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I Am Sick Of Defense Heroes.


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Imo they should just take away shared xp, it seems to be the main cause of all this whining.



Nope.  This thread has nothing positive to add to this game or the forums.  I will continue to refute every last bit of nonsense you post in here lest it be taken seriously.

Well I reported you and encourage others to do so.  Please move on man.

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I took the time to check out some of you other posts and you seem to be kind of negative.  You have made your point.  We get what you think is the fastest way to get xp. Can you move on to another thread since you cannot seem to bring anything positive to this one?

this is topic about defense missions. i hope you remember it.

btw. there is ignore function. and what you understand as "negative" could be neutral or even positive for other people.

i think with positive you mean more "say what i want to hear". this sound like "lie lie lie". this has nothing to do with reality.




Imo they should just take away shared xp, it seems to be the main cause of all this whining.



Nope.  This thread has nothing positive to add to this game or the forums.  I will continue to refute every last bit of nonsense you post in here lest it be taken seriously.

hm.. but this would kill public games. a lot of people wanna easy exp and they want do nothing for it. like me for example.

Edited by fuffi2milka
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Imo they should just take away shared xp, it seems to be the main cause of all this whining.



Nope.  This thread has nothing positive to add to this game or the forums.  I will continue to refute every last bit of nonsense you post in here lest it be taken seriously.

What a great idea. Why don't we make it so mats and mods can only be picked up by one player since that will clearly solve the issue. Do you even think before you post?

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I disagree, I go to Xini all the time for XP. Not because it's the most efficient for that but because it allows me to work on multiple objectives at once. I can collect mods, mats, and XP. If you have half the group sitting at each spawn you're missing out on a fair bit of XP and you have to spend the entire match running between the two spawns to get mats. It's incredibly boring. If you're making a game less enjoyable for the people you're playing with, you're doing it wrong.

You could always rotate on and off the pod so you can get some of the early mass kill xp.  It's not hard, there's little risk of the pod getting attacked early on  and it's where you'll get the most xp.




What a great idea. Why don't we make it so mats and mods can only be picked up by one player since that will clearly solve the issue. Do you even think before you post?

I could say the same to you.  How the heck did you just mix up mats and mods with xp?

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I could say the same to you.  How the heck did you just mix up mats and mods with xp?

He was overstating your comment about exp.

I think you're on to something, lets solve the problem by just turning off online mode. You know, because when my car is broken instead of fixing it I just drive it off a cliff.

You're getting kind of nonsensical responses because that's not how you solve the issue; you don't get people to play as a team by... giving people incentive NOT to work as a team. If I wont get the exp from your kills why would I want you in my match ever period ever?

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Killing infested in the doorway is extremely efficient for many classes, and minimizes how many get to the cryopod. THere's this new thing out there called teamwork, and if you have a frame killing in the doorway and another couple roaming and another on cryo defense, defense missions become extremely easy.

And to show these people where they should be (by there team) I always watch the enemy destroying our crypod :)

Because if he really cares about teamplay, and not just getting many kills, he will watch the status of the crypod too. Why? Because his teammate might need help ;)

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this is how it was in diablo2. and this is one of the successful games in history.

Diablo 2 had trading, and they had to implement systems to correct this style of looting because of ninja-looting and they stopped doing that in games because of the negative feedback.

You can't hone in on one feature from a game and pretend that was what made a game successful. The way loot worked was possibly one of the worst things about D2.

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this is how it was in diablo2. and this is one of the successful games in history.

And yet it has one of the most famously bad loot systems because only one player could get the loot. This spawned auto-loot programs and other such problems for the community. Just because it was used in a great game does not mean a mechanic is actually good.

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He was overstating your comment about exp.

I think you're on to something, lets solve the problem by just turning off online mode. You know, because when my car is broken instead of fixing it I just drive it off a cliff.

You're getting kind of nonsensical responses because that's not how you solve the issue; you don't get people to play as a team by... giving people incentive NOT to work as a team. If I wont get the exp from your kills why would I want you in my match ever period ever?

I know, I was pointing out how it was poorly worded.


Team work incentives have consistently shown themselves to be more of a cause of conflict than anything else.  Look at the extraction timer and laser doors.  Both are meant to encourage people to stick together, but in the end they just lead to people fighting over the "right" way to play the game.


Also, I dunno, maybe you would want to play in an online match to have fun?  Or is the game just not fun when you're not getting massive amounts of free xp that you didn't earn?


They could always just remove the range limitation on shared exp.  Or increase the range to fit in the smaller defense maps.

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I know, I was pointing out how it was poorly worded.


Team work incentives have consistently shown themselves to be more of a cause of conflict than anything else.  Look at the extraction timer and laser doors.  Both are meant to encourage people to stick together, but in the end they just lead to people fighting over the "right" way to play the game.


They could always just remove the range limitation on shared exp.  Or increase the range to fit in the smaller defense maps.

Because we have different people that want different things and no tools to help with that outside of a friend list.

Almost every other shooter has a matchmaking system where you can see who is playing what game, their ping relative to you, and what options they have toggled. It creates a *SMALL* amount of conflict really, the forums are not an accurate reflection of the entire community as only a very small fraction of players even use the forums let alone comment.

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Also, I dunno, maybe you would want to play in an online match to have fun?  Or is the game just not fun when you're not getting massive amounts of free xp that you didn't earn?


They could always just remove the range limitation on shared exp.  Or increase the range to fit in the smaller defense maps.

Fun is subjective, but let me be clear... I don't play games to sit around doing nothing / almost nothing.

I have gotten annoyed with this issue to the point that when I see people scoreboard heroing it up I just abandon the pod and do my best to steal every possible kill from the player who wandered off and if we make it to wave 5 I leave and mark another player on the blacklist.

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Fun is subjective, but let me be clear... I don't play games to sit around doing nothing / almost nothing.

I have gotten annoyed with this issue to the point that when I see people scoreboard heroing it up I just abandon the pod and do my best to steal every possible kill from the player who wandered off and if we make it to wave 5 I leave and mark another player on the blacklist.

Then don't do nothing?  I've regularly seen whiny kids like the OP say they'll just abandon the pod but anyone with a clue is able to get back to the pod in time when it's getting damaged.



Because we have different people that want different things and no tools to help with that outside of a friend list.

Almost every other shooter has a matchmaking system where you can see who is playing what game, their ping relative to you, and what options they have toggled. It creates a *SMALL* amount of conflict really, the forums are not an accurate reflection of the entire community as only a very small fraction of players even use the


People will still join up on matches regardless of how people will want to play.  There aren't enough people playing on every mission for them to be choosy.  These problems will persist regardless of any kind of matchmaking system over haul.

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Rant inc.


I love infested defense.  So much so I have almost 80k infested killed out of 120k.  It is all I do.  I run with clan mates whenever I can.  I play early hours of the morning and alot of my clan is offline.  So, I have to pug alot.  All this to say, if you have the desire to try to clear the map of all infested in one swipe, do it near the cryo so your group can share in the xp. I get sick of players going so deep into the hall that they are practically on the spawn points.  Have some respect for your fellow player and bring it back to us just a little bit please.  I think alot of players either dont know there is shared xp, or dont realise there is a range to it.  I wish this was made available to the player base via tutorial or an in game guide or something.  Am I alone on this or is everyone oblivious to shared xp?  /end rant


Ps. Mark mods and blue mats.

Pss. <3


Everyone share xp no matter where they are, i dont care where they are if they kiling mobs and not dying, if you want to be most kil lhero go and play alone, i prefer to sit afk when there one person can clear easy and come to help on higher waves or when needed...


Only thing i hate thats brainless 5 wave noobs, most of them high rank , leaving in lowest lvl maps, i blacklist those noobs, there is no reason to leave but they scared with full pants always, game is so easy, whats the point to come and leave for nothing, shame!

Edited by drunkpunk222
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Then don't do nothing?  I've regularly seen whiny kids like the OP say they'll just abandon the pod but anyone with a clue is able to get back to the pod in time when it's getting damaged.

600+ hours under my belt.

When everyone is deep in the spawns after even wave 10 or so, by the time you see the pod actually taking damage it's game over.

You kill just as fast, if not faster, with everyone near the pod (not nessacarily ON the pod, but within sight) and you don't divide the team and people don't have to run all over the place to find the pickups and people DON'T lose mats.

I've said this before on this thread... you can try to justify it all you like, but in my experience I have never seen a match fail when people stayed near the pod before wave 20 unless people were under leveled and more often when people go to spawns the match ends in failure than completion unless someone sits at the pod waiting for the odd thing to slip through (some people don't mind that).

But I seldom run in online mode BECAUSE of people like you who argue incessantly that it doesn't make things needlessly more complected. You're like one of those frost players who insist on using snow globe to "defend the pod" when I'm wearing an Ogris and they tell me to just go inside the dome.

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Everyone share xp no matter where they are, i dont care where they are if they kiling mobs and not dying, if you want to be most kil lhero go and play alone, i prefer to sit afk when there one person can clear easy and come to help on higher waves or when needed...


Only thing i hate thats brainless 5 wave noobs, most of them high rank , leaving in lowest lvl maps, i blacklist those noobs, there is no reason to leave but they scared with full pants always, game is so easy, whats the point to come and leave for nothing, shame!

Depends on what the reward is. If I'm farming void keys and one pops on wave 5 you better believe I'm taking it.

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600+ hours under my belt.

When everyone is deep in the spawns after even wave 10 or so, by the time you see the pod actually taking damage it's game over.

You kill just as fast, if not faster, with everyone near the pod (not nessacarily ON the pod, but within sight) and you don't divide the team and people don't have to run all over the place to find the pickups and people DON'T lose mats.

I've said this before on this thread... you can try to justify it all you like, but in my experience I have never seen a match fail when people stayed near the pod before wave 20 unless people were under leveled and more often when people go to spawns the match ends in failure than completion unless someone sits at the pod waiting for the odd thing to slip through (some people don't mind that).

But I seldom run in online mode BECAUSE of people like you who argue incessantly that it doesn't make things needlessly more complected. You're like one of those frost players who insist on using snow globe to "defend the pod" when I'm wearing an Ogris and they tell me to just go inside the dome.


Egads, that extra 119 hours you have played over me clearly means I haven't played enough defense.  Lol? 


And that's not true at all.  Going up to a spawn and pressing 4 once or twice to kill 1/4-1/2 of a wave (depends on how times they spawn from location) is always going to be faster than waiting at the pod.


I don't see your problem with snow globe.  You could always kill stuff before it gets to the pod.  That is sort of the idea of the mode.  God forbid a frost use one of the most effective abilities for defense.

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Egads, that extra 119 hours you have played over me clearly means I haven't played enough defense.  Lol? 


And that's not true at all.  Going up to a spawn and pressing 4 once or twice to kill 1/4-1/2 of a wave (depends on how times they spawn from location) is always going to be faster than waiting at the pod.

Tested it many times. Feel free to test it yourself. Being within range of the spawn staggers the spawn and actually does make the waves take longer once you start getting a bit higher. I didn't say how many hours I've played to compare it to yours, I was pointing out that I have plenty of experience.

Also people seem to have this strange notion that staying near the pod = staying at the pod. The best places to fight on Xini / Io against infested is at the choke points which are a good 15-20m from the pod.

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Tested it many times. Feel free to test it yourself. Being within range of the spawn staggers the spawn and actually does make the waves take longer once you start getting a bit higher. I didn't say how many hours I've played to compare it to yours, I was pointing out that I have plenty of experience.

Also people seem to have this strange notion that staying near the pod = staying at the pod. The best places to fight on Xini / Io against infested is at the choke points which are a good 15-20m from the pod.

The spawns are already staggered lol.  They come in a couple mass waves that any properly modded aoe ulti can take out easily without worrying about messing up spawns.


You are not on the same side of the argument as you think you are.  Most kids whining about staying with the pod want you actually at the pod.  That's why they're cussing you out while they stand next to the pod

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Take a level 0 weapon to any public mission (defense is usually best)

Don't use it

Watch it level up cause your teammates are using their primary/secondary/melee and you're earning that XP


i hate those "helpers" coming with 0 lvl stuff and making waves moving slow, for those branless peeps, u wasting more time then u go and kill with skills, u earn so little xp by damaging with ur low lvl stuff, pure waste of time and xp, and these levelers dying like fly's trying to kill toxic ancients melee. U not need to use low lvl weapon to xp , u going to get very low xp for that anyway, u get more if u get to higher waves or go more same defe missions again and again , that wasting tom to kill one by one with ur crap stuff, why noobs dnt have brains .

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The spawns are already staggered lol.  They come in a couple mass waves that any properly modded aoe ulti can take out easily without worrying about messing up spawns.


You are not on the same side of the argument as you think you are.  Most kids whining about staying with the pod want you actually at the pod.  That's why they're cussing you out while they stand next to the pod

Yeah, I am on the side of the argument I think I am, you're misrepresenting my and the OP's argument by assuming we're the other extreme.

The spawns are staggered, staying in them staggers them MORE. I'm not kidding when I say test it yourself, I used a stopwatch and did an average of 5 runs in the spawns and out of the spawns and they were practically identical to wave 15 with a slight edge going to standing near the pod.

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Yeah, I am on the side of the argument I think I am, you're misrepresenting my and the OP's argument by assuming we're the other extreme.

The spawns are staggered, staying in them staggers them MORE. I'm not kidding when I say test it yourself, I used a stopwatch and did an average of 5 runs in the spawns and out of the spawns and they were practically identical to wave 15 with a slight edge going to standing near the pod.

No, you're misrepresenting yourself.  You see, when someone says stay at the pod, most people are telling you to stay.  At.  The.  Pod.


You don't need to be in the actual spawn to clearn out the whole spawn as it spawns.  Just at the doorway.  Stretch+aoe ult, press 4, press 4, maybe shoot something, wave ends. But once you let them out of the doorway, they start to spread out and it's inevitable that it will take more time.

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Now that I know about the shared exp range, when I do Corpus on Narciccus I wait for them to come out of the far left before I zap em with the ultimate. You can still control two major spawns, but reduce the distance traveled by guards on the pod tween waves to pick up loot.. Basically I wait by the pillar behind the box, let's me watch both doors, other players get exp. and miss less drops. It's the best compromise position I've been able to find to help alleviate the issue.


I've also been trying to educate others in the match, with somewhat mixed results... Had a bad experience there last night with the same guy twice who wouldn't listen to reason. In the end I switched suits and went to Xini for awhile to avoid him. Wasn't worth the hassle.


And yes, I always mark mod drops, and occasionally resources when asked.

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No, you're misrepresenting yourself.  You see, when someone says stay at the pod, most people are telling you to stay.  At.  The.  Pod.


You don't need to be in the actual spawn to clearn out the whole spawn as it spawns.  Just at the doorway.  Stretch+aoe ult, press 4, press 4, maybe shoot something, wave ends. But once you let them out of the doorway, they start to spread out and it's inevitable that it will take more time.

Read the OP. Read my comments. You're not even reading what has been said and telling me I'm misrepresenting myself.

I love this thread, so many people to the blacklist and I don't even need to be in game.

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No I've had an unranked weapon hit level 3 even before mission ended.  It's a great way to get a few levels so you can slide a mod in before having to rely on it.  Just make sure you have at least one leveled weapon to contribute with otherwise you're just a leech.

Or go to Kiste with an affinity booster. Instant level 11 without using.

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