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Weekend Defense Mission


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Taken from the German forums. Translation is a little rough.



 We have received a message from Lotus:



Attention all Tenno! 

There are several rare artifacts on transport routes through the solar system. We believe that enemy forces have learned from these movements are getting ready to intercept. The artifacts will be on the transport routes during the next three days. If one of them are threatened by hostile forces, will I require the support of the Tenno a distress signal. Attacks can occur at any time and these artifacts represent a critical point in the implementation of our plans dar. 





This weekend event focuses on specific defense missions. The reward? One of three new artifacts. To ensure the artifacts you need to get through with your team shaft 15. The missions are set to 15 waves and there will be no option to exit after wave 5 or 10th Alarms are regularly distributed over the whole weekend appear, so there is plenty of opportunities to participate in the event.


Good luck Tenno

Edited by inorite3
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Guessing it was suppose to start tomorrow but got said a little early... Think it was for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Today is Thursday so the event won't be starting till the next day...

Unless Rebecca posts it later today.

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Technically it is Friday in Germany.

Yeah, but not DE's timezone... they're EDT, a hour before where I live and right now it'd be 5:04 PM Thursday. I think Timo just posted that as a heads up for Germany so that those late timers can get some knowledge of what's going on.

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