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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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10 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Find out what it powers and report back." He says. "Any word on the location of the Kween?"

"Not yet.  I'll keep you updated."

Lydia looked around the small control room for a computer terminal that could display a map of the facility.

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N1N4 sprang away from the Tenno and landed on top of an security hub. 

The Kween's voice echoed over the speakers. She HATED that voice. Hated how it made her swell with patriotic pride. Hated how her malformed brethren bowed to it's every whim. 

That voice would cease soon enough. The Tenno would come, the Kween would die, and she would... would what?

She stopped. She had never considered it before. Insincerively she wracked her mind for any programming about the end of her mission. 

There was one memory. It was a simple one. A house, on a plain. A simple house. Nothing more than that. No compulsion, no drive. No orders. 

She had been carefully crafted. Made for one purpose, to infiltrate and destroy from within. Unfortunately for the Grineer, she was not had not been made to do such FOR them. She had been to made to do so TO them.

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12 minutes ago, Teloch said:

It appeared that the ol' Bullseye failed to notice the new arrival behind Dixion's broadcast.


According to the previous plan, the infiltration teams were supposed to destroy the defences. The latest update implied that these infiltration teams are either to be deployed, or, if it was up to Dixion to commit the sabotage, they have difficulties with the task. Having a habit to calculate all of the possible alternatives, Teloch quickly came up with an idea. The only problem behind that idea was that it would require to partially give away some of the information on their perhaps the second most classified project to Miraalaners, who, judging by the reports, are quite addicted to new technology and even more so to entire technological concepts.

He locked his heavy gaze on Ryoko's truth sigil, probably trying to measure his trust.

"They will be removed before we begin our attack." Ryoko says. "We are still planning things out. Continue to observe and report back. Transmit any data on the defenses when you can."

The hologram shuts off.

"They actually cloned them." Darrin says, he sound almost happy. "I overestimated the dogs."

"Spill." Ryoko says. 

"When we raided Tyl's lab I found a few templates, including one for an infiltrator class soldier." Darrin says. "I made some... changes. They sound like loyal soldiers, act like loyal soldiers, even bow and scrape like loyal soldiers. But they are aware of their Grineer programming. It does not bind their thoughts. They can override it, disobey. They can think for themselves. The perfect sleeper agent."

He tests his hands on the table.

"She will make sure there are chinks in the defenses." He says. "A door left open, a security panel left unlocked. A faulty round loaded into a canon for a "test" firing."

"And if she is found?" Ryoko asks.

"The Grineer will have trained her and her sisters to infiltrate our systems." Darrin says. "But she does not answer to the Queens. She answers to me. And she knows their systems better than they know ours. She will not be found, not until it is too late for them."


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24 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

"Not yet.  I'll keep you updated."

Lydia looked around the small control room for a computer terminal that could display a map of the facility.

You find a map showinf that this generator leads to a minor set of turrets on the next floor.


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Just now, Rakawan said:

You find a map showing that this generator leads to a minor set of turrets on the next floor.

"One generator for just these turrets?  That can't be right..."  Lydia looked out the window at the generator and spied a large cable leading in the opposite direction of the cluster of smaller cables.  "Is that water or power?  One way to find out..."  She scanned the area for Grineer patrols.

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29 minutes ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

"Hmm. No worries, I plan on finding out myself. And dont worry about them looming in my thoughts; most of my memories are filled with what I currently see. Which just so happend to be giving me a splitting headache."  Johnathan pulls out a pill bottle, and Max takes one. He sets his drink down, only partly finished. "At what time do you wish to embark, sir?"  Max listened to the outside world, judging how busy it still was. "When things quite down. And thank you, good sir.  If I ever have need of you again, I know how to ring a bell. Even if it is electronic."

Enrique stepped outside and handed the suit to the attendant who was just now making his way down the hall.

"This patron has been waited on." He says. "Take this suit to the cleaner's."

He straightened his jacket and left the bewildered young lad to carry out the request.

"He knows about the psychers." He thought. "And about the Tenno. Dirge will be interested to hear that."

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3 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

"One generator for just these turrets?  That can't be right..."  Lydia looked out the window at the generator and spied a large cable leading in the opposite direction of the cluster of smaller cables.  "Is that water or power?  One way to find out..."  She scanned the area for Grineer patrols.

Several Kuva Lancer's patrolmthe area. Flights of Dargyn's fly overhead at pre-set intervals. The cable is too thick to see through, and leases to a strange outcropping of rock that has no discernible purpose.

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On 2016-11-17 at 1:33 PM, Rakawan said:

Several Kuva Lancers patrol the area. Flights of Dargyns fly overhead at preset intervals. The cable is too thick to see through, and leads to a strange outcropping of rock that has no discernible purpose.

No time like the present, she thought.  Unlocking the door, she crept slowly around the room, her Shade doing its job and keeping her invisible.

Edited by Yzjdriel
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42 minutes ago, Teloch said:

It appeared that the ol' Bullseye failed to notice the new arrival behind Dixion's broadcast.


According to the previous plan, the infiltration teams were supposed to destroy the defences. The latest update implied that these infiltration teams are either to be deployed, or, if it was up to Dixion to commit the sabotage, they have difficulties with the task. Having a habit to calculate all of the possible alternatives, Teloch quickly came up with an idea. The only problem behind that idea was that it would require to partially give away some of the information on their perhaps the second most classified project to Miraalaners, who, judging by the reports, are quite addicted to new technology and even more so to entire technological concepts.

He locked his heavy gaze on Ryoko's truth sigil, probably trying to measure his trust.

There is a sense of honor to him. His normally childish air is gone, replaced by an eager focus. 

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10 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Nods* "Understood, they won't even see me coming.." *He goes along his way to find the outpost, sneaking in via the vents*

((Patience. Phrase things as a process))

Partway there you are forced to duck into an alcove by a scanner. A Frineer walks to stand inside the outpost, his hands touching the console.

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2 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

No time like the present, she thought.  Unlocking the door, she crept slowly around the room, her Shade doing its job and keeping her invisible.

Upon closer inspection the rock still seems unremarkable. However a glimmer catches your eye from the underside. 

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1 hour ago, Yzjdriel said:

Damien looked around.  "WTC...  That's never Ol' Bullseye!"


6 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"They will be removed before we begin our attack." Ryoko says. "We are still planning things out. Continue to observe and report back. Transmit any data on the defenses when you can."

The hologram shuts off.

"They actually cloned them." Darrin says, he sound almost happy. "I overestimated the dogs."

"Spill." Ryoko says. 

"When we raided Tyl's lab I found a few templates, including one for an infiltrator class soldier." Darrin says. "I made some... changes. They sound like loyal soldiers, act like loyal soldiers, even bow and scrape like loyal soldiers. But they are aware of their Grineer programming. It does not bind their thoughts. They can override it, disobey. They can think for themselves. The perfect sleeper agent."

He tests his hands on the table.

"She will make sure there are chinks in the defenses." He says. "A door left open, a security panel left unlocked. A faulty round loaded into a canon for a "test" firing."

"And if she is found?" Ryoko asks.

"The Grineer will have trained her and her sisters to infiltrate our systems." Darrin says. "But she does not answer to the Queens. She answers to me. And she knows their systems better than they know ours. She will not be found, not until it is too late for them."



Even though he caught some snippets of information on grineer hacked neural implants, the conversation between two miraalaners made him think that it's better to keep the "plan b" until the situation will require it.

He turned to the hall, scanning who else was present. His gaze lingered from one person to another, From Melanie to Alan... wait. Seems like he didn't notice a new arrival. His arcane Thrak helmet unfolded again, so he could discard the idea that the helmet optics were playing tricks on him.

Pally? The coy saboteur from the second battalion's fourth platoon?

He approached both Alan and Damien with his typical tank-like gait.

"They say there is no rest for the wicked," he said and smiled lopsidedly. 


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1 minute ago, Teloch said:


Even though he caught some snippets of information on grineer hacked neural implants, the conversation between two miraalaners made him think that it's better to keep the "plan b" until the situation will require it.

He turned to the hall, scanning who else was present. His gaze lingered from one person to another, From Melanie to Alan... wait. Seems like he didn't notice a new arrival. His arcane Thrak helmet unfolded again, so he could discard the idea that the helmet optics were playing tricks on him.

Pally? The coy saboteur from the second battalion's fourth platoon?

He approached both Alan and Damien with his typical tank-like gait.

"They say there is no rest for the wicked," he said and smiled lopsidedly. 


Fluffles, now aware that there is much more room, gently nudges Duchess with the back of his paw as if to shoo her away. 

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11 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Enrique stepped outside and handed the suit to the attendant who was just now making his way down the hall.

"This patron has been waited on." He says. "Take this suit to the cleaner's."

He straightened his jacket and left the bewildered young lad to carry out the request.

"He knows about the psychers." He thought. "And about the Tenno. Dirge will be interested to hear that."

When Enrique had left, Max pulled out the third paper, and read it more slowly.  It contained all the verbal stories of the Wraiths he had collected.  Some of them were more outlandish, such as an account of someone being hit with a kunai from a distance moon.  Others, not so much.  But there was one pattern; they liked to spill blood.  Max disapproved of such assassinations, as they always ruined perfectly fine fabrics.  "Johnathan, what is your opinion of these, Wraiths?"  "I have none, sir.  Their matters do not concern me in any way.  What does concern me, is the fact that you decided to bring your special ice cubes.  Might I ask why?"  Max's special ice cubes where frozen cyanide.  He had two of them, for emergency situations.  He would have a nice sit down, and then poor two drinks, each one with a cube.  If the other did not drink, then Max would.  "I don't trust them.  Not yet.  And I don't plan on having my life become a living hell, not if there's no way out."  Johnathan remained silent as he re-corked the bottle of scotch.

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16 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

((Patience. Phrase things as a process))

Partway there you are forced to duck into an alcove by a scanner. A Frineer walks to stand inside the outpost, his hands touching the console.

(( whoops sorry, as a process what you mean?))

*He ducks into the alcove, he then eyes over the Grinner, wtaching what he does, but ready to strike when needed* "Ugh, close.."

Edited by -Platinum-
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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:


Even though he caught some snippets of information on grineer hacked neural implants, the conversation between two miraalaners made him think that it's better to keep the "plan b" until the situation will require it.

He turned to the hall, scanning who else was present. His gaze lingered from one person to another, From Melanie to Alan... wait. Seems like he didn't notice a new arrival. His arcane Thrak helmet unfolded again, so he could discard the idea that the helmet optics were playing tricks on him.

Pally? The coy saboteur from the second battalion's fourth platoon?

He approached both Alan and Damien with his typical tank-like gait.

"They say there is no rest for the wicked," he said and smiled lopsidedly. 


"I was a saint." Alan says, faking an dangry glare at Damien. "And then this fellow came along. 'Sneak into the Orokin quarters.' 'There may be candy there'... my backside still has bruises from that debacle."

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Fluffles, now aware that there is much more room, gently nudges Duchess with the back of his paw as if to shoo her away. 

Baast, being quite amazed at such glaring lack of manners from a kavat that thinks of himself as of gentleman, nudged Fluffeles with her quite weighty side in return.

Edited by Teloch
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3 minutes ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

When Enrique had left, Max pulled out the third paper, and read it more slowly.  It contained all the verbal stories of the Wraiths he had collected.  Some of them were more outlandish, such as an account of someone being hit with a kunai from a distance moon.  Others, not so much.  But there was one pattern; they liked to spill blood.  Max disapproved of such assassinations, as they always ruined perfectly fine fabrics.  "Johnathan, what is your opinion of these, Wraiths?"  "I have none, sir.  Their matters do not concern me in any way.  What does concern me, is the fact that you decided to bring your special ice cubes.  Might I ask why?"  Max's special ice cubes where frozen cyanide.  He had two of them, for emergency situations.  He would have a nice sit down, and then poor two drinks, each one with a cube.  If the other did not drink, then Max would.  "I don't trust them.  Not yet.  And I don't plan on having my life become a living hell, not if there's no way out."  Johnathan remained silent as he re-corked the bottle of scotch.

No one else disturbs you till the boy brings the suit back.

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