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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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19 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Pleasure doing business." The clerk says. Have a good evening."

There is a poster, in wanted style, of a black and green Frost.

"If you see this Tenno bringing tribute notify your manage immediately." It says. "Do not accept payment from him."

There is a handwritten note tacked to it detailing both how such a poster is unprofessional and how it is illegal to refuse payment on basis of currency according to several sections of the Code.

Max doesn't notice the poster, and instead just continues to walk out.  Johnathan follows, glancing at it, but not paying it much mind.  Neither one of them care about it, or what it says.  

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13 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

"Shhh... no need to speak... save your strength..."

The door opens and a Seraph in white and red armor, the adornment of a medic, comes in.

"... on-site," she finishes speaking into a comm.  She moves quickly across the room toward Rip.

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1 minute ago, Teloch said:

"As it has been demonstrated for numerous times already, the Cove assists the colonies and those who protects the colonies. If Meridian will decide to take part in the power struggle, then we will support anyone who would be appointed by Cressa" He answered simply

Cressa looks up at Luc.

"I would oppose you." She said. "Not for my own gain, but for all those who have sacrificed for this goal. I will not let you or anyone divide this alliance for personal gain."

Luc's helmet collapses to reveal a wide grin.

"I see my faith in you was not misplaced." He says. "If you make a bid, the Manticire stand with you."

He kneels and offers his grartler as a knight would offer a blade.

"As will the UHC." Melanie says.

Cressa nods.

"What is the status of that door?" She demands. 

"Locked right." The tech says. "We cannot break through the firewall."



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4 minutes ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

Max doesn't notice the poster, and instead just continues to walk out.  Johnathan follows, glancing at it, but not paying it much mind.  Neither one of them care about it, or what it says.  

No one stops you.

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Outside the base the fleet combat escalates. Fighters swarm around the larger ships. Two of Theylin's cruisers are down and a third is being evacuated. 

The Zariman has several fires. The Interitus and Vaykor Formorian are also looking worse for wear. 

The landing ships circle around to provide air support, while he Dreadnoughts turn to deal with new Grineer fleets arriving.

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Just now, Yzjdriel said:

Richard arrived in the War Room to find it predictably deserted.  He walked up to the map.

The forces inside the base have made decent headway. However the fleet is taking heavy fire and is quickly becoming outnumbered. The Kweens location is given as the command center in the heart of the base.

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5 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed trys to climb to his feet* "Lock-down?, wha_" *He gets onto the Radio* "Drige, are you reading me, what;s going on down there?"

"No idea." Dirge says. "We've cleared out the last of them. The Kween hasn't moved. She has to be up to something."

Sam continues to work on the panel, saying nothing. She looks exhausted even over the link. 

A ligh blinks green on the next console and she moves over.

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"No idea." Dirge says. "We've cleared out the last of them. The Kween hasn't moved. She has to be up to something."

Sam continues to work on the panel, saying nothing. She looks exhausted even over the link. 

A ligh blinks green on the next console and she moves over.

*Zaeed looks over to Sam* "Sam, are you alright, you sound like you just ran a mile"

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1 minute ago, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed looks over to Sam* "Sam, are you alright, you sound like you just ran a mile"

Her mouth moves but no words come out. She shakes her head and returns to the panel, rubbing her warframes throat.

One more console remains locked.

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Just now, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed goes to run over* "Sam!, whats wrong!"

She pushes you back and gestures at the panel frantically.

The radar shows a mass of craft approaching the elevator above, and multiple units, tagged as hostile to the Grineer, huddled outside.

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The forces inside the base have made decent headway. However the fleet is taking heavy fire and is quickly becoming outnumbered. The Kweens location is given as the command center in the heart of the base.

Richard began rapidly typing commands into a comm channel as he assessed the headway the infiltration unit had made.  Quickly noting Lydia's position relative to the nearest friendly group, he looked up in time to see a very friendly face.

"Lucy?  Good, you're there.  I'm going to need you to do the thing.  We've got a large space fight going on outside the Kuva Fortress.  How's the fleet?"

"Getting bigger every day.  Where's the fight?"

"Sending you the coordinates now.  Tie your transponders into this frequency so Darrin knows you're friendly, and then blow up the Grineer."

"You got it, hun."

Richard didn't bother to get angry at her for calling him that.  There was too much else that needed doing.

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

She pushes you back and gestures at the panel frantically.

The radar shows a mass of craft approaching the elevator above, and multiple units, tagged as hostile to the Grineer, huddled outside.

*Zaeed walks over to the panel* "Dirge, we got a mass amount of hostiles coming our way, Sam's in dagaour!, whats your copy?" *He looks over the panel seeing what he needs to do*

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Just now, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed walks over to the panel* "Dirge, we got a mass amount of hostiles coming our way, Sam's in dagaour!, whats your copy?" *He looks over the panel seeing what he needs to do*

The console is an override for the locked elevator. It is a 24 pin hack with a minute timer.

"Holding firm." Dirge says. "But the fleet is taking heavy fire. We may not be able to stay here long enough without support."

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Just now, Rakawan said:

The console is an override for the locked elevator. It is a 24 pin hack with a minute timer.

"Holding firm." Dirge says. "But the fleet is taking heavy fire. We may not be able to stay here long enough without support."

*Zaeed begins to hack, adjusting the pins, to the correct line, hacking into them* "Come on, come on, you can hack Corpus Spy-vaults, with ease, you can do this"

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Just now, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed begins to hack, adjusting the pins, to the correct line, hacking into them* "Come on, come on, you can hack Corpus Spy-vaults, with ease, you can do this"

The last lin locks into place with three seconds left.

The elevator unlocks.

Sam throws her arms around you emitting a barely audible, but quite happy, squeak.

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9 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Cressa looks up at Luc.

"I would oppose you." She said. "Not for my own gain, but for all those who have sacrificed for this goal. I will not let you or anyone divide this alliance for personal gain."

Luc's helmet collapses to reveal a wide grin.

"I see my faith in you was not misplaced." He says. "If you make a bid, the Manticore stand with you."

He kneels and offers his grartler as a knight would offer a blade.

"As will the UHC." Melanie says.

Cressa nods.

"What is the status of that door?" She demands. 

"Locked right." The tech says. "We cannot break through the firewall."


Teloch just nodded at Cressa in a meaningful way. She would not need to see his face to know that with that nod he grinned in the same way as he did once. Once, when he had to decide between staying adamantly loyal to his hexis brethren as an organization, or to the very concept of reliability. Back then, when he had either to bring the liberated defectors to the judgment of Hexis or to stay true to the original promise and to hand them to the Meridian, he choose the latter and faced the fire.

He didn't like to remember that episode of his life, and so they never spoke of that case ever again. No words were needed.

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Next on his shortlist of people was Frohd Bek.  The Corpus Board's communication network wasn't difficult to hack, especially when you had a backdoor in place from the last time you did it.  Richard silently thanked Darrin's overpreparedness at adding a password specific to Richard to said backdoor.

"I'll be blunt," said Richard as the face of the Corpus Board member appeared in front of him.  "How would you like to help us kill a Kween?"

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

The last lin locks into place with three seconds left.

The elevator unlocks.

Sam throws her arms around you emitting a barely audible, but quite happy, squeak.

*Zaeed holds her close, holding her in his arms, he stands, carrying her* "Can you Walk?" *He uses Coms* "Drige I hacked the controls elevator is online, but Sam is outta breath, something happned.."

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2 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

Next on his shortlist of people was Frohd Bek.  The Corpus Board's communication network wasn't difficult to hack, especially when you had a backdoor in place from the last time you did it.  Richard silently thanked Darrin's overpreparedness at adding a password specific to Richard to said backdoor.

"I'll be blunt," said Richard as the face of the Corpus Board member appeared in front of him.  "How would you like to help us kill a Kween?"

"... or ten years in the salt mines." You hear Bec say.

"I heard nothing." The assistant says.

"Good man." Bec says. "Close the door on your way out."

He turns to the feed.

"I'm listening." He says. "I'm irritated, but I'm listening."

Edited by Rakawan
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