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Dojo Decorating


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pppllleeaaassseee GODS OF DE,

i just spent several hours in my dojo trying to get a bridge to be the way i want it to be and after man failures i gave up and made my way here.

i tried so many things but the uneven ground made it impossible. While we have small tricks like stacking up items then building ontop of the items to make things float and so on, but we really need a entier rework of the deocrating system.

One where we get an isometric/top down view where we can control the camera whith out haveing to move our frame.

Where we can clip items, nothing crazy but one where we can sink items into the floor alittle, or alittle into each other.

One where we an rotate things around the X and Z axsis much more easily

and one where a bridge, archway or land-mass can actualy be placed over a certian river in a certian room with red leaves!!!!!

i just want my dojo that i spent ages makeing mostly by myself to look the way i want it to, especialy where all of my members get a room of there own just for fun

Edited by iscofield
error of spelling
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I wholeheartedly agree, I love decorating my Dojo but the decoration system and polychrome needs a lot of work, as OP said we need some form of Clipping and axial control of objects as well as the missing colors in the polychrome palette like a white and a black at least, and lastly the ability to polychrome decorations to their related Dojo texture.

As the system exists now it really makes it hard to get a cohesive theme running through the Dojo, it looks and feels generic no matter what you do, which is a real shame given how fun it is to build a Dojo and how great it is to spend time in.

Just my thoughts

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All that and a few more rooms, they don't have to be big and epic, just something like a small observation room, and give guild masters the ability to make private rooms in the dojo... or at least give us the ability to restrict invited players who you only got in to trade from just running amok all over the place (most are fine but i've had a few who have just gone up and down elevators after the trade and run around exploring.. i don't mind most of the time but still~)

and colours defiantly..we need more no question like the other rng spawn bosses such as stalker and the G3, and make those colours have effects like prisma colours or something.

Also more things for the hall of honor... like difference statues... i want a shrine to my goddess nyx!

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