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The failure of Archwing and how to fix it.


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It might be just me, but I really hate bouncing off walls even when I'm not moving very quickly. It really stops the flow of combat for me, and I know I could avoid it by being better and piloting them, but in really small maps it's quite difficult for me not to run into walls at some point and bounce off and get stunned for about a second.

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22 hours ago, Kenshin98 said:

that's a nice piece of feedback right there, though I have some comments: 

1- I get what you mean, it's already hard lvling an AW weapon, but it's twice as hard as lvl a whole AW. but like I've said in millions of AW threads. strat small, go to MD missions on mars/earth, gain some starter XP and lvls and then go to INT. it's the best most efficient way to lvl up (still slow but better than nothing) 

2-I do get your point there. it took me some time getting all of the mods that AW has. it can be a pain to get them all, especially since some only drop from corpus which have a low spawn rate compared to grineer. even though, try using a loot detector aura on ur WF to get the best results, they still fly away but you'll be able to catch some of them 

(I'm willing to give you free AW mods if you like. glad to help anyone trying to and likes to play AW) 

3- have to disagree on you with that. odonata is like excalibur, it can do it all. you have to realize that it's have little bit of everything, defense, offense, utility, speed and health/shields. it's the perfect start AW. most people hate it cos they hate archwing in general. but trust me, don't jump to itzal so fast. it has good abilities as well, but for a newbie, with it's low health/shield and inexperienced in AW in general. it can be a death trap 

stick to ur odonata, learn and feel the gameplay, then change to other AWs 

as for weapons: all melees are basically the same, they can all 1-hit if modded, including the veritux, so don't give up on it, u don't need to farm other melees if u don't want to

for guns, the imperator is the 2nd best arch-gun...seriously! there's nothing better than a machine gun in space, it has good clip and dmg, good reload (ammo regen I mean) and good accuracy, plus...it's kinda stupid giving a non-auto starter gun >.> it's already hard hitting something in AW.

and I agree about farming weps in AW. but like I said, the starters are already good, u don't need to push urself to get new weapons 


1) And this is for the most part what I do. Im not much for trying to jump into the upper levels without the capability to survive.. Im a sore loser heh. That said the issue I have with most of the missions is theyre a pain to do solo. For example the MD has you jumping between two defending spots. Im an ok player but this gets "risky" and tedious for me. Risky because usually they damage the crap out of the defense point before I make it over since Im still fighting off my own baddies. If I was watching one spot.. eh that would be better but these modes are really meant for multiple people which I rarely find or spend the mission rezzing them. Add in the terrible xp distance and you see my (albeit personal) problem with the AW leveling.

2) I do in fact use a loot detector. It does help but range is still an issue before it glows on occasion. The glaring issue here though (and it factors below) is that these mods are absolutely essential to progression. Theres got to be a better way of acquiring them. Even if its say a "research" type thing.. pick the mod to learn, kill x amount of enemies, get the mod from Ordis. I would hazard to say Im at the 20-30 hr mark of AW in total (lvl 30 odonata, imperator, and veritux and currently midway through the Elytron, Corvas and Onorix) and I have a grand total of 3 AW mods... armor plating, energy inversion, and superior defenses. Thats terrible. On the AW-gun side I have the status chance mod, crit damage mod, mag mod and one of the elemental mods. Thats is. On the other hand I probably come out of a few hr AW session with about 50+ bronze cores. In most cases RNG doesnt bother me, it is what it is, but there should be far more effort to make sure players get the mods that are most vital. As it is it just kills the enjoyment for me.

3) The Odonata isnt the worst of the worst but I still stand by it being grossly underpowered compared to the others. I think it comes from the attempt of being a jack-of-all trades AW. Granted my experience is only with Odonata and Eltryon but my effectiveness increased massively even with the un-leveled Eltryon. I agree completely on the Melee. I blanket statemented them when I shouldnt have. Those are fine because they do act identical. I still have to disagree on the Imperator though. I takes me FOREVER to kill something with it. I couldnt even move the health of the Jordas golem with it and in normal later missions I would get overwhelmed while I was trying to gun anything so I would always just end up using melee on everything. And while I suppose its a valid play style its not the one I like or want. Now the kicker statement here is that perhaps I couldnt make the best use of any of the starter stuff because as I mentioned above I cant get any of the mods to drop. Maybe with those the usability drastically increases. That aside I still noticed a massive efficiency increase by switching with what I do have, which leads me to believe the starter gear could be better. (A note too is Im talking the base starter gear, I know theres the Vandal and Prisma versions but I dont have those)

The long and short here is that it might just be that I have terrible RNG luck with AW and that has severely affected what Ive gotten out of the mode. I feel at the same time that it proves the case for having to change some of the things that might work for the Warframes but that just doesnt for the Archwings. My guess though is that Im not the only one. The AW missions are pretty barren which implies that most folks arent enjoying them or are struggling to the point that they quit. Personally I enjoy the concept so Id rather not quit (and as I said Im a sore loser) but when I have to mentally prepare myself to play a game mode because I dread it.... well something has been lost.

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They need to add an asteroid belt with mostly only archwing missions and a boss fight with Vay Hek in some sort of Arch armor as the boss, and maybe then we could have some sort of fomorian mission with lesser rewards we can always run too.

Then archwing can have enough mission variety.  The leveling is awfully slow, mostly.

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On 2016-04-05 at 9:11 AM, Kenshin98 said:

try, hopefully some tactical alerts or quests will rely on AW too, I mean the rewards for these doesn't have to be big like the event was, just normal potato and the emblem. just do something that shows you haven't forgot about AW..... >___> 

and I think I did yeah....I only understood it's meaning just now though, so sry if I didn't anything wrong. I'm usually a bad speller when I write fast >.< 

God, please no! If there is one, ONE wrong way to go about archwing, it is to push it down the players' throat by locking good normal game rewards behind archwing missions.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)Francis_Boudreau said:

God, please no! If there is one, ONE wrong way to go about archwing, it is to push it down the players' throat by locking good normal game rewards behind archwing missions.

first it's not locking, it's a tactical alert, it's like a 3-4 day deal, with not-so-rare rewards. DE already pushed AW on us a lot of time (including an event) so I don't see the problem. if you don't wanna do it then don't, screw reward, if you're not having fun doing something then you shouldn't do it >.>  

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4 minutes ago, Kenshin98 said:

first it's not locking, it's a tactical alert, it's like a 3-4 day deal, with not-so-rare rewards. DE already pushed AW on us a lot of time (including an event) so I don't see the problem. if you don't wanna do it then don't, screw reward, if you're not having fun doing something then you shouldn't do it >.>  

Not talking about Tac alerts, but more about regular alerts. For exemple, there was an alert yesterday on PS4 that was an archwing mission and rewarded Forma. Of course I did it, but I felt like I was force-fed archwing.

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If success is measured by the % of players involved, AW is a failure.  I'm sure that several people enjoy AW, like PvP, but the vast majority of players seem to completely ignore AW and PvP or consider them mildly annoying.  

Should AW be improved? Certainly.  Is it successful now because a handful of people like it? No. 



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