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*RECRUITMENT CLOSED FOR NOW* Covenant of Eternals / For a Wonderful, Thriving Community / We're raising new players as well / 100% Research / Beautiful Emblem / Teamspeak and Discord


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Hey I have just created a new account to play with my friend, And he has just joined this clan. I'm thirteen with a sorta high piched voice so i dont talk much, 3 days of school left, i cry, I am planing to play as much as I can. Steam name is BC_KILLLER msg on that if u wish or on this accont BCKILLLEM

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Hi saw your original recruitment post and was sold after da kebabs! comment.

Recently started playing after watching angry joe review and now im hooked. Currently level 3 and enjoying it.  I am 35 years old been playing since atari and will keep playing till fingers do not work no more.

I would like to join your clan for grouping/raiding community etc. I have ts and am happy to participate/chat etc. Game name is cybershack_ray. Steam ID is yukonknight. 

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Hey Cyber! you are most welcome into our fold, currently we are getting people everywhere.. and it's hilarious, one player is getting for work but not before playing some warframe while another one just finished dinner.. pretty funny stuff at our servers


Anyways, Welcome to the Covenant dear friend, i assume you will make friends easily here, we use Discord usually, that because most our Alliance is there as well, but to be honest Discord is much better than teamspeak in my opinion ^^

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If you guys are still recruiting, I'd like to join as soon as possible!

I'm a new Tenno that's rank 2 at the moment, and would like to progress more by joining your clan. I mostly prefer Offensive but when it comes to certain missions, I'll go tactically defensive trying to finish the mission with no detection. The Warframe I'm using at the moment is Excalibur and at the moment trying to get Rhino and if possible, or lucky, get Rhino Prime with some Prime weapons (Did some research on the game). At the moment, I'm trying to gain new weapons so I can be more efficient and useful if anyone ever needed help.

My username is KingMeepEmpire and I'm active mostly everyday since I need to progress.

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Hey, Ive just come back to warframe (mr 9) after getting a friend into the game (mr1 ;p) and was looking for a good dojo to help us get re-introduced into the game as the last time i played was when the tutorial quests got introduced. 

I was very interested in the clan from the intro and then that kebab completely sold it ;p but i was just wondering if you're eu/na or mixed? as we're eu/uk based.

Anyway, We're both 26 and very open to pretty much any playstyles (I play mainly nekros/valk/mirage and hes playing Ivara as hes learning the game)

if you would like to ask anything else, IGN: Perfectexample

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Greetings Perfect, that's awesome, Warframe grown so much, like, very, veeeery much, DE made it so gut.

And Yes, kebab is usually the killer in the post.

The Covenant houses everyone from everywhere currently, i mean we don't have a specific player-base ^^ but i can say almost everyone here is from europe, we have an irish, austrians, germans, french, danish.. we even have a turk.

So we don't have any problems concerning hours usually. I'm very glad you are also bringing your friend with you, you two will have no problems meeting other eternals.

Don't you worry about getting re-introduced, Covenant will take care of you, have your friend come to our servers when you join, send the adress or something ^^

I welcome you to the Covenant dear Tenno and his Tenno friend!

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Hello, i have heard the call of the purple mother and seek to appease her/ I have traveled the galaxy or 19(age) years and now seek a home to all my own. Though my knowledge and rank is low compared to others (mastery 3) my potential is infinite. I am active in the field, thriving in the midst of combat utilizing my Nekroz frame in a berserk fury. I am known as Bonestar and i hope i can serve the purple mother.


IGN: Bonestar

Name: Rak

Age: 19 

Mastery Rank: 3

Frames: Volt, Nekroz

  I was extremely impressed with your recruitment page and i hope i can join!  

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3 hours ago, Bonestar said:

Hello, i have heard the call of the purple mother and seek to appease her/ I have traveled the galaxy or 19(age) years and now seek a home to all my own. Though my knowledge and rank is low compared to others (mastery 3) my potential is infinite. I am active in the field, thriving in the midst of combat utilizing my Nekroz frame in a berserk fury. I am known as Bonestar and i hope i can serve the purple mother.


IGN: Bonestar

Name: Rak

Age: 19 

Mastery Rank: 3

Frames: Volt, Nekroz

  I was extremely impressed with your recruitment page and i hope i can join!  

I will try to contact you ingame asap.

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Hello, I have been looking for a long time for a Shadow Clan with friendly people, and willing to help a newbie Tenno out.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I am a friendly person and trying to help any way I can, and i would really like to join the purple mother in her quest of cleaning the galaxy.

IGN: VeXX2435

Mastery Rank; initiate 2

Frames: Excalibur

i would really like to join this clan :)

Edited by VeXX2435
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Just now, VeXX2435 said:

Hello, I have been looking for a long time for a Shadow Clan with friendly people, and willing to help a newbie Tenno out.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I am a friendly person and trying to help any way I can, and i would really like to join the purple mother in her quest of cleaning the galaxy.

IGN: VeXX2435

I will contact you ingame asap!

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Greetings fellow Tennos, 

my jorney in Warframe began 8days ago , now i reached the point where i want to meet some other people and play along

i really enjoy the game at the moment and would like to join you guys

I am playing Excalibur from the first second untill now. Other frames are still in progression My mastery. Rank is 5

IGN : Dudrion 

PS : the kebab comment made me say : yep apply here >:<



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I'm completely brand new to the game (had it for 3 years but never bothered til now) but am enjoying the game immensely, and would love to have some other players to play with. Currently i'm only mastery 1, but I am working on it! I'm 24 years old and my timezone is mountain time (GMT -7). 

My ign is Lokiel

I hope to hear from you!

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1 hour ago, Lokiel said:


I'm completely brand new to the game (had it for 3 years but never bothered til now) but am enjoying the game immensely, and would love to have some other players to play with. Currently i'm only mastery 1, but I am working on it! I'm 24 years old and my timezone is mountain time (GMT -7). 

My ign is Lokiel

I hope to hear from you!

I will contact you ingame when you come back!

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IGN - Khelryst

While I like being the mage  for fun, I tend to do better as the Warrior. But this game is unique, and things will be different. 

Age - 22

I have not yet played in the Dark Sector. I am not very good at PVP. Haven't been in other games at least. But I am willing to play. Doesn't mean it can't be fun.

Mastery - 1


I haven't touched the game since before the ship menu. With a good group I would like to play more, After the work and school priorities are out of the way.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Name: AkashPyro

Morality: Chaotic Good

Class-Style: Support/Tank

Mastery Rank 7

Preferred Weapons: Semi-Auto Rifles, Melee

Preferred Warframes: Rhino P , Loki P , Trinity

i would really love to join ur clan :)

P.S. : please add Joshua_tarwin as well... he is a very close friend of mine :) and he is rank 6

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4 hours ago, AkashPyro said:

Name: AkashPyro

Morality: Chaotic Good

Class-Style: Support/Tank

Mastery Rank 7

Preferred Weapons: Semi-Auto Rifles, Melee

Preferred Warframes: Rhino P , Loki P , Trinity

i would really love to join ur clan :)

P.S. : please add Joshua_tarwin as well... he is a very close friend of mine :) and he is rank 6


2 hours ago, l_Shiro_l said:

- IGN: l_Shiro_l

- Alignment: Neutral good 

- Style: I prefer the ancient art of RULES OF NATURE!

- Age: 18

- Mastery: 5

I will reach out to you ingame ASAP!

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