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Speed Dating [Open RP, IC, Probably +18] Revived~


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15 minutes ago, Teloch said:

He lifted his brow in a way a stereotypical nobleman does wants to make a subtle hint the curiousness of the situation happening and his own interoperability.

"After the three previous dates that resulted in time and financial losses for the sake of politeness, I schemed to include a crusade to a theater or an orchestra hall with the display of my culinary skills following shortly after, but rules are rules, and lady's wishes are prior". He shrugged playfully and stood up, slightly stretching his right arm and hiding his left behind his back.

"Wouldn't you object giving your hostess friend a little sign of recognition of her venture success?" He smiled both playfully and somewhat impishly.



Upon hearing what the gentlemans original thoughts were, Melody's cheeks turned slightly red once again. She though he meant... well, to late now. He agreed, and she has no reason to stop now. Then the way he said it made her think if it was just a joke, a tease, and that thought removed the red tint from her face.

She stood up, standing relatively close to the Rhino "I think I'll rather tell her tomorrow. She doesn't need to know yet..."

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10 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

Upon hearing what the gentlemans original thoughts were, Melody's cheeks turned slightly red once again. She though he meant... well, to late now. He agreed, and she has no reason to stop now. Then the way he said it made her think if it was just a joke, a tease, and that thought removed the red tint from her face.

She stood up, standing relatively close to the Rhino "I think I'll rather tell her tomorrow. She doesn't need to know yet..."


"Oh..." he remarked deviously, "You won't have to furnish her with words tomorrow" 

He gently took her palm, placed it on his furthest shoulder, and sneakily took her on his hands

"Firstly: you are particularly cute when dazed. Secondly: I don't bite... much. Thirdly: tell me the way" he spoke in reassuringly calm manner while smiling contentedly and a bit mischievous before starting off to the doorway, carrying a charming "spoil"

((*horrible mental wailings can be heard at the distance*))

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Umbra chuckled. "Funnily enough, she's the mature one. If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't have made it out of the Orokin Era."

"Oh, the cute lil' bird, other than myself?" Lysandra giggled at her own non-joke. "C'mon, best to get you back."

"Uh oh. She's coming over here. Chances are she'll try and take her chances with you. She's not the sort of gal to judge." Umbra said quickly, almost as if he had been rehearsing the line in his head. "So...yeah. That. Honestly, I have no idea how the hell she isn't so awkward about it when talking to-"
"Heya, Umbra! Are ya gonna introduce me to this *hic* cute lil' birb?"
Umbra wasn't expecting her to cross the room so quickly. Nor was Lysandra expecting Umbra to have a large dent in his head. Umbra fell backwards behind the bar screaming while Lysandra almost dropped the robo-kubro. "HOLY CRAP UMBRA WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE!?"



((*horrible mental wailings can be heard at the distance*))

((*pats you on the back* There, there, mate.
It only gets worse. Or better.
Depends, really.
*sips tea*
I don't know. I have written some stuff. It's...not as awkward for me, but dear god talking about it to other people...))

Edited by Ghost333
Don't worry Teloch. It will only be soul-crushing. Or boosting. or both. Who knows? Not Tzeench. Or maybe he does. NYEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEEEEEE
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Melody turned red again, but this time she could stop blushing. He's carrying her and he called her cute, he's flattering her to no end. Wrapping both her hands around his neck so she wouldn't fall off, she couldn't get her eyes off of him. It seems he already scored today...

After a series of flattered giggles, she told him the directions to her place, ocasionaly going the wrong way just so he could carry her longer.

Teloch and Melody left the bar.


Unfortunately for the hostess, the yelling drunk made her miss that beautiful moment. "Jeez, calm down! He can regenerate, remember?" she told the panicking Zephyr. The pup stayed calm, waiting for a better moment to steal someones attention again.

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2 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

Unfortunately for the hostess, the yelling drunk made her miss that beautiful moment. "Jeez, calm down! He can regenerate, remember?" she told the panicking Zephyr. The pup stayed calm, waiting for a better moment to steal someones attention again.

Lysandra didn't listen. Instead, she dove over the counter, crashing into her brother while yelling a string of illegible but clearly worried slurs until Umbra hoisted her up and set her aside, rising to his feet with his helmet repaired.
"I have no idea how, but I completely forgot about that. Anyway, Luv, this is Lyse, Lyse, this is Luv. Luv, Lyse, Lyse, luv. Lovely. Lots of L's. Learning lots-!" Umbra was silenced suddenly by a silvery projectile from somewhere across the room, knocking him to the floor. Lysandra didn't even notice. She didn't even hear him introducing her.
"Sorry about that...I just get a tad worried s-sometimes. *hic*" Lysandra slurred. "I'm Lysandra, pleased ta meetcha!"

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Instead of laughing this time, Luv was simply confused. Does anything still make sense? It doesn't seem like it... Eitherway, she tried behaving to Lysandra like she wasn't drunk.

"Yeah, I know, your brother already told me a thing or two. Name's Luv, the hostess"

The pup walked over to the fallen Umbra, poking him in the head to see if he's OK.

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29 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

Instead of laughing this time, Luv was simply confused. Does anything still make sense? It doesn't seem like it... Eitherway, she tried behaving to Lysandra like she wasn't drunk.

"Yeah, I know, your brother already told me a thing or two. Name's Luv, the hostess"

The pup walked over to the fallen Umbra, poking him in the head to see if he's OK.

Lysandra tried scouring her mind for a pickup line. Any line. But all her drunken mind could come up with was:
"Hey, if I said you had a great body, would you hold it against me?"
Were she the God-Emperor of a fascist religious dictatorship, part of her mind and/or soul would be screaming in rage at her. Fortunately, she wasn't. Instead, she just had a slight rumble in her gut from drinking nothing but vodka.

Umbra stood up and rolled over the bar and onto the floor.
"Just...for once...can the universe...throw me...a bone."
Not even a second later a rubber squeaky toy landed on his face.
"Hah. De. Hah."

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The Ember chuckled, but she didn't blush. Should she tell her the blunt truth?


Eh, she's drunk, so she'll forget anyway. May as well have some fun.

"Maybe, maybe not, it's a mistery, one I might share one day..." she winked. This is wrong...

The pup started barking and growling playfully at Umbra, obviously asking for the toy.

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Life has had it's ups and downs for Umbra. Some days were utterly grand, and he was top of the world. Others were S#&amp;&#036; and he could only watch as some psychopathic part of his ex-organic brain took control and murdered a bunch of people because they were annoying. But this moment was somewhere slightly above that. He'd been attacked and mugged by a pinball machine, had his face reconfigured by a chair, had another pinball embed itself in his head and to top it all off, the universe was literally laughing at him.
So he did what any sane, rational person would do in this situation.
He sat up, picked up the dog, gave it the bone and hugged it while crying.

Yeeeesh...ya didn't screw it up! Lysandra thought. "Hey, just a question, did my brother mention anything about *hic* chocolates?"
At that moment, a small sliver of sobriety entered Lysandra's brain.
Lysandra blinked. "I think *hic* my brain is trying to tell me something right now, but I don't know wot..."
Scroo et, oim gonna start thinkin' aboot some smooooooth jazz.


((In case no-one has noticed, I have kinda lost my own plot. No, I don't know how,))

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5 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

The pup snuggled with him, trying to ease the mental pain. It's experienced in doing that, its owner sends it to every crying person she sees.

Luv froze for a millisecond "... Chocolate? Uhm... no?" yeah, totally not suspicious, GG.


Clink the coins, roll the dice
See where fortune takes your live!
Well it could be worse, but at least there's no need to delve
For your sight, Lady Lysandra, has landed on twelve!

Lysandra narrowed her eyes. "Why do I not believe you?"


Lady Lysandra, are you well? Do you understand thou li've?
Drunk you shall stay for one bar more, for your constitution has rolled five!

Hey, this is my show lady, stop hijacking it.
Harumph! Thou art craven, thou rejective puddle!
...did you just call my a puddle of-

"Oh robo doge," Umbra sobbed, "You are my best friend in this place"

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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

(('Ere you go))

(("Do robots cry"))


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"Because this lie is more obvious than Neff Anyos scams" Luv replied simply "I may of may not have a passion for chocolate... White, Orokin, Chocolate..." she just managed to stop herself from drooling.

The cyberdoge made a cute yawn, intended on melting the hearts of everyone who heard it. Its good to be technologically perfect... and have the sound file of the cutest yawn ever downloaded straight from spacenet.

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Thanks to the power of SCIENCE! (and questionable genetic engineering), the alcohol in Lysandra's system was at a level where it wasn't inhibiting all her actions. Just some of them. Which meant that what came next was entirely of Lysandra's volition:
"Wanna haul Umbra up and waterboard him until he gives us the location of his secret stash of choccies? He nicked fifty crates from me, so he's bound to have some of the good stuff left."

Umbra's attention darted from the two birds and literally every possible exit in the room. Deciding to avoid all confrontation, he cloaked, dropped the dog carefully on the ground and teleported underneath the table that the second Ember was occupying, though in his haste to vacate the area he didn't even notice the latter part of that particular detail.

An Infested Hive Ship picked up twenty suspicious crates that were floating around Pluto. It wasn't sure what was in there, but there was something tasty, it just knew it. It had a juggernaut burst one of the crates open, spilling its contents across the thick mat of plague covering the cargo holds deck.
Chocolate? The Hive Mind queried. A curious tendril wrapped itself around one of the pilfered bars, dissolving it slowly to get a taste. In an instant, it had a shared memory from the days of its first conception as an Orokin bioweapon. The food that was given to some of the more 'loyal' pets the Orokin had 'tamed.' The hive mind remembered the taste well.


If someone could photoshop this with a face of an Ancient, that'd be hilarious.


Edited by Ghost333
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The entrance doors opened for another time during this evening, giving way to a new person. 

Slim feminine figure, naturally tan skin tone (perhaps her ancestors lived in arid conditions), bright amber eyes, long dark-brown braid, ring-shaped golden earrings, heels, white dress with equally white elbow long gloves, pearl bracelet, and the lingering, somewhat uncertain gaze estimating patrons present in the hall.

She silently and cautiously made her way to one of the tables and took a seat. 

A Robo-pup cuddling cyborg? A pinball machine-whacking Tenno? Is this a dating club? she thought while stroking her chin and studying the surroundings.


Edited by Teloch
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Luv seemed to suddenly tense up a bit, before relaxing and and staring into nothingness. Seconds later, she slowly raised her hand, flicking her fingers and setting herself on fire. "Umbra~" she said, half playfully "Wanna share something?~"

Unfortunately for the Ash, the pup wasn't called a hunter scout drone just cause it begged for the title. It could see cloaked objects, so it barked twice into Umbras general direction, before realizing he was hiding and made an innocent whimper of regret.

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