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*RECRUITMENT CLOSED FOR NOW* Covenant of Eternals / For a Wonderful, Thriving Community / We're raising new players as well / 100% Research / Beautiful Emblem / Teamspeak and Discord


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                          Greetings Tenno, i'm known as Evermore, and i'm here to name the next Eternals for the Covenant.




The recruitment continues at the Storm Clan Recruitment Page! join me and become, ETERNAL!!




... I like to keep things humorous :3


No guys seriously, the community is lovely, the page did good job and my trusty Keeper Kong(heuehe.. imma call you that from now on dud) found people as well, whoever joins finds friends really easily, you will like it here ^^



 Welcome Dear Tenno!


Our Lore;


                                                                                                                    The First Eternal

The Purple Mother continued waking others up, calling them to clean the Universe of the filth, Rid the tyranny, and restore the Balance.
Cleaning the Universe was a great purge , after a long time of fighting, Covenant named it the Eternal Purge, for it has been going on ever since it started.

After leaving the last Tenno Force he joined, Evermore named the first Eternals, and invoked the Eternal Covenant for a more involving purpose. The Covenant was kept small and unofficial among the others. Despite that, Covenant accomplished great work, liberating systems one after another, but Evermore's most important work was to help the Tenno who just woke up, being an influential one, he turned it into a traditional rule whereever he joined, for him, it was a golden rule to get to know another Tenno.

                                                                                                               The Eternal Manifestation


When the term ''Old Earth'' came to use, it became clearer that Tenno, once again must be awakened, united for a familiar, mutual purpose; Purge. 


The enemy, the filth, the to-be-destroyed with great pain, known as Grineer and Corpus, they are to be shown no mercy for they are founded guilty.
Take a good look into the deep space, you will see the biggest criminals, capturing entire systems with great grief to the habitants, Grineer shall be purged as the filths they are in the Eternal Purge.


Profit, a word too dangerous when it is said at the right place and at the right time, known for their greed for wealth, dissecting our blood, our culture, our honor, Corpus will be dealt with excrutiating pain and will be purged in the Eternal Purge.


They are among us. The poor souls of the Universe, some deserving this fate, some not, The Infected, the very reason Tenno named the Ethereal Blades for what they are, must be purged as clearly as possible in the Eternal Purge.



''Corpus Archives - 556''


Non-Lore version, in short, Warframe is fun but it is muuuch more fun with the right people;


I joined a lot of clans in my time of enjoying warframe whenever i could, always been told that i should create my own, i always taught i could be a good influence to others if i were to create my own community, i was always good to everyone i meet, always teaching the new players, helping them out, sharing whatever i could... i guess that's why the people i know wanted me to create the Covenant, a place of great kindredness... is that even a word..? well it is now!.. 

A place of Kindred spirits, good people, sharing daily stuff, tossing ideas, deciding on their next objective, teaching how to bake the perfect cookie in teamspeak or discord or any :D oh yes, you haven't lived till you hear an overpowered clans' warlord/warlady who is op as hell, teaching how to bake the best cookie or a cake...just.. hilarious asdafghjk :D

^This, This is one the many reasons i created the Covenant, people coming and maybe streaming together, cracking jokes and all.
If this is what you like, the stuff you just read, both lore-like and that short real paragraph :D , Then i'm telling you that this place is just the community you need.


Our kewl Emblem, in game version;




                                                                                       ~~~~ Our Ranks ~~~~


Covenant Leader - Originally an Oath Keeper, The First Eternal is considered as the leader of the Eternals.

Oath Keeper - Handpicked by the First Eternal, Keepers pledge their souls for the Greater Good. 

Covenant Knight - Recognized by their own fellow Tenno on the field, these Tenno are very important to the Covenant. Knights are also responsible for diplomatic missions among Clans, Alliance meetings etc.

Captain - These Tenno gained respect by completing many missions outside the clan, noticed by the others, and looked upon, they gained the right to lead their own squads.

Liberator - These Tenno are known for freeing entire planets, giving the common folk their freedom back. (meaning you must unlock every planet to gain this rank.)

Vindicator - Now recognized by their fellow Tenno, Vindicators are promising Tennos who just took the Oath are on their path to protect the Greater Good.

Recruit - New Recruits who answered the Call and has been recruited by the Covenant. These Tennos are now under the wings of The Oath Keepers and will be tested on the field.

Banished* - These Tenno are Banished from the Throne Room for a time.(Read below please ^^)



*Banished;     ZVHQJdM.jpg                                             


What is a Banished?

If a player says something, does something, awful, offensive, scams etc. i will banish that person from the Throne Room,

I will not stand idle if someone, anyone scams one of my people, i will do everything in my power to make it a living hell enough to force that person to change accounts, or make the accused reverse whatever has been done.


PS; Ranks will mean something someday, they will be important in the future, much more important then they are right now, Ranks as it is, are important among the Eternals as well, they will have higher respects, and will have their own rights to create and lead Squads.



                                                                               ~~~~OUR CURRENT ETERNAL GARRISON                                                                                                                                                                                         (All active players) - (Will get updated regularly)

  • CrudShuzKong
  • CaptainMayhem
  • llBerginll
  • Nashucus
  • Axile91 - On Vacation (Inactive)
  • DasianSensation
  • GreyL0ck
  • Hydra889
  • kibbet
  • Krazorb
  • Mrlordzor
  • Naxyy
  • Oneclickdenied - MIA (Inactive)
  • orinx
  • KingMeepEmpire
  • Ovirion
  • PinkZach
  • sixstrings
  • Perfectexample
  • komle4
  • TurnNow
  • cybershack_ray
  • VeXX2435
  • Dudrion
  • Lokiel
  • Khelryst



                                                                                   ~~~~RULES AND WHAT IS TO BE OFFERED~~~~                                                                                                                                                                                            (Please Read Thank You!)



Well as you might have noticed, I'm here to help, i like this game and so does my friends, and i'm trying my best to find good and kind players, create a good community, do missions, and every day, become stronger and wiser.

Now, it's a game, obviously i will not look down on you or anything like that, who am i to treat you like sh*t, as you might have noticed, i'm far from being a player like that, all i want is your respect for it, not just for me, for the good of the people who joins here, that's the whole idea, that's what ''Thriving'' means in the title!



+ So if you are joining my Covenant, speaking to my people, if we are sharing the same emblem on our shoulders, i call you to follow me as your leader my dear Tenno!, You can call me boss, chief, leader, whatever suits you just be the player that urged you to reply to this post!

+ You must be 18+ to join the Covenant.

+ I'm offering you a pretty awesome place, all research is done, and now we're making the dojo a bit pretty(since dojos have a big chance of getting updates)  Also our own site.. buuut the site is kinda in the future :3

+ We will have classes led by me and one of our Oath Keepers, CrudShuzKong, the classes will be in duelling arenas, they will be about improving your movement, Warframes, it's Mechanics, and infos about weapons, and which ones to use. The classes will be perfect for finding your style.

+ Going journeys all together. Aww yiss, anyone needs help, someone will be sent to aid you on the journey.

+ I will take all the new Recruits for a field mission, just for some getting to know, after that the Recruit will be promoted to the next rank to be known as an official Covenant member.

+ Once you become an Eternal, you will be responsible of your own, the ones you look after on the field.

+ I expect every recruit to be respectful to each other.

+ Insulting is never a good choice, please don't be 'that' guy :3

+ The Covenant is very noob-friendly, no one will say anything to you if you don't know that thing or this, no one will flame you here for anything.

+ I'm here to get the Lost Tenno, New Tenno, or the Veterans. Doesn't matter our 'Oath' houses Tenno from all roles and lives.

+ Covenant is a place of Kindred Souls my friends.. We do not like the people who are hot-tempered and negative as all hell.

+ My fellow Tenno, this clan is a place to call home, embark to missions with your fellow clan mates on their journey to rid the tyranny in our Universe.

+ Make friends and earn respect and make your name.

+ Join our live streams, our teamspeak conversations :3


Aaaaand i'm not gonna lie, a lot of clans have cookies, and i have no idea how to bake them.. but we have KEBABS! aw yiss we have Kebabs for everyone!

Here ya go guyz! lel






                                                                    TO BECOME AN ETERNAL AND DESTROYER OF WORLDS;


- You could just leave your ign with a little bit of other things ofcourse but followings these will help us as well

- Tell me about yourself, (nooot mandatory)

- Tell me about your playstyle, [For example; ''i'm usually a tank'' or ''I'm an excellent support on the field!'']

- Your Age (You must be 18+ to join the Covenant)

- Do you like to fight in the Dark Sectors? Did you ever fought against another Tenno? (Again, Dark Sectors? answer will not change anything ^^ )

- Your Mastery Rank?








My timezone is GMT +3 but i'm always online in steam .. mostly.. you can also find CrudShuzKong , my trusty right hand


We're usually at our discord channel or teamspeak server, we use them both OOH THE LUXURY


                                                        For the Greater Good. Welcome Home Tenno, WELCOME AND SKOLL!!


Edited by -Evermore-
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Hello there, I'd like to join your covenant!


So let's get this started. I don't have much to say about me but that I'm a friendly and handsome 18 y/o guy willing to help others and whilst not very talkative at first I do have a lot to say once I get to know people better ^^. I mostly play the role of a support/tank but I can play pretty much anything and when it comes to roleplaying I'm ok with it as long as it doesn't reach the cringe phase. I've never really fought against other players and finally, my current rank is 13. 

Hopefully that's enough, excuse the mistakes haha


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Hello I would like to join as well new to warframe i am 21 years old. mastery Rank is 3 looking for a fun clan to brake up the monotony of playing alone. Can play any game type. As for role, I like to Kill stuff so damage dealer in game. but can do as needed. Not sure what a "ign" is

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Hey, if y'all recruiting 'id like to be a part.


I'm a returning tenno who has just gotten back into warframe after a couple months hiatus. I am a lvl12 and tend to play all rolls where needed. I am partial to FrostP and Vauban.

I am described as chaotic neutral who always loves to have fun and make people laugh. My in game name is Nashucus.

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2 hours ago, Nashucus said:

Hey, if y'all recruiting 'id like to be a part.


I'm a returning tenno who has just gotten back into warframe after a couple months hiatus. I am a lvl12 and tend to play all rolls where needed. I am partial to FrostP and Vauban.

I am described as chaotic neutral who always loves to have fun and make people laugh. My in game name is Nashucus.

 I will contact you ingame shortly!

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4 hours ago, Alphaslayer69 said:

Hello I would like to join as well new to warframe i am 21 years old. mastery Rank is 3 looking for a fun clan to brake up the monotony of playing alone. Can play any game type. As for role, I like to Kill stuff so damage dealer in game. but can do as needed. Not sure what a "ign" is

Sorry it took so long to notice your post, i will contact you ingame asap!

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7 minutes ago, Alphaslayer69 said:

My In game name is Alphaslayer69 how does this work do u guys sent me a invite or something?

One of the big bosses will talk to you for a sec explaining everything you need to know about the clan. We will do this ingame because you need to be online in order for us to send you the invite and to walk you through the process of joining a clan and using the dojo.

Edited by CrudShuzKong
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31 minutes ago, CrudShuzKong said:

One of the big bosses will talk to you for a sec explaining everything you need to know about the clan. We will do this ingame because you need to be online in order for us to send you the invite and to walk you through the process of joining a clan and using the dojo.

Ok cool im in game now I await a message

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Name: ChaoSoldier1986

Morality: Chaotic Good

Class-Style: Support/Tank

Mastery Rank 10

Preferred Weapons: Semi-Auto Rifles, Revolvers, and Claymores

Preferred Warframes: Trinity and Valkyr

Creed: Blade with whom I have lived, blade with whom I now die, serve right and justice one last time, seek one last heart of evil, still one last life of pain, cut well old friend, and then farewell.

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6 hours ago, ChaoSoldier1986 said:

Name: ChaoSoldier1986

Morality: Chaotic Good

Class-Style: Support/Tank

Mastery Rank 10

Preferred Weapons: Semi-Auto Rifles, Revolvers, and Claymores

Preferred Warframes: Trinity and Valkyr

Creed: Blade with whom I have lived, blade with whom I now die, serve right and justice one last time, seek one last heart of evil, still one last life of pain, cut well old friend, and then farewell.

I will chat you up ingame asap! If you want you can pm me here in the forums so i get a notification when you are back online!

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Hello I am interested in joining the clan, my ign is Ovirion. I am currently a 20 year old just looking for a clan to play with since the grind never fun without anyone. I just recently returned to the game but anyone would consider me a noob still because I don't have a lot of stuff lol. My current rank is 6 and I like to play and adapt to new role because I never really main one thing for too long. In term of attitude I would consider myself friendly and like to help out other. I don't know what I can really offer in the game but hopefully I can learn more and be helpful toward anyone in the future and have fun in the clan, hopefully I can join. :)


Ignore this please accidently added XD


Edited by Ovirion
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Hello Evermore! This Clan has me extremely excited, I've just started playing this week (MR 3 as Excalibur) and I'm currently a Melee/DPS/Kill All The Things. However, I normally play Tank as that is my first go-to roll, but I haven't been able to get to that point yet in this game. I'm def. down to be whatever is needed or fill any role that would be required for team events and the such. I'm 24 (soon to be a quarter century ._.) and I love helping out and playing with others and the such. I hope to get a PM from you as I would love to be part of the Eternals! Thanks!

IGN: DasianSensation

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Hi I've just started playing my warframe account I made a year ago, to bad I didn't stay past the tutorial then but this time I've been reading lots of guides made lack of information in the tutorial. I'm currently MR 2,  I like playing support/dps roles in games and currently have a loki warframe, I'm not sure about what my play style in warframe will end up being but I want to try out a different weapons/frames to get a better sense of it. I'm looking for a clan to make starting off the game easier, and so I can more reliably get people to play with.  do I like fighting in dark sectors? umm I haven't doen that yet so I wouldn't know, I also haven't tried pvp yet.

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1 hour ago, orinx said:

Hi I've just started playing my warframe account I made a year ago, to bad I didn't stay past the tutorial then but this time I've been reading lots of guides made lack of information in the tutorial. I'm currently MR 2,  I like playing support/dps roles in games and currently have a loki warframe, I'm not sure about what my play style in warframe will end up being but I want to try out a different weapons/frames to get a better sense of it. I'm looking for a clan to make starting off the game easier, and so I can more reliably get people to play with.  do I like fighting in dark sectors? umm I haven't doen that yet so I wouldn't know, I also haven't tried pvp yet.

I will try to catch you ingame asap!

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Hello Tenno of the Covenant of Eternals! I just recently created a new account to start playing Warframe again and I took interest in your clan. My in-game name is PinkZach, I'm mainly DPS due to my Warframe's high damage output. (Volt) Currently, I am MR 1, but I plan to get a lot higher because I will be playing almost all summer. I'm 14 years old and currently in school, I have always loved video games and consider myself a gamer. Feel free to contact me through Steam: PinkZach


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1 hour ago, PinkZach said:

Hello Tenno of the Covenant of Eternals! I just recently created a new account to start playing Warframe again and I took interest in your clan. My in-game name is PinkZach, I'm mainly DPS due to my Warframe's high damage output. (Volt) Currently, I am MR 1, but I plan to get a lot higher because I will be playing almost all summer. I'm 14 years old and currently in school, I have always loved video games and consider myself a gamer. Feel free to contact me through Steam: PinkZach


I will contact you ingame asap (i cant invite you to the clan via steam).

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