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Natus, the Infested Warframe


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You may ask, how would an infested Warframe be infested? Well to be quite frank

i literally have no idea lmoa

But I think it'd be nice, something different, and quite possibly very fun depending on how it'd work

I'll probably draw up some concept art later, as I don't have the time right now


Health: 150

Armor: 75

Shields: 100



  • Grasp (25)

Natus either extends his arm (I can see major issues with this somehow so no) sends out either a 'hand' of energy or some kind of wire like the Ancients, that grabs/stabs the target, and brings it to Natus (I realize this kind of rips off Valkyr's ripline but nothing is 100% original). The hand/wire hook thingy deals slash damage and of course knocks them down

  • Spore (50) if you have a better name for this please post it lol

Natus punches the ground (think of Frost's ice wave animation), transferring his energy into the ground to spawn a large circle (or preferably an asymmetric and arbitrary blob shape seeing as it's infestation) of that strange infested moss stuff we see when just walking around on infested levels, except it's smaller, slows enemies down and deals toxin damage while cleansing allies of statuses similar Oberon's hallowed ground.

  • Infect (25)

Natus sends out something similar to Excalibur's radial Javelin, but only one to a specific target. It causes the target to go berserk and only use melee attacks, the target's health and armor are tripled, it's damage is doubled and it cannot damage allies. Upon the target's demise, it explodes, creating a field like that of his Spore ability, except significantly smaller, and only lasting 10-15 seconds.

  • Convert (100)

Natus spawns large tentacles (yes, yes, like Hydroids tentacle swarm), not plentiful in number, that swing at and impale enemies one at a time. Upon death, they are transformed into chargers or leapers. If they're infested, well, they just come back to life and fight for you instead. This also has a small chance to resurrect an enemy as an ancient healer, helping out you and your allies as long as it's alive. These don't last forever of course, there would be 5 tentacles, each infect 3 enemies each and then they kind of just poof.


I had this idea and I thought it would be kind of cool, but I'm not a good idea person, so feel free to criticize me or make improvements or whatever

Edited by (XB1)SgtFunBun
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