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Did I Just Screw Myself?



Last night I started building the Vauban parts, but when I logged back in today and picked them up, I realized I had actually built the Volt Chassis blueprint I had instead of the Vauban one. Now in my inventory I can't even sell the Volt piece I built. It's totaly useless to me; I got Volt back when you could select it still at the start instead of Mag. Would it be worth making a support ticket (and what would I file it as?), or should I just refarm the materials and let the Volt piece float in limbo for the rest of eternity?

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let the Volt piece float in limbo for the rest of eternity


You'll get friends for him, when you go to void :D ... the latron prime parts and reaper prime parts also love to party at your inventory, and you can't sell them.

Edited by Ungorisz
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You'll get friends for him, when you go to void :D ... the latron prime parts and reaper prime parts also love to party at your inventory, and you can't sell them.


Actually you can sell the parts you get in the void.

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I built a Banshee helmet on accident long after I had already built a Banshee. Now I have no use for it, yet there it is, still sitting there.


I say f*ck all that "let it sit and rot" nonsense. DE, please allow us to sell built frame components. I don't care if I only get 200cr out of it, I just want it gone.

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It's your mistake for clicking the wrong thing. Support ticket won't help.


Tough luck, go grind back to mats.


And it's not like you stare at your inventory 90% of your play time anyways.


Pretend that Volt piece doesn't exists and focus on the missions.

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I forgot to mention:


You do have the option of building Volt, or whatever frame again.


It would cost you credits, but you'd get all 4 mods again.


Nah; the one I already have is pretty much maxed out, and I'm not OCD enough to blow 100k just to get rid of 1 extraneous part.

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