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[Archwing] Interception - AI behavior/capping


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Enemy behavior in Archwing Interception, specifically when capturing points, is frustrating, particularly when compared to player requirements.

For a player to capture a location, just as in terrestrial Interception, they're required to remain within a certain distance of the tower.  However, enemies do not have this same requirement; once they are close enough to start capping, they can move off as far as they like.

On numerous occasions - and I have every piece of non-mod loot that drops from Uranus-Caelus, so I've played a fair bit - I have seen a tower start to be capped, fly over to get it in view, only to see a tether stretching off into space... halfway to the next tower, which the capping enemy is flying to.  And when I'm leveling a primary and don't have Velocitus equipped, and I'm either soloing or no one is capable of intercepting the enemy, all I can do is sit there powerlessly as the tower is capped, even if I am sitting right on top if it.  (And yes, I know that's normal.  It's still dumb.)

I'm not sure whether this is intended behavior or not, but the fact that a mob can start capping and immediately fly off into the depths of space, compared to the relatively stationary posture a player has to adopt, is quite frustrating.  It's not impossible to win, obviously - that's not why I'm posting - but that doesn't change the fact that it's patently ridiculous.

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