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[Suggestions] When Backed Against A Wall...


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Suggestion #1

When you're backed against a wall, and i'm sure this could come up in a few other situations, your head covers your aimer, zooming in makes it much worse. I believe you could simply make it so your head becomes mostly transparent, if not full on invisible, when zoomed in this close to yourself.


Suggestion #2

Original clan creator should have the ability to demote Warlord ranked members. Possibly make a rank, that only one member can have, that is something or a co-creator or 2nd in command. Original clan creator would still have promotion and demotion over this rank.


Suggestion #3

Some sort of, no matter how limited, way of sharing resources with clan members. If you want it very limited, maybe only 100 or so per day? I'd like the ability to send resources to clan mates and i'm sure i'm not alone.

Edited by TheEvilMouse
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Both. The head getting in the way and sharing are sort of seasonal suggestions. Every two to three weeks it seems another thread suggests them.


Suggestions related to clans has been a more recent complaint as clans now have assets.


Your ideas are right on though. Many want them, and we keep waiting. I am sure they will be addressed in time.

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Suggestion #1

When you're backed against a wall, and i'm sure this could come up in a few other situations, your head covers your aimer, zooming in makes it much worse. I believe you could simply make it so your head becomes mostly transparent, if not full on invisible, when zoomed in this close to yourself.

i tought like if you hef shade you can get cover and shade wil camo you for a serveral minuts

til some one sneaks by and make a stleath kill it wil be a good one for ppl who like stealth

kils etc.

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I'd agree with #1. I never had issues with blocked view before, but I recently changed my play style (for the better) and find it happens all too often now. I've seen other games do it, the semi-transparency up close. However, I think it'd be easier and cooler if they used the behind-wall glow (like a warframe behind the wall) for it when your view is that close. After all, the code for that is already there.


And #3, YES! There needs to be this in some form or fashion, even small. Ideally I'd love Mod trading in some way, as it's annoying to farm with a friend and both get the mod the other guy is looking for at the same time. But I think all-item trading in general could be fair if, like mod fusion, it costs a truckload more or less depending on the item or quantity. Preferably more, given the void awards truckloads of credits... After all, we still need to farm our stuff otherwise it'd be too easy and take away from the experience. -- I see that as a reason it likely won't happen, though.

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