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Stalker Suggestions (Inspired By The New Ps4 Trailer)


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Alright, as the title says I had some ideas just now after watching the trailer again, and I think they could tie in very well with the Stalker. [who may or may not exist] And just in case you didn't see it yet, here's a link so go see it. :) 


Alright so as everyone knows the Stalker is surrounded in mystery since nothing official has been said about him, and in fact his very existence is denied but right now all he does is show up sometimes after you kill a boss and try to curb stomp you. If he kills you, you die and have no chance for a revive, then he leaves. If you win, he decides to high tail it out and sometimes drops blueprints... though the rate of BP seems to have been nerfed I think since Ive yet to get one. It got me thinking of ways to maybe encounter the Stalker more however, and then I started thinking of the video.



First Suggestion: YO PUNK I'M STILL STANDING! *beats chest*

It'd be nice since his mission is apparently to assinate you, if when he kills you you have a special third option.

Revive [costs 1 life as usual]

Forfiet [quiters never win!]

and now...

Rematch [costs 2 lives, and can only pick if you have another frame to use]


The rematch option would be similar, though different. The Stalker messages you again, lights flickering, and he probably says something different like "You know what I HATE... when Tenno like you just can't figure out when you're beaten. You're going to DREAD making my job harder than it needed to be. But don't DESPAIR, I'll make sure you stay down next time."


Then he tries ambushing you somewhere, fully healed of course. If he kills you again you dont have an option to revive. [even if you have 2 more] Then the stalker kidnaps your character. This ties into the next suggestion... if you die again you get a special item and can't use that frame again until they complete a special mission...


Edit: My friend was concerned that maybe your frame being frozen until you can beat a rescue mission was maybe a bit too strict. I figure if people agree with him, then maybe for an alternative the character [and the key to do the mission] is only frozen for a period of time. Like 24 hours or something. Maybe even 72 hours [the time it takes to build one usually] after which the key becomes void or is deleted and you regain access to your captured character.



Second Suggestion: Special Stalker Mission, Tenno Rescue Mission

Okay see how in the trailer Excalibur has been apparently sealed in a cryotube? And somehow the Grineer boss knows where he is and is coming for him. What if when you lose a rematch, the item you get can start a special mission, one to unlock your frame so you can use it again and participate in a new mission type. You and a group of friends track down the stalker to a base somewhere, the base could be empty for the most part and really creepy, like flickering lights everywhere, stalker might message you a lot like a boss does. And occasionally he tries ambushing your team, maybe springing traps on you. Maybe this area you'd probably need to do a lot of parkour because well, it's a ninja base.


When you get to the end, you rescue your captured Tenno character and the Stalker calls in support. Who? Well the Stalker always says he's working for a boss you killed, so I think he should call in whoever the boss was he said he was working for when he kidnapped you, along with a mobs of that specific faction to back up the boss. So then you fight your way through the enemies and escape, thus regaining the use of that character that was captured.



Okay, thats my idea...


Edited by unmog
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Sounds awesome!!

How about if you had to do the mission with others, then only when they have unfrozen your character do you get to play with them again?

So 3 of your friends would go in, unfreeze your character, and then the 4 of you would have to escape

Otherwise, how are they getting your unfrozen character out - put him/her over their shoulder?

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I figure it can be like the mobile defense missions... you protect a cryo tube... and then you're just... done... Supposedly you're waiting for someone to come and get the guy in the tube out. I really think though there SHOULD actually be some Lotus faction people that come, take the thing, and fly out. Same thing could work here.


But yea, you could always wait I guess for the other three to come get you I suppose, seems a little more boring though for the "host" to just sit there waiting... if that was the case they'd need something to do. And I dont think DE would let the host play as the stalker :p So we would need something else.

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One hitch I feel is the people who've only got 1 Warframe and use just that particular Warframe... lol


That and death shouldn't be rewarded, we don't want people dying to get this or that.


However... Rather than "freezing" your character, give the Stalker a chance to take one of the players by hostage, over-riding the original mission objective? By "hostage" I mean pull one of the players away from the squad and force them into a duel with the Stalker, until the rest of the team arrives to help you take him down? Eh, just an idea.


That second idea is pretty cool, in fact I like it. Only hitch is uh, what does one do if they don't have a second Warframe to fall back upon, to "unfreeze" the frozen warframe?

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That second idea is pretty cool, in fact I like it. Only hitch is uh, what does one do if they don't have a second Warframe to fall back upon, to "unfreeze" the frozen warframe?


Well I technically already answered that :p Can't choose the rematch option if you dont have a second warframe option.

Rematch [costs 2 lives, and can only pick if you have another frame to use]


It was easy to overlook I guess. But yea, death shouldn't be rewarded, thats why I think a "rematch" option should cost two lives instead for a second chance against the stalker.


My friend said though that maybe your frame being frozen until you can beat a rescue mission was maybe a bit too strict though... I figure if people think this is too strict too, then maybe the character [and the key to do the mission] is only frozen for a period of time. Like 24 hours or something. Maybe even 72 hours [the time it takes to build one usually]

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Well I technically already answered that :p Can't choose the rematch option if you dont have a second warframe option.


Rematch [costs 2 lives, and can only pick if you have another frame to use]


It was easy to overlook I guess. But yea, death shouldn't be rewarded, thats why I think a "rematch" option should cost two lives instead for a second chance against the stalker.


D'OH There it is. Still morning for me hm..~(x , x~) But yeah, that would be interesting. Still having a little argument with myself actually; A second chance to fight an elusive and random-spawning boss sounds awesome! But wouldn't that make it easier to kill him as he is now?


And someone mentioned having those Lotus faction buddies helping you out? That would be awesome if the Stalker called in some serious reinforcements... like other Stalkers. 

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Whats with the puns?

You mean the hate, despair, and dread thing? Just something I thought of which goes off the names of his weapons. More like taunting/teasing you with those blueprints he knows you want >.>

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Some people saying it's a good idea and yet no one upvoted. Well, here, have my upvote.

Cause i liked the idea. +1.

Thanks! I was wondering why people forgot the upvote button too. Please do upvote to show your support!


"Do you ever get hammered in that suit?"


Puns are part of Warframe.

Thats exactly what I was thinking. And my puns werent nearly as bad... :p

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