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Tuning: A way to make time invested in a weapon pay off


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On May 15, 2016 at 5:15 PM, Jiufengbao said:

Alright, this is somewhere between Mastery and the Focus system, but neither of those.

  • Imagine an XP bar counterpart to Mastery, called Tuning.
  • You gain levels for this by ranking up or using a formaed weapon.
  • There's an overall bar for Tuning, as well as specific bars for each weapon.
  • Each level gained on a Tuned weapon unlocks a new attribute.
  • One of these attributes is a mod slot, specific to only certain types of mods, such as utility mods.
  • Tuning is essentially a skill tree for weapons, with additional mod slots serving as branches on the skill tree.

This would reward time invested in a weapon you enjoy. Powergamers will always go for the most efficient path, and that's not a bad thing, just a way of playing. This way, so long as content is tuned (no pun intended) to not be overpowered by the top OP flavor weapons of the month and not impossible for weaker weapons, players will be rewarded with the ability to further customize, and increase the power of, their favorite weapons. Ideally, any Tuned weapon that has sufficient time invested in it should perform as good as top tier weapons, even if they started lower on the power totem pole.

Edited to include suggestions in the thread:

To gain Tuning, you must complete repeatable mini-objectives using the weapon.

  • There are multiple, repeatable, mini-objectives which when completed, give a certain amount of tuning.
    Example: 9 Headshot Kills = 300 Tuning. 15 Kills = 100 Tuning. 3 Kills in 5 seconds = 50 Tuning. Etc.
  • There are certain things which, if skillfully accomplished, add modifiers to the tuning gained by doing the mini-objectives.
    Example: 70%+ Accuracy = +20% Tuning, 90%+ Accuracy = +30% Tuning, 70% Melee Kills = +30% Tuning. Etc. This is applied at the end of the game.

Tuning would have 10 ranks. On the third and sixth rank, you get a utility mod slot. On the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth, and ninth ranks, you get stat tree buffs as follows:

  • +1% Damage or +3% Firing Rate
  • +1% Critical Rate or +5% Critical Damage
  • +5% Status Chance or +3% Multishot
  • +5% Range or +5% Ammo
  • +3% Reload Speed or +5% Magazine Size
  • +5% Hoster Speed or -5% Recoil
  • +.2 m Punchthrough or +5% Status Duration

On the tenth rank, you get a universal slot.


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  1. Won't this cause even more powercreep overrun? What happens when you use a Tuned Soma Prime or Tonkor?
    Answer: This will cause these weapons to become more powerful than they are currently, yes. However, by keeping Tuned mod slots to utility type mods, except maybe for 10th level slots, this will reduce the ceiling for powercreep on current OP weapons, while giving the opportunity for lower DPS weapons to gain more improvement. One example is ammo or reload mods. Let's take a look at how the Tuned system might work:

    Tuning has 10 levels, each of which takes 50% more XP per level. One level of Tuning is equal to 30 ranks of Mastery.

    On the first, third, sixth, ninth, and tenth levels, you gain a mod slot on the weapon. The first four are utility mods only. The tenth can by any type of mod, including flat DPS mods.
    On the second, fourth, fifth, seventh, and eighth levels, you get the choice of giving one of two stats a buff:

    +5% Damage or +10% Firing Rate
    +5% Critical Rate or +10% Critical Damage
    +20% Status Chance or +10% Multishot
    +20% Range or +20% Ammo
    +15% Reload Speed or +20% Magazine Size

    Imagine these as switches. Swish left, swish right. 5 ways to tune the stats on your weapon, 5 mod slots to further customize it. Because most weapons that aren't good benefit more from things like ammo or magazine size than already OP weapons, you have a situation where good weapons don't get a big improvement while mediocre weapons see a huge increase in usability.

    Either way, this should let me go into a Sortie 3 with a Panthera, single Furis, and Furax Wraith and be able to kill things.
    And what happens when you use a Tuned Soma Prime or Tonkor? You cut through level 100 enemies maybe 20-30% faster than you would've with an untuned Soma Prime or Tonkor. Big deal. That guy with the Twin Vipers is actually killing several enemies per ammo clip, and doesn't he have a big smile on his face, aren't you happy for him? SAY YOU'RE HAPPY FOR HIM, DAMN IT!
  2. What type of mods would be utility mods?
    Answer: Ammo, Magazine Size, Reload Speed, Status Chance, Range, Status Duration... anything that's not Damage, Critical Rate, Critical Damage, Multishot, or Firing Rate.
  3. Doesn't this make things needlessly complicated?
    Answer: Doesn't this give us vets something to actually do, that rewards us for using weapons we've invested time into, that gives us something positive out of forma resetting ranking to 0? Isn't it flat out awesome that I can improve the ammo clip and reload speed of my favorite weapon, which makes it actually useable?

    Answer to that: You're damn right it is.
  4. No, but seriously.
    Answer: As this only happens when a player Forma's a weapon, that player will have to have some level of experience with the game, to have gone into the Void and gotten a Forma. Add it to the tutorial. For veterans, this gives us a new playground of options, that we're rewarded with for using the weapons we like using.






I like this idea. A lot actually. Definitely keep up this thinking. Contrary to popular belief, DE does actually take player input and with enough support those inputs become fabricated. Keep up the creativity. Definitely +1.

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This got me thinking about something actually. How do we define what mods are utility? What are the requirements for a mod to be considered utility? So, I went to the wiki and read through the modlist to see what could be utility. I think something along the lines of stuff that doesn't directly affect damage and buffs otherwise insignificant areas. I even provide arguments as well for each category.

  • Accuracy Mods - Allows shots to hit closer to the aiming reticle
    • Notable mods
      • Tainted Shell
      • Narrow Barrel
      • Guided Ordinance
      • Targeting subsystems
      • Mods under these categories gives a weapon a greater feeling of control as well as adresses damage falloff without increasing damage as a whole. Only mod that would be exempt would be Viscous Spread due to it directly adding damage at the cost of spread, therefore making it not a utility mod.
  • Ammo and Magazine Capacity - Improves ammo economy
    • Notable Mods
      • Ammo Drum
      • Trick Mag
      • Ammo Stock
      • Primed Slip Magazine
    • Mods udner this category help weapons with poor ammo economy keep up with weapons that don't require an ammo boost. Although higher magazines grant better burst damage, it's an indirect boost to overall damage and should be considered utility. The two elemental ammo mods would not be included as they add direct damage.
  • Flight Speed - Faster travel-time for projectiles
    • Notable Mods
      • Terminal Velocity
      • Fatal Acceleration
      • Lethal Momentum
      • Whirlwind
    • Flight speed improves a projectile based weapons reliability to hit targets at a distance. It doesn't affect damage in any way and thus should count as utility. The Kestrel specific mod, Entropy Flight, as well as the Drakgoon specific mod, Formorian Accelerant, would not count due to these mods being unique to these weapons and would find a better place in the bonus slot.
  • Punch Through - Allows weapons and projectile melee to hit through enemies and obstacles.
    • Notable Mods
      • Shred
      • Seeking Fury
      • Metal Auger
      • Seeking Force
    • Although we can argue that a weapon with punch through increases overall damage to crowds and enemies in cover, it is not a direct boost to damage itself. All punch through mods are straight forward, where as two grant other forms of utility. Most of the time, we can live without added punch through and certain enemies still stop this mechanic.
  • Recoil - reduces kickback of a weapon
    • Notable Mods
      • Steady Hands
      • Stabalizer
      • Vile Precision
    • Pretty self explanatory, recoil doesn't touch damage in any way across all recoil mods. YOu can argue that it improves the general "feel" when firing a weapon.
  • Reload Speed - Time taken to reload a weapon
    • Notable Mods
      • Quick Draw
      • Tactical Pump
      • Primed Fast Hands
      • Depleted Reload
    • This category improves weapon reliability, allowing you to get back into a fight faster after reload. The mod, Stunning Speed would be exempt due to how status chance can directly affect damage output.
  • Zoom - Improves aim by reducing FOV when aiming down sights.
    • Notable Mods
      • Eagle Eye
      • Hawk Eye
    • Improved zoom gives players that like fighting from a distance a better way to make a pinpoint shot. Lasting Purity mod is left out due it's exclusivity to the Vulkar, as well as it directly affecting damage.
  • Fire Rate and Attack Speed - weapon fire frequency
    • Notable Mods
      • Shred
      • Pressurized Magazine
      • Fury
      • Quickening
    • Fire Rate and Attack speed are indirect damage modifiers. Although you could argue that it improves a weapon's killing potential, you're still doing the same damage per hit, just at a faster rate. The mods Spoiled Strike, Accelerated Blast, and Lethal Torrent directly affect damage in various ways and would not be included in the utility mods.
  • Noise Level - Decreases weapon noise
    • Notable Mods
      • Hush
      • Suppress
    • Also self-explanatory, reducing noise level makes stealth based missions a little easier as well as gives players better control of enemy alertness.

These attributes would work best in the utility slots. As for the bonus slot, they can finally help out with the syndacate weapon augments that add something nice to a weapon but otherwise force us to leave out a mod that would be better by comparison. So, I'm still very much for this system as anything that can improve weapon diversity across the playerbase is welcome.



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5 hours ago, CrazyCortex said:

This got me thinking about something actually. How do we define what mods are utility? What are the requirements for a mod to be considered utility? So, I went to the wiki and read through the modlist to see what could be utility. I think something along the lines of stuff that doesn't directly affect damage and buffs otherwise insignificant areas. I even provide arguments as well for each category.

  • Accuracy Mods - Allows shots to hit closer to the aiming reticle
    • Notable mods
      • Tainted Shell
      • Narrow Barrel
      • Guided Ordinance
      • Targeting subsystems
      • Mods under these categories gives a weapon a greater feeling of control as well as adresses damage falloff without increasing damage as a whole. Only mod that would be exempt would be Viscous Spread due to it directly adding damage at the cost of spread, therefore making it not a utility mod.
  • Ammo and Magazine Capacity - Improves ammo economy
    • Notable Mods
      • Ammo Drum
      • Trick Mag
      • Ammo Stock
      • Primed Slip Magazine
    • Mods udner this category help weapons with poor ammo economy keep up with weapons that don't require an ammo boost. Although higher magazines grant better burst damage, it's an indirect boost to overall damage and should be considered utility. The two elemental ammo mods would not be included as they add direct damage.
  • Flight Speed - Faster travel-time for projectiles
    • Notable Mods
      • Terminal Velocity
      • Fatal Acceleration
      • Lethal Momentum
      • Whirlwind
    • Flight speed improves a projectile based weapons reliability to hit targets at a distance. It doesn't affect damage in any way and thus should count as utility. The Kestrel specific mod, Entropy Flight, as well as the Drakgoon specific mod, Formorian Accelerant, would not count due to these mods being unique to these weapons and would find a better place in the bonus slot.
  • Punch Through - Allows weapons and projectile melee to hit through enemies and obstacles.
    • Notable Mods
      • Shred
      • Seeking Fury
      • Metal Auger
      • Seeking Force
    • Although we can argue that a weapon with punch through increases overall damage to crowds and enemies in cover, it is not a direct boost to damage itself. All punch through mods are straight forward, where as two grant other forms of utility. Most of the time, we can live without added punch through and certain enemies still stop this mechanic.
  • Recoil - reduces kickback of a weapon
    • Notable Mods
      • Steady Hands
      • Stabalizer
      • Vile Precision
    • Pretty self explanatory, recoil doesn't touch damage in any way across all recoil mods. YOu can argue that it improves the general "feel" when firing a weapon.
  • Reload Speed - Time taken to reload a weapon
    • Notable Mods
      • Quick Draw
      • Tactical Pump
      • Primed Fast Hands
      • Depleted Reload
    • This category improves weapon reliability, allowing you to get back into a fight faster after reload. The mod, Stunning Speed would be exempt due to how status chance can directly affect damage output.
  • Zoom - Improves aim by reducing FOV when aiming down sights.
    • Notable Mods
      • Eagle Eye
      • Hawk Eye
    • Improved zoom gives players that like fighting from a distance a better way to make a pinpoint shot. Lasting Purity mod is left out due it's exclusivity to the Vulkar, as well as it directly affecting damage.
  • Fire Rate and Attack Speed - weapon fire frequency
    • Notable Mods
      • Shred
      • Pressurized Magazine
      • Fury
      • Quickening
    • Fire Rate and Attack speed are indirect damage modifiers. Although you could argue that it improves a weapon's killing potential, you're still doing the same damage per hit, just at a faster rate. The mods Spoiled Strike, Accelerated Blast, and Lethal Torrent directly affect damage in various ways and would not be included in the utility mods.
  • Noise Level - Decreases weapon noise
    • Notable Mods
      • Hush
      • Suppress
    • Also self-explanatory, reducing noise level makes stealth based missions a little easier as well as gives players better control of enemy alertness.

These attributes would work best in the utility slots. As for the bonus slot, they can finally help out with the syndacate weapon augments that add something nice to a weapon but otherwise force us to leave out a mod that would be better by comparison. So, I'm still very much for this system as anything that can improve weapon diversity across the playerbase is welcome.



Yes. Very yes. Beautiful.

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