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A Regular Rifle


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I use Latron. It has Average-high damage, decent fire-rate, good accuracy, and all-around is a great weapon. Max it out, slap on some AP, elementals, fire-rate, etc...


What if I told you that we maybe want an automatic rifle? xD Yeah i have my latron prime aswell and its a really good gun, but i would just like a hard hitting slow firing classic assault rifle that also has some of that nice recoil that the latron prime has going on.

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Ok, so for conventional weapons, so far we have quite a few for each category.



-Lato: Standard semi-auto middle of the range pistol with an akimbo option

-Furis: Machine pistol. sizable magazine, lowish damage, high RoF with an akimbo option

-Viper: Automatic pistol, much like a Beretta 93r or a Glock 18, Small magazine, ungodly RoF, lowish damage.

-Lex: Hand Cannon, huge damage low magazine capacity and RoF

-Sicarius: Burst pistol. Lower damage than the Lato but a fast 3 round burst.



-Bratons, all 3 of them, standard "assualt rifle" type weapon. The variants vary in damage, accuracy and RoF to fit your playstyle.

-Burston, accurate burst fire weapon. High recoil, same damage as the Braton, bursts fire faster than a Braton's full auto but have breaks in between.

-Grakata, submachinegun equivelant. Crazy RoF and harsh recoil with low damage output. Great for doing a lot of damage fast, not so great for ammo efficiency.

-Snipetron (decommisioned): Sniper rifle. High damage, armour piercing, long rance, pinpoint accuracy, small magazine.

-Vulkar: Sniper Rifle. As above with higher damage, but no armour piercing.

-Latron: Marksman rifle. Above average damage, semi auto, below average magazine capacity, good accuracy.



-Hek: Mid range shotgun. High damage, close spread, small ammo cap.

-Strun: Standard shotgun. Slightly less damage than the Hek, wider spread, larger magazine.

-Boar: Automatic shotgun. High rate of fire and large magazine but lower damage and harsh spread.


That's a lot of conventional weapons.

3 assault rifles

2 sniper rifles

2 marksmen rifles

1 submachinegun

3 shotguns

2 machine pistols with akimbo variants

2 standard pistols with one akimbo variant

1 hand cannon


How many Sci-Fi games need more weapons than that, and if they did add more, what would they be? We shouldn't just add more Bratons, but as for "assault rifle" type weapon we already have 3, 4 if you include the Boltor, 5 if you include the Grakata.

At this point, maybe a heavy assault rifle, smaller magazine, say 30 with highish damage, slow RoF, like the Mk-1 with high recoil but decent accuracy. Even then it sounds too much like the Mk-1 but better.


Thanks for the input.


The problem here is that a.) I/we are asking for an assault rifle, and b.) you're looking too much into sub-categories.


"3 assault rifles" is what we've set our eyes on. And as we've already disregarded rail guns (the Boltor, which is admittedly a slow railgun) and the Grakata (submachine gun), we're left with nothing but the Braton family. No matter what anyone says, they're barely different. Mark 1? Slower rate of fire which can be solved with Speed Trigger. Brandal and Braton? Same thing, one with less accuracy.


So, for all intents and purposes, we have one assault rifle at the moment.


What if I told you that we maybe want an automatic rifle? xD Yeah i have my latron prime aswell and its a really good gun, but i would just like a hard hitting slow firing classic assault rifle that also has some of that nice recoil that the latron prime has going on.


As a good friend jokingly said, "The AK, used generations upon generations ago on Earth, is the weapon used by Grineer-in-training." :p

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  • 6 months later...

Most non-automatic rifles we have just turn into sniper weapons; I personally wouldn't find much use in a non-sniping semiautomatic primary weapon (I pretty much fill that niche with Lex, a secondary) but if people out there prefer the ability to one- or two-hit kill enemies with precise shots on a primary weapon that doesn't zoom into oblivion when you scope with it, be my guest, I suppose.

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