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Showdown: Merc S Hybrid vs Tesla S


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Okay, I am wondering about your opinion on this matter. 

Yes, the Merc has a better engine besides it's electric torch, but boy is that torch nice as well. At first I was convinced that having no engine sound would be like watching music videos without sound, it just wouldn't do. However only after you experience the sensation of driving something the size of an aircraft carrier, which goes about as if it is floating in the air, you will finally come to understand why someone ever decided to create an electric engine. 

But if you think about an electric drive with style the Tesla shows up as a serious competitor. The car you can go about in and show up at both at a car enthusiasts' conference as well as a global warmists' conference. The electric drive is more or less comparable to the Merc, though it doesn't feel to be of the same size. Still where the Merc tries to upgrade it's old design, the Telsa throws innovation in your face and you won't recover from it. 

From entering the car to the big tablet glued in the dashboard, there are so many features that no one with the age to drive the car is able to comprehend what they're on about and the people who can are still too young. It is a bit more comprehesible than the Merc though, as it nicely shows off features like the recognition of cars passing by and it's ability to drive by itself. 

However now we take a corner and things will fall, literally fall as the Tesla's key (which looks gorgeous) cannot find itself a slot to slide in to during the drive. So when cornering (which does occasionally happen when your destination is not straight ahead of you, it will fall on the floor and you'll find yourself reaching below the seat to look for it. And while looking around the passenger seat for the key you will find yourself looking at the back of the car. Where the Merc has been designed for the people in the back as much as for the driver up front, the Tesla supports a nice and stylish seating for people who are not taller than a gnome. 

Any tall person will find their head resting against the roof of the car which isn't too comfortale, especially on long journeys. And when you get to long journeys, the highway will be your place to go to. This will mean you can finally unleash that awesome engine from the Merc. The engine that seamlessly kicks in besides the electric engine an will get you to an additional 50 miles per hour quicker if you don't watch out. 

Therefor I think the Merc is my car of choice. Yes, the Tesla is brilliant and revolutionary. Controlling everything with a tablet which functions in the same way as your phone makes you feel like you're lierslly driving ahea of everyone. And that's tru, though the merc will still be ahead of you with a more powerful engine and the style it has inherited over the ages. If you want to be seen as a man concerned with the environment and you want to drive a car in which you don't have to put a bag on your head, the Tesla is your only choice. But if you also want to be seen stylish and go around at a reasonable speed when no one is watching, go for the merc. And yes, as i love power and speed, the Merc is my car of choice.

Now what do you think? Of course share your opinions on styling and looks, but also if you've driven both of them, im just interested to see which of the two you'd pick

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Haha, well many gamers go hand in hand with being car lovers (think of the tons of car games out there ;) )

Anyway I think it's worth a try to see if we can find our car community in this game and if not it was a nice off topic experiment :P

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