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Body Count and Melee abilities


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So it's just out of curiosity, why are melee abilities not affected by Body Count? (Exalted Blade, Hysteria etc). Are they supposed to not to be affected or it's a temporary bug?

If things work as it's supposed to, then why? Isn't all mods that are eligible to all melee weapons should affect them as well? I wasn't around the time the mods were released, so just a simple question

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Ozone1249953 said:

Only bladestorm is allowed to inherit it since bladestorm doesn't inherit damage mods. Essentially a trade off

I don't really see the logic behind it. So now it means that all abilities should inherit some of weapon's quality?

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1 hour ago, tinyranitar said:

I don't really see the logic behind it. So now it means that all abilities should inherit some of weapon's quality?

Both Hysteria and EB are so strong that they can easily compete with a good melee weapon using Body Count. It's called game balance. Making those abilities able to build up the combo meter to crazy levels on top of the damage they already do would be completely broken.

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Hysteria and Exalted Blade are both "summoned weapons"

The way Body Count and all Combo mods work is that they affect the WEAPON THEY ARE ATTACHED TO, meaning they only affect the Combo counter of the weapon yu are bringing with yu, and not the summoned Hysteria and Exalted Blade. 


Bladestorm however, is not a "summoned weapon" it is merely an ability that is tied to yur weapon's Combo counter, similar to Slash Dash and Landslide. 

It is not essentially a new weapon being brought out with a full set of combos and stats. 

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7 hours ago, tinyranitar said:

Are they supposed to not to be affected or it's a temporary bug?

There was a clear reply from DE that it's an intended behavior.
Reason being, while Body Count itself won't be too strong of an option (however given the conditions in which abilities like EBlade and Hysteria shine, it will be a mandatory option anyway), Body Count + Blood Rush combo will break Excal; Body Count + Blood Rush and Maiming Strike combo will break Valkyr.

I am a bit salty, that some frames can now utilise plain melee on pair with Excal and Valkyr in a long run, but these cases are pretty scarce and usually quite situational.

Edited by Epsik-kun
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