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[warframe concept] Lumen, the solar ghost


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This is an idea I've been stewing on for maybe a week or so now. I've had a few idea for warframes in the past, but I never really thought they were good enough to share. I've sketched this warframe with pencil, but I'll just put in a description now and include the drawing later when I can actually figure out how to put it in.

Appearance: inspired by a fusion of a candlestick and the classic lost spirit carrying a lantern. He/she would be a cloaked figure, in cloth a similar visual style to the vanquished banner. They would be wearing armor with an appearance akin to wrought-iron, but their whole body would not be covered in this armor. Namely, the forearm, outer upper arm, chest, waist and thighs would be armored, the rest of his body covered by what would have an appearance of a skintight suite. their lower torso and most of their arms and calves/shins would be revealed like this, having a similar texture to volt prime's underarms in a color reminiscent of beeswax. Suggestions are definitely welcome, since I can't really draw physical objects well. I've toyed with the idea of his body becoming slightly transparent near the ends of his arms and legs, as the term "solar ghost" would imply. I also imagine a sort of 'closed eye' shape under their cowl, which would open when casting abilities.

This link will show my sketch, and the volt patter I've referenced.



Lumen is a pretty standard sounding name, but I couldn't come up with anything more creative that had a good ring to it. suggestions welcome.

This is Lumen. The seeker. The revealer.

favored by: arbiters of hexis (by "releaving" the truth about enemy's forms) and (unsure of second. possibly the new loka, for their sense of place in the origin system)

Role: scrappy damage support. Lumen is mostly meant to open up later game play to more warframes and playstyles: Having a lumen in the squad greatly reduces damage falloff issues with warframes like Ember and Saryn. It would also make the obligatory Bladestorm Ash / corrosive projection / sheild disruption not as important in sortee metagame, as Lumen provides a dependable way to reduce armor and sheilds without demanding any obligatory actions by their teammates. It would also make random public sortee play more feasible, in a similar fashion. 


armor: 70

shield: 350 at max rank

health: 300 at max rank

sprint speed: 1

polarities: - x1, v x1, - polarity

abilities: (assuming all max rank)

1: Reveal: Under rework Exposes enemies in a cone of similar shape as the Ignis area when at full range to a blast of harsh light. Enemies caught in line of sight in the blast suffer a short stagger, while being dealt a relatively small amount of damage. They will also be stripped of some considerable (but no more than 40% unmodded) amount of their armor/shields for a reasonable amount of time, between 5 and 20 seconds unmodded.

2: Illuminate: Imbue your companion (kavaat, sentinel, or kubrow) with a portion of your inner light. Visually, this would make the companion glow brightly, casting out light in the warframe's energy color. Unalerted enemies within a cosiderable distance of your companion are highlighted, as if seen though a codex scanner. When entering line of sight of your companion, unalerted enemies will not be affected, to preserve stealth. If an enemy is alerted, they will suffer a short stagger, reduced armor in a similar fashion to Reveal, and will have their overall accuracy reduced due to the bright light. If no companion exists, a lartern-like sentinel will be created. to carry the effects of the ability.

3: Imprint: Abandon physical form for a set time, becoming intangible to your enemies and their offenses. You cannot take or receive damage by any means, and will pass through ally and enemy alike. Furthermore, enemies you pass through will be marked, and upon your return to the tangible plane, an orb will be cast out, returning to the marked enemies in reverse order and dealing the amount of damage your would have taken while intangible. Enemies hit by this orb while it travels will be dealt half this damage.

4: Iridescence: Call upon the light that bathes the entire origin system, and become a truly radiant figure. Your foes will be staggered under the pure force of your radiance, and your all-knowing gaze will strip them of a considerable amount of their shields and armor. (can be cast alongside Illuminate, to almost completely (or actually completely) remove said defenses.) With bleached eyes, the accuracy (and possibly pathfinding) of your enemies is severely handicapped, making it incredibly difficult for them to land their shots on you, while guided projectiles will be confused and led astray. You gain increased mobility in your supercharged state, but your weapons will not gain any extra strength. While iridescent, your presence is the only thing emenies can see, as ALL enemies within a certain distance will ignore any other Tenno in order to turn their attacks on you.

Edited by Glacialchill
adjusted abilities to make more sense, expanded description of warframe's role in a group.
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I kinda like it. 

Reveal is cool. Just a blind mechanic with armor/shield reduction. I sense range and duration being useful here.

As a Ghost, his 2nd power might have something similar to Rift Walk with added invisibility since he controls light and all. Ignoring lasers and being invisible. Very stealthy. Obviously not gaining energy for using the power because that's Limbo's thing. 

Illuminate is a lot like Reveal, but with the ability to see through walls. Fun.

Iridescence Seems like good CC and it's got great aggro capabilities. 

My only issue with it is that all three abilities do roughly the same thing. Yes, they have other perks, but the armor reduction and blind mechanic are the biggest factors. If just one of them was tweaked to be slightly different, everything would be hunky-dory.

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10 hours ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

My only issue with it is that all three abilities do roughly the same thing. Yes, they have other perks, but the armor reduction and blind mechanic are the biggest factors. If just one of them was tweaked to be slightly different, everything would be hunky-dory.

Yeah, you have a point there. My main reasoning was that his 3 and 4 would have to be used together to really make enemies as vulnerable as possible. Hitting one button to remove all armor seems too much like the old "4 to win" Saryn builds. But I totally agree that there needs to be more variation, maybe moving his 3 to 2, an changing his first ability.

I also like the suggestion for his empty "ghost" ability. I got me thinking about rift walk in general. Maybe to differentiate it a bit more, it could become an escape and damage ability, making him intangible and able to pass through enemies, while marking them. Then when the ability ends, it sends some sort of damage bouncing backward between the tagged enemies and hitting whoever happens to be in the way.

maybe in that sense, reveal could be changed into more of a ghostly ability, to balance out ghost and light and solidify the theme and make him more varied overall.

also, I'll be sure to find some way to at least link a visual in the first post

Edited by Glacialchill
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