I find less and less.


-What is the next step? 

Are they planning to revert the change? Are they planning on investing some time to implement solid mechanics? 

Edited by alphaMinus
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Here's why, and if you just read that and quote and flame me, idrgaf.


The slide exploit was used mostly by the heavier frames to get around quickly. Now what is the downside of a heavy frame with the exploit?


- Less Offensive skills

- Lower maneuverability





-Defensive skills that make them more tanky

-decent polarity slots (unlike ash and banshee)

-High shields + health


so, i believe it balanced things nicely, and may ACTUALLY FORCE YOU TO YOU KNOW, USE A MOVEMENT SPEED MOD.


Now, heavies are actually heavy, and get left in the dust by quicker frames. Like how it should be.

If you don't like it, put on rush.

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I liked the sliding mechanic because it wasn't just simply hold down w and shift to get around faster. You had to actually do something to get around quicker. I don't care how fast I can sprint with mods, it just felt better the old way.

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