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A Regular Rifle


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Hey there,


Today I (finally) maxed out my Aklatos. I sold them afterwards to have a spare slot, and then proceeded to look at the rifles for something that would interest me. While looking through the list, I was struck by a thought.


We have no average rifles.


The vast majority of the current primary weapons -- clan and market weapons alike -- are futuristic, impressive railguns, machine guns, energy weapons, et cetera that are capable of ripping holes through mobs. The closest thing we have to a regular/average rifle is the Braton family. Even the Grakata is more like a sub-machine gun.


So here I am, asking for the player's feedback about getting an average rifle. Something with decent accuracy, a good clip size, good/slightly above normal damage and possibly armor ignoring properties -- or, really, any one of those properties mixed and matched to make a good and perfectly normal rifle.


I know this is a long shot, but what are your thoughts?

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So here I am, asking for the player's feedback about getting an average rifle. Something with decent accuracy, a good clip size, good/slightly above normal damage and possibly armor ignoring properties -- or, really, any one of those properties mixed and matched to make a good and perfectly normal rifle.


Sounds like a Boltor without bullet travel time...

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Latron? :P


The M1 Garand is unique because it uses a En Bloc clip design. Without going into detail, its magazine automaticly ejects after it's empty. (It can reload very quickly) The M14 however, is a selective fire assault rifle which, despite being phased out by the '70s, is still in use. (The Mk14 EBR is technicly the M14 after all.)

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So you basicly want something like a M1 Garand or a M14? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1_garand -OR- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M14_rifle


You mean semi-auto?


Don't get me wrong I love the automatic firing type, but I always tap-shoot for long/medium, and only ever go full auto when enemies are right in front of my face. Something with a high enough damage per bullet like Latron, but not a massive magazine like Grakata.


I love the Mk-1 Braton's firing rate, but man that damage is piddly.

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The M1 Garand is unique because it uses a En Bloc clip design. Without going into detail, its magazine automaticly ejects after it's empty. (It can reload very quickly) The M14 however, is a selective fire assault rifle which, despite being phased out by the '70s, is still in use. (The Mk14 EBR is technicly the M14 after all.)


I fail to see how that is relevant to my point that the Latron is the in-game equivalent of these two weapons.

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Don't get me wrong I love the automatic firing type, but I always tap-shoot for long/medium, and only ever go full auto when enemies are right in front of my face. Something with a high enough damage per bullet like Latron, but not a massive magazine like Grakata.


I love the Mk-1 Braton's firing rate, but man that damage is piddly.


So basically a non-newbie version of the Mk1? I can get on board with that

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I fail to see how that is relevant to my point that the Latron is the in-game equivalent of these two weapons.


Well, the M14 is an automatic weapon, the Latron is Semi-Auto. The M1 Garand uses an en-bloc clip, the Latron uses what appears to be regular clips. My post wasn't exactly meant to be relevant to your point, though. I simply wanted to explain a little.

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Boltor. And if you're asking for a more "realistic" rifle, please don't.  The more unconventional the guns, the better.


Srsly? Just because you dont like the idea of a weapon, youre trying to prohibit it? So what, if DE made such a gun would you start a petition to remove the gun because you dont like it.... 


Now On Topic, id really like to see another conventional assault rifle except the braton. Something that that has more damage per bullet than the braton, but slower ROF, and it has actual recoil adding to the feel of the gun.

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Well, the M14 is an automatic weapon, the Latron is Semi-Auto. The M1 Garand uses an en-bloc clip, the Latron uses what appears to be regular clips. My post wasn't exactly meant to be relevant to your point, though. I simply wanted to explain a little.

Right well sorry, generally when you quite somebody it means you're responding directly to them (especially when said person never asked for the explanation its only natural not to assume that's what the responder was doing)


Edited by Notso
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Srsly? Just because you dont like the idea of a weapon, youre trying to prohibit it? So what, if DE made such a gun would you start a petition to remove the gun because you dont like it.... 


Now On Topic, id really like to see another conventional assault rifle except the braton. Something that that has more damage per bullet than the braton, but slower ROF, and it has actual recoil adding to the feel of the gun.

Braton Vandal pre-nerf...

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Would love to see a primary weapon that's pretty much a Viper with a higher magazine capacity with innate armor pierce. Sure, there's AP mod and I could slap that to my Braton(already have) and call it a day or maybe even use a Snipetron...  but that doesn't fill my want for a new weapon :|


Though burst fire fans are probably more deserving of a new choice though in the primary weapon slot... They only have the Burston to work with and that's it. Wonder if there's any place for a rifle that doesn't recoil that is burst fire, but I don't think it should outdamage the Burston...

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There's a niche of players who greatly desire, as you people put it, conventional weapons. Currently, we have more then enough unconventional weapons. It'd be better to start reviewing existing weapons and adding a few regular ones now.


So, yes. The Braton Vandal was a good example of a conventional rifle (and its awesome firing sound is just a bonus), but I had already pointed out the Braton family. I'll leave the ideal weapon up entirely to your imagination.

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Ok, so for conventional weapons, so far we have quite a few for each category.



-Lato: Standard semi-auto middle of the range pistol with an akimbo option

-Furis: Machine pistol. sizable magazine, lowish damage, high RoF with an akimbo option

-Viper: Automatic pistol, much like a Beretta 93r or a Glock 18, Small magazine, ungodly RoF, lowish damage.

-Lex: Hand Cannon, huge damage low magazine capacity and RoF

-Sicarius: Burst pistol. Lower damage than the Lato but a fast 3 round burst.



-Bratons, all 3 of them, standard "assualt rifle" type weapon. The variants vary in damage, accuracy and RoF to fit your playstyle.

-Burston, accurate burst fire weapon. High recoil, same damage as the Braton, bursts fire faster than a Braton's full auto but have breaks in between.

-Grakata, submachinegun equivelant. Crazy RoF and harsh recoil with low damage output. Great for doing a lot of damage fast, not so great for ammo efficiency.

-Snipetron (decommisioned): Sniper rifle. High damage, armour piercing, long rance, pinpoint accuracy, small magazine.

-Vulkar: Sniper Rifle. As above with higher damage, but no armour piercing.

-Latron: Marksman rifle. Above average damage, semi auto, below average magazine capacity, good accuracy.



-Hek: Mid range shotgun. High damage, close spread, small ammo cap.

-Strun: Standard shotgun. Slightly less damage than the Hek, wider spread, larger magazine.

-Boar: Automatic shotgun. High rate of fire and large magazine but lower damage and harsh spread.


That's a lot of conventional weapons.

3 assault rifles

2 sniper rifles

2 marksmen rifles

1 submachinegun

3 shotguns

2 machine pistols with akimbo variants

2 standard pistols with one akimbo variant

1 hand cannon


How many Sci-Fi games need more weapons than that, and if they did add more, what would they be? We shouldn't just add more Bratons, but as for "assault rifle" type weapon we already have 3, 4 if you include the Boltor, 5 if you include the Grakata.

At this point, maybe a heavy assault rifle, smaller magazine, say 30 with highish damage, slow RoF, like the Mk-1 with high recoil but decent accuracy. Even then it sounds too much like the Mk-1 but better.

Edited by TheHeraldXII
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