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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The duel begins.

*Legion darts towards Zaeed* "Raghh!"


*Zaeed throws himself, forward, before Parrying, the two blades, slam aginest each other, making a loud tang!, Zaeed thrusts up* "Now, we finish this"


*Legion is staggered by this, he gets control of his feet* "I can not untill, I fight...Sam..if I do..."

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7 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*Legion darts towards Zaeed* "Raghh!"


*Zaeed throws himself, forward, before Parrying, the two blades, slam aginest each other, making a loud tang!, Zaeed thrusts up* "Now, we finish this"


*Legion is staggered by this, he gets control of his feet* "I can not untill, I fight...Sam..if I do..."

*Zaeed sighs* "You are pushing your luck!" *He runs at Legion, aiming the sword upwards, then slides under his legs, keeping the blade pointed up* 


*Legion dashes, towards him, he trys to roll out of the upwords sword, but the blade cuts the side of his leg, cuaseing legion to fall onto his side, but he quiickly grips the blade, aiming towards him* "Bagh, you can do better them that, or are you getting old?"  


*Zaeed jumps into the air and ground-slams towards legion* "RAGH!"


*Legion quickly rolls, out of the way, cuaseing Zaeed to impale his blade into the ground, with that, he jumps back to his feet and slams the blade down, jabbing into Zaeed's arm* "Am I?, Or not?"

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10 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed sighs* "You are pushing your luck!" *He runs at Legion, aiming the sword upwards, then slides under his legs, keeping the blade pointed up* 


*Legion dashes, towards him, he trys to roll out of the upwords sword, but the blade cuts the side of his leg, cuaseing legion to fall onto his side, but he quiickly grips the blade, aiming towards him* "Bagh, you can do better them that, or are you getting old?"  


*Zaeed jumps into the air and ground-slams towards legion* "RAGH!"


*Legion quickly rolls, out of the way, cuaseing Zaeed to impale his blade into the ground, with that, he jumps back to his feet and slams the blade down, jabbing into Zaeed's arm* "Am I?, Or not?"

*Zaeed grips the blade. droping it* "RUAGHH!" *Zaeed slams his elbow in reaction, smacking Legion in the kisser*


*Legion grabs his face, with his other hand, steepimg back from Zaeed, this gives Zaeed time to get up, and ready his blade* "Ragh, you Just won't die will you!"


"Ugh, and this was a battle of blood, but try this..." *He dashes at Legion, thrusting the blade upwards*


*Legion uses this time to slide-attack, his blade slices and cuts the side of his face, that reaches to his eyes, straching them* "hahahah..."


*Zaeed screams out in pain, dropping the blade, grabbing his face* "Aaghh!, I YIELD!! "


*Legion then truns around, he then does a finisher attack on Zaeed, Slamming the blade into his back* "DIE!" 

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7 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed grips the blade. droping it* "RUAGHH!" *Zaeed slams his elbow in reaction, smacking Legion in the kisser*


*Legion grabs his face, with his other hand, steepimg back from Zaeed, this gives Zaeed time to get up, and ready his blade* "Ragh, you Just won't die will you!"


"Ugh, and this was a battle of blood, but try this..." *He dashes at Legion, thrusting the blade upwards*


*Legion uses this time to slide-attack, his blade slices and cuts the side of his face, that reaches to his eyes, straching them* "hahahah..."


*Zaeed screams out in pain, dropping the blade, grabbing his face* "Aaghh!, I YIELD!! "


*Legion then truns around, he then does a finisher attack on Zaeed, Slamming the blade into his back* "DIE!" 

The force fields snap into place, stopping the blade inches from Zaeed.

"Your opponent yields." Ryoko says. "The duel is over."

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Just now, Rakawan said:

The force fields snap into place, stopping the blade inches from Zaeed.

"Your opponent yields." Ryoko says. "The duel is over."

*Legion slams onto the shield* "NO!, THIS WAS MY CHANCE!"


*Zaeed looks shocked, he grips his eyes* "Wh,,the..HELL!? of..ALL the places!..."

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Just now, -Platinum- said:

*Legion slams onto the shield* "NO!, THIS WAS MY CHANCE!"


*Zaeed looks shocked, he grips his eyes* "Wh,,the..HELL!? of..ALL the places!..."

Ryoko leaps down and lands between Legion and Zaeed as the latter is carried away by Tirion.

"Release the weapon." He says.

The fields around your hand lessen allowing you to drop the blade if you choose.

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Just now, Rakawan said:

Ryoko leaps down and lands between Legion and Zaeed as the latter is carried away by Tirion.

"Release the weapon." He says.

The fields around your hand lessen allowing you to drop the blade if you choose.

*Legion Smiles* "And if I don't?, Bring me his little girlfriend, I want to taste her blood too!"

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4 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*He rises his blade* "You said, a fight to the death, lets do this thing,,Im dead anyways.."

((He is still bound by the force fields. They are full body forcefields.))

"One last chance." Ryoko says. His blade moves to a ready position. "Relinquish. Your. Weapon."

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18 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

((He is still bound by the force fields. They are full body forcefields.))

"One last chance." Ryoko says. His blade moves to a ready position. "Relinquish. Your. Weapon."

(( sorry..))

*He looks to him, he looks around and then smiles, he then "attempts" to break the field* "I break that chance, Zaeed will be paralyzed, and he lost his eyes, he can do nothing but cry, and his Sam, can suffer, with a broken boyfreind,, she is nothing...if she turely loves him, she won't sit around and do nothing, like always, Banshee, is the correct warframe for her, end it...."  

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6 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

(( sorry..))

*He looks to him, he looks around and then smiles, he then "attempts" to break the field* "I break that chance, Zaeed will be paralyzed, and he lost his eyes, he can do nothing but cry, and his Sam, can suffer, with a broken boyfreind,, she is nothing...if she turely loves him, she won't sit around and do nothing, like always, Banshee, is the correct warframe for her, end it...."  

The field resists then shatters, allowing him to stagger forward. Tirion steps in front of Zaeed and Ryoko's blade stabs forward crossing the inches between it and Legion's heart in the blink of an eye.

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4 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Ryoko leaps down and lands between Legion and Zaeed as the latter is carried away by Tirion.

Richard and Katherine wasted no time in getting to work.

In a matter of miliseconds Zaeed was no longer being carried by Tirion, and by the time Ryoko had stabbed Legion he was no longer in the dueling area.

Lydia was standing in their place, wearing a bathrobe and an extremely confused expression.  "Anyone care to explain why I'm standing in a dueling room with the Tenno High Council without any pants?"

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14 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

(( sorry..))

*He looks to him, he looks around and then smiles, he then "attempts" to break the field* "I break that chance, Zaeed will be paralyzed, and he lost his eyes, he can do nothing but cry, and his Sam, can suffer, with a broken boyfreind,, she is nothing...if she turely loves him, she won't sit around and do nothing, like always, Banshee, is the correct warframe for her, end it...."  

Darrin calmly draws a Vaykor Marelok and aims down at Legion, pulling the trigger.

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10 hours ago, Yzjdriel said:

Richard and Katherine wasted no time in getting to work.

In a matter of miliseconds Zaeed was no longer being carried by Tirion, and by the time Ryoko had stabbed Legion he was no longer in the dueling area.

Lydia was standing in their place, wearing a bathrobe and an extremely confused expression.  "Anyone care to explain why I'm standing in a dueling room with the Tenno High Council without any pants?"

Sam follows them.

"Can you heal him?" She asked Katherine.

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Sai'ah returns to her room at the Citadel. She checked her messages.

"Be mindful of your actions." One read. "There are eyes upon you."

She got a chill reading that, though it had no listed sender.

She checked the rest of her messages and then fell onto her bed.

She had hurt Alice.

"She shouldn't have been so weak."

She didn't want to hurt people.

"We relish in their pain."

She wasn't a murderer.

"We have killed thousands."

She was just a young woman.

"We are endless."

A knock sounded in the door. Her mother no doubt. Here to tuck her in and read her a story. She knew the stories. She knew how they ended. 

"Why are you crying, daughter?" Melanie asked. "Did something happen?"

If only she knew.

"I hurt someone mamma." She said. "I said something that hurt them and I did not want to."

Melanie sat beside her and rubbed her back.

"Was it true?" She asked. "Was it important?"

"Yes." Sai'ah sniffed.

"Then you you did not hurt them. Circumstance did, the world did, but you did not hurt them by choice."

She crawled into her bed, listened to a story and feigned interest. Then the lights went out, and the voices came back.

"You wanted to kill those people."

No, that had been Nemesis.

"You wanted to cause then pain."

They were bad people and needed to be punished.

"You wanted him to suffer."

He had tried to kill her mother.

"You wanted to be the monster for once."


"Go away!" She shouted. "You aren't in control anymore. I beat you."

Red eyes flared in the closet.

"Did you?" The voice asks. "One battle is not a war."

Sai'ah gathered her strength and pushed Nemesis down. It was all too easy to shove her back in her cage. As if the monster wanted to return to its bed and sleep. For now.

Sai'ah slipped off into a fitful rest. She dreamed of lullabies and broken bodies.


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16 hours ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

"I accuse you of nothing.  You say you do not have the patience to deal with a child, and I tell you that you must have that patience.  You cannot throw them onto the street, nor can you force them into labor.  They must learn, but through kindness."

*He wraps his hands around her ears, making sure that she will not hear what he is about to say*

"We were hunted.  From the Ten-0 voyage to the beginning of our adulthood we ran and hid in fear.  She was wounded, in pain from the void, and her frail body could not hold the stress.  She died without knowledge of a better world, a world where she could be safe.  She is traumatized, as would you be if this thing happened to you.  I had time to learn, and to cope.  She hasn't.  Have patience; we are as much the enemy as you are."

"I do not have the patience for deluded individuals." Tak says. "She may have been a child, but she knew what she was. I shelter the dead, and at times that means I must be harsh. Do not presume you know my struggles, and I will not presume to know yours."

Any further words are interrupted by the appearance of four Acplytes and a hooded figure.

"You called for the Sage." The hooded man said, throwing back his hood. Tsun looks at Tak. "There was no need to send my children to drag me back."

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30 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Sam follows them.

"Can you heal him?" She asked Katherine.

*Zaeed cries in pain, he is still holding his face, to help the bleeding* "I.ughh..why..why do I always end up hurt?, am I magnetic to pain?, if I was a father I whuold be spending my time in a morgue!, or sleeping on the sofa!"

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1 minute ago, -Platinum- said:

*Legion is killed, as he has no means to defend himself, no armor or shields, no even a yell or scream can be heard* 

Ryoko removes his blade and two Adjuticants pick up the body and carry it away.

"If the council has nothing else to discuss." He says. "It is gettting late, we are all high strung. I suggest you all retire and get some rest. Whatever issues remain can be discussed come morning."

He bows and leaves the court.

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Ryoko enters the room where Felucity rests in a hospital bed.

One of her bangs tickles her nose and he brushes it aside, kissing her on the forehead.

"You should go home." She says, sleepily. "I'm fine."

"Everytime I take my eyes off you you get in trouble." He says. "Ascension, the digsite."

She murmurs something.

"I know." He says. "Sleep. I will be here."

He settles into a chair, holding her hand, and watches her sleep.

His eyes close and he drifts off.

He stands on a platform, watching several ships leave.

"The girl?" A voice asks.

"Beyond our reach." He says. 

A black and Green warframe faces him.

"You should have told me." The Architect said. 

"Our people kill merchants, civilians." He says. "Even eachother."

"And you go AWOL and ferry away Orokin scientists and soldiers to some unknown place." Darrin said. "If I didn't know you better I'd..."

"You'd what?" Ryoko asked. "Hadn't enough blood been shed?"

Darrin was silent a momen. Then:

"You could have told me." He said again.

"No." Ryoko said. "I couldn't take that chance."

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19 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Ryoko removes his blade and two Adjuticants pick up the body and carry it away.

"If the council has nothing else to discuss." He says. "It is gettting late, we are all high strung. I suggest you all retire and get some rest. Whatever issues remain can be discussed come morning."

He bows and leaves the court.


Therese's bort computer made a quiet beep, informing that the connection with her boss has been re-established. For some reason, the raid took half a day longer than it was initially expected. Anyway, someone will have helluva time exchanging information and providing reports.

She walked from the hall, witnessing her assistant having a nap while standing and leaning against the wall close to the doorway. Seems like this walrus can fall asleep anywhere and in any position. She bumped him for a couple of times, forcing to wake up. 

"Did you break that mastodon?"
"Aye. Tho the vehicle is sweet, it would benefit from having modular construction"
"You'd better tell that to whoever projected it. Now, if I remember correctly, you was bound to have a chat with Seven, aren't you?"
he looked at her apologetically
"Sweat not. I suspected that you may take more time than expected, so I covered that bulk of work"
"So what are we doing now?"
"Well, the big boss went online, so I'll have to proceed to the 'thrilling' job of reporting. You may spend those four hours however you like; just don't make me ashamed of your adventures"
Seems like the answer satisfied the man and he simply nodded in agreement

Within the nearest minutes, she proceeded back to the posh (but yet fabric made) tent, while he took a jog to the bar he visited two days ago, hoping to meet someone familiar

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22 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I do not have the patience for deluded individuals." Tak says. "She may have been a child, but she knew what she was. I shelter the dead, and at times that means I must be harsh. Do not presume you know my struggles, and I will not presume to know yours."

Any further words are interrupted by the appearance of four Acplytes and a hooded figure.

"You called for the Sage." The hooded man said, throwing back his hood. Tsun looks at Tak. "There was no need to send my children to drag me back."

*Sarah looks up, then lunges at Tsun, hands going for his neck.  Stabilis grabs her arms, holding her back, but she still has enough leg reach to go for a sharp kick to his groin, so she does*

"Sarah, calm down.  They are not the fight, just a nuisance."

N-no!  He is responsible!  He d-d-did th-th-those th-things!  He-he-he-

*Sarah shudders softly, as if she was crying from both anger and sorrow.*

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

*Sarah looks up, then lunges at Tsun, hands going for his neck.  Stabilis grabs her arms, holding her back, but she still has enough leg reach to go for a sharp kick to his groin, so she does*

"Sarah, calm down.  They are not the fight, just a nuisance."

N-no!  He is responsible!  He d-d-did th-th-those th-things!  He-he-he-

*Sarah shudders softly, as if she was crying from both anger and sorrow.*

Tsun doubles over.

"Why did I even give this body those? I don't even need em." He groans. "By the Void I forgot how much that hurt!"

Tak simply watches him.

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