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Shotgun, Short Range And Long Range Weapon Ideas [Because Let's Face It We Have Enough Melee Weapons]


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Tesla Cannon

"Fires high-energy electricity beams between enemies for high damage to multiple targets"

We have a gun that throws fire, why not a gun that throws electricity?

On firing, an arc of electricity will form between the gun and the target, dealing 100% base electricity damage. A second arc of electricity will form between the first target and the nearest enemy to the first target, dealing 90% damage to this second target, up until a 9th target for 10% damage. The total distance this beam travels is never greater than 25 meters [increased by Stretch on your Warframe?], so if the targeted enemy is 20 meters away and the next nearest is 6 meters away, the second target will not be hit. Enemies are stunned for the duration of the beam.

Base Damage: 250
Base Fire Rate: 1.0 charge time [reduced by Speed Trigger], 1.0 second electricity beam duration [fire rate = 0.5]
Base Clip Size: 5

Base Reload Speed: 2.5s
Base Crit Chance: 20%
Base Crit Damage: On critical hit, the target takes damage equal the one 2 before it in the chain [e.g. a crit on the third target would deal 100% damage]. This is increased by Crit Damage Mod.
Base Ammo Capacity: 120


"Developed by the Corpus, the Target Specific Long-range Arc [TESLARC] is an experimental high-energy sniper rifle."

The first shot fires a small orb at high velocity which staggers the target on impact and then sticks to it [looks similar to the little explosive rollers the Grineer Seekers deploy]. This first stage is hitscan homing, but the orb has travel time, and if the target moves behind cover while the orb is in flight in such a way that the orb would hit the cover the the orb is destroyed on impact with the cover.

The second shot then fires a beam of electricity to the designated enemy, which deals 75%/25% electricity/fire damage and sets the target alight dealing fire DoT. The second shot does not require line of sight. The orb is destroyed in the process.

If the first shot did not hit an enemy, then the firing stage resets and the next shot will be the designation orb again.

Base Damage: 200 [DoT: 25/tick, 0.5 ticks/second for up to 200 additional damage, total max damage on the tick scales with Serration, Speed Trigger increases tick rate]. Max DoT damage dealt is proportional to charge time completed [75% charge completed means 150 DoT damage].

Base Fire Rate: Special. Another orb can be fired as soon as the previous one is destroyed. Charge time for second stage: 1.5 seconds.

Base Clip Size: 5 Orbs

Base Reload Speed: 2.0s
Base Crit Chance: 15% [Primary Target cannot score criticals]
Base Crit Damage: Special. Each enemy within 8m of the target has a chance equal to Crit Chance to receive the same damage mechanics [75%/25% electricity/fire damage and fire DoT] as the primary target but at 35% power [Vital Sense mod increases the 45% damage to secondary targets].
Base Ammo Capacity: 72

Thunderbolt: Equipping Thunderbolt gives a 7.5%/15%/22.5%/30% chance for the orb to explode on release of second stage charge [this does not remove the second stage's damage, just deals additional explosion damage].


Just by the stats this weapon might seem OP, but you have to remember the Orbs are going to have significant travel time, and firing them at a time when they're not going to hit cover between you and the target will raise the skill ceiling significantly.


"With each the fully automatic Blunderbolt shotgun fires several small bolts similar to the ones fired by it's cousin, the Boltor."


Looks like a 6 barreled Boltor, this shotgun fires 6 bolts with each shot. Obviously, these bolts nail enemies to walls with just as much gusto as its rifle-counterpart, and deal native AP damage.


Been suggested before of course, I just wanted to add my own take on it.


Base Damage: 90

Base Fire Rate: 4.0

Base Clip Size: 10

Base Reload Speed: 2.2s

Base Crit Chance: 2.5%

Base Crit Damage: 150%

Base Ammo Capacity: 120

Edited by Notso
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Its a nice idea, but on the other side we already have a full electricity sniper, together with 4? other energy lab weapons,while both other Labs only hav 2. The concept itself, of having ARC-shots is nice and may be used on other weapons(for example as mod instead of a weapon itself). Since we already have thunderbolt (even if only on 2 bows) i dont see anything against(exept some balancing issues that may occur) putting the arc effect on a mod.Together with a lanka you still have your "arc sniper", and you can even use it on other weapons.

Would be also fun to see it on other kinds of weapons like gorgon or boar.

Edited by TheWaschmaschine
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Its a nice idea, but on the other side we already have a full electricity sniper, together with 4? other energy lab weapons,while both other Labs only hav 2. The concept itself, of having ARC-shots is nice and may be used on other weapons(for example as mod instead of a weapon itself). Since we already have thunderbolt (even if only on 2 bows) i dont see anything against(exept some balancing issues that may occur) putting the arc effect on a mod.Together with a lanka you still have your "arc sniper", and you can even use it on other weapons.

Would be also fun to see it on other kinds of weapons like gorgon or boar.


So you say that because a gun with electric damage already exists there shouldn't be another? I guess DE should just stop making guns that shoot bullets altogether then. Saying that there is already a sniper rifle that deals the same damage type is not an acceptable argument for saying a weapon is bad, especially when the mechanics of dealing that damage are utterly different.

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So you say that because a gun with electric damage already exists there shouldn't be another? I guess DE should just stop making guns that shoot bullets altogether then. Saying that there is already a sniper rifle that deals the same damage type is not an acceptable argument for saying a weapon is bad, especially when the mechanics of dealing that damage are utterly different.

Nope,but i think adding another electricity-sniper, right after one got intodruced isnt so nice as long as there arent as much other element weapons. Right now they are mostly energy weapons than other elements without a single frost weapon. Also i said that using this mechanic as a mod could be useful,too, so its useable on other weapons,too

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Perhaps an air burst version of Thunderbolt?


You fire it and with a second LMB click you can detonate it. That means as it passes over the top of a barrier you could possibly time it to detonate and kill the enemy behind the barrier.


It would be used as an alternate to Thunderbolt.

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