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Exalted Blade Changes


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4 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

I don't "hate" channeling. I hate suggestion that EB needs it in any way either to deal damage or to release waves. Because it does not. EB is more than fine the way it is.

As for fixing it, many problems could've been solved if -

1. channeling was a part of a melee system (at the very least "melee only" i.e. if you bring only melee it won't consume energy or consumes very little amount like something close to 0,5-0,25 per sec or per hit.

2. was a toggle "ability", because too many d*mn buttons you need to use at the same time when you're using a melee (as well as you need to make combos at the same time)

3. had innate life-strike effect (again, at least for "melee only").

I agree with your stance on the mechanic

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With a melee system as it is now, it's stupid to degrade an ultimate ability down to that level. The only problem of Exalted Blade now is that EEEE combo is the most effective and spammable. It'd be nice to buff other combos (making them more fluid, powerful, faster) and decrease the effectiveness of EEEE combo by making it animation locked (smth like EEEE combo of Nikana's Blind Justice stance).

It'd be also interesting to see this ability turning your equipped melee into Exalted weapon which glows with energy and unleashes the waves instead of just an energy longsword. But that would mean reworking the entire ability and is not going to happen. And I also think that instead of circling around Excal it's better to take a look at other long forgotten warframes. Let DE change the enemy system first and then start thinking of how to balance all the abilities around it.

Edited by -Ksaero-
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3 hours ago, -Ksaero- said:

It'd be also interesting to see this ability turning your equipped melee into Exalted weapon which glows with energy and unleashes the waves instead of just an energy longsword. But that would mean reworking the entire ability and is not going to happen. And I also think that instead of circling around Excal it's better to take a look at other long forgotten warframes. Let DE change the enemy system first and then start thinking of how to balance all the abilities around it.

IIRC EB used to be a glowing version of your current melee weapon but they changed it a few updates ago. The summoned sword looks much better in my opinion.

I agree with your second point - this is a PvE game, first and foremost, so buffing weaker frames is arguably even more important than nerfing the strong ones.

Here's what I think should happen to EB:

  • Add more combos to the stance with different blade wave properties
  • Make the sword itself a bit longer and more damaging
  • Remove the wall-penetration on blade waves completely
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On 4/17/2016 at 9:11 AM, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

Oh wow..another 1 of these.

So, question is what are you gonna do on an Eximus Stronghold mission when before you reach them, your Exalted Blade with no waves, turns into smoke?

Kill them fast enough? Okay, I will take that argument.

What if it's on a Sortie?

This is my main concern with nerfing EB.


I totally get that it turns Excal into a super-goofy walking Fluctus that doesn't fit his theme at all, but the problem with removing waves is that Excal just doesn't have the survivability in close combat to make up for it. This is a problem with melee in general, by the way; not just Excal-- there are very few frames who can grab a sword and pop themselves into a Stage 3 Sortie and survive as easily as they would with a gun.

When melee is changed so that it's no longer suicidal for most frames against high-leveled Grineer, then we can talk about removing EB's waves. Until then, though, I think that EB should stay as is in terms of wavespam.

Edited by SortaRandom
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