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Mag- Help Needed



I made a Mag as my new frame. Is she worth potatoing ? Her viability in end-game missions compared to other frames ? If you would be so kind and also write some of the tactics for her skills besides her ult.


I can´t seem to find the use for Pull and Shield Polarize :/ I˙ve also read her ult is not that strong compared to other ults.

I really like this frame and want to get the max of it :))

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7 answers to this question

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Pull can drag downed players away from toxics, Shield polarize can revitalize the shield on Cryo tubes in defense (and on team mates, but to time this you pretty much need to be on team speak or something).


An idea is also to use weapons that are rapid fire (has spread) or shotguns. Using bullet attractor with a latron or sniper is just a waste if you're not terrible at aiming.

Edited by Lactamid
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I absolutely LOVE Mag,she is awesome and most people don't realize how awesome she is


Pull - is great for taking the lancers shields off,  pulling poisonous ancients out of cryopod on defence missions, pulling your teammates out of danger/if downed pulling them to safer location to pick them up , pull does knock the enemies down ,so if there is heavy grineer unloading his gun/launcher to teammate just pull him, he gets knocked down and teammates have time to slash him to death, the cost of pull is only 25 energy , max your "Stretch" mod for this


Shield Polarize - well i'm not really using this that much, but you can restore shields up to  380 (i think, not 100% sure of the ammount) on cryopod on defence missions,note that it restore shields, NOT health of the pod, sometimes i use it on heavy grineer when he is close and not moving much to kill them faster, costs 50 energy (really not worth to waste 50en imo, should be 25 :/ )


Bullet Attractor -  it attracts all bullets that passing the "bubble" , its awesome for killing bosses ,especially when paired with Excalibur and his maxed "Radial Javelin" (radial javelin+maxed focus +bullet attractor  = 19500 dmg, i think i'm right), i also use this often on the tougher enemies like heavy grineers to give little break to the team, since they stop shooting when in the "bubble", its good specially on Tower 3 runs when there is whole bunch of heavy grineers (sometimes even 10 in 1 room) . Just make sure your teammates are not standing inside the bubble! They can still be hit by the enemy that has the bubble on him. Costs 75 energy,( its really good i just wish it did cost 50en instead 75en), max your "Stretch" and "Continuity" mods for this (maxed Continuity gives extra 2 sec, might not seem much, but trust me, there are situation that those 2 sec are lifesavers)


Crush - well its the ult, its great on infested defence missions (you kill all those fast moving enemies,so your team can focus on the ancients/slow moving ones) or when you are sorounded with enemies, does 1000 base dmg, costs 100 energy, max your "Focus" and "Stretch" mods for this


here is my 2x polarized MAG, still need to add more points to "Flow" and "Streamline", but if you don't need to rush like idiot and are focused on team play , with these mods you can't go wrong and will never, ever go down



on defence missions i usually take my overkill HEK to deal with the ancients fast

http://imageshack.us/a/img826/8241/ioeh.png (yea i know)


and i also just love Cronus , its cheap to craft , you get it very early in game and when you mod it right its great ,never had a problem to kill anything with it, well the mods are not full there since i put the full ones on Reaper to try it out (still like Cronus more) but you can see where the extra points will go




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I absolutely LOVE Mag,she is awesome and most people don't realize how awesome she is


Pull - is great for taking the lancers shields off,  pulling poisonous ancients out of cryopod on defence missions, pulling your teammates out of danger/if downed pulling them to safer location to pick them up , pull does knock the enemies down ,so if there is heavy grineer unloading his gun/launcher to teammate just pull him, he gets knocked down and teammates have time to slash him to death, the cost of pull is only 25 energy , max your "Stretch" mod for this


Shield Polarize - well i'm not really using this that much, but you can restore shields up to  380 (i think, not 100% sure of the ammount) on cryopod on defence missions,note that it restore shields, NOT health of the pod, sometimes i use it on heavy grineer when he is close and not moving much to kill them faster, costs 50 energy (really not worth to waste 50en imo, should be 25 :/ )


Bullet Attractor -  it attracts all bullets that passing the "bubble" , its awesome for killing bosses ,especially when paired with Excalibur and his maxed "Radial Javelin" (radial javelin+maxed focus +bullet attractor  = 19500 dmg, i think i'm right), i also use this often on the tougher enemies like heavy grineers to give little break to the team, since they stop shooting when in the "bubble", its good specially on Tower 3 runs when there is whole bunch of heavy grineers (sometimes even 10 in 1 room) . Just make sure your teammates are not standing inside the bubble! They can still be hit by the enemy that has the bubble on him. Costs 75 energy,( its really good i just wish it did cost 50en instead 75en), max your "Stretch" and "Continuity" mods for this (maxed Continuity gives extra 2 sec, might not seem much, but trust me, there are situation that those 2 sec are lifesavers)


Crush - well its the ult, its great on infested defence missions (you kill all those fast moving enemies,so your team can focus on the ancients/slow moving ones) or when you are sorounded with enemies, does 1000 base dmg, costs 100 energy, max your "Focus" and "Stretch" mods for this


here is my 2x polarized MAG, still need to add more points to "Flow" and "Streamline", but if you don't need to rush like idiot and are focused on team play , with these mods you can't go wrong and will never, ever go down



on defence missions i usually take my overkill HEK to deal with the ancients fast

http://imageshack.us/a/img826/8241/ioeh.png (yea i know)


and i also just love Cronus , its cheap to craft , you get it very early in game and when you mod it right its great ,never had a problem to kill anything with it, well the mods are not full there since i put the full ones on Reaper to try it out (still like Cronus more) but you can see where the extra points will go



That´s some sweet informative post, really appreciate it :) awesome looking Mag there also! and lol Hek formaed few times ? Props to you for having the patience to relevel it!!!

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The main person I duo with started with the Mag and loves her. But he's spec'd fully into just pressing R to kill everything. Which she seems well-suited for. I started as the Loki, and so our favorite thing would be for me to use the combination of the clone, and disarm from the Loki to group a large group of enemies, and then he'd just press his kill button on the Mag and everything died. Once you get the alt helmet, and modding extra range, and so on, you can clear multiple screens worth of enemies with one button. Aside from what has been mentioned already, with the shields and such, there isn't much utility in the kit. But she has one of the strongest kill buttons, in my opinion. It's efficient in terms of how long it takes (compared to the Ash for example). It's more or less a sphere (compared to the Rhino, for example, which can't kill things on stairs/ramps/below/above him). That's the real strength of the frame, in my opinion.

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