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Anyone Else Think Ash's Ult Kinda Lame?


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At first i taught Ash was a wimp later as i leveled it up for mastery i was like ummm kinda interesting, BUT his ult it's missing something. It takes forever to finish casting if you think about it. Idk the numbers but it think its 12 max slashes and that's a long time to cast, also it looks visually lame compared to every other frame. Maybe would be better if he launched one smoke bomb and slashed everyone in one hit saving more time. And saving me the time of seeing that move. 

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It was talked about several livestreams ago, but the devs know that his ulti needs work.  The new trailer has given the devs impetus for a Blade Storm redesign.  Hopefully we'll be seeing a new, more functional ulti for Ash within the coming weeks.

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Damm, so many people talk and create new threads about Ash's ult instead of searching the forums first!

Here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/47914-making-bladestorm-bad-&#!/#entry489369

If you could just add to that, it'd be great. Hopefully we can get enough upvotes for devs to feel like they should implement it.

Check eet out!


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Yeah it's absolutely a good idea behind it, just needs to be massively faster/hit more mobs. You look at Saryn's being like 2 seconds for cast AND recovery for unlimited targets over a huge area, and it makes a lot of ults look terrible in comparison hahaha.

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Nothing wrong really wrong with the Blade Storm.


It does not need one hit kill all ability.

Only reason it would be necessary to have a one hit kill all ability is so players in warframes like excalibur can't dash over and kill the mob before you do, leaving you looking like a fool slashing at nothing.


The Ult would need more damage to heavy enemies like the ancient and possible make it attack bosses 5 times.

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