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The Story Behind Your Name


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Named myself after a forest in Second Life, one which is now long gone and entirely destroyed.


I've gone by several others...


Admonitor: I used this name in Allods Online. I was in a Second Life military roleplay organization; I was the quartermaster of our spacefleet, and one of our gunship craft was named the Admonitor.

Keystone: Not a reference to beer! My friends call me Keystone. The name is a nod of respect to timber wolves, a keystone predator.

Edited by Kahruvel
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The reason i chose this name is because Sonic the Hedgehog was one of the first games I played and loved him ever since and I like Technology so.

Most of my Online names are a combo of sonic and something else.


Also, I wish that people would call be Tech instead of Techno 

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The reason i chose this name is because Sonic the Hedgehog was one of the first games I played and loved him ever since and I like Technology so.

Most of my Online names are a combo of sonic and something else.


Also, I wish that people would call be Tech instead of Techno 

Your wish shall be granted.


Hello Tech! Good weather it is, no?

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My name is derived from the word Evanescent, which means: "to fade, dissipate" Since I like the idea of reducing hoards of enemies to "Evanescence", Noun form for Evanescent, I went ahead and combined my favourite Emoticon X3, and the word Evanescence. That is how my name, X3Evanescence is derived.


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Well i usually use Enex but i wasnt able to so kinda sucked 


But Enex comes from 2 of my names my real name Edvinas and Eddie which is the name people call me in ireland cus they cant pronounce my real name xD, its really funny.


But basicly E=Edvinas n=and e=Eddie and x not to make it soud silly (Even thou it sounds silly now)


but on this is RealEnex as in the the REAL ONE THERE SHALL NEVER BE ANOTHER 1

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I like the number 7 and T is my middle initial and I go by my middle name. I'm Noxtail in other places. Nox is my cat's name. Way way back I used to call myself Azurewrath lol

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Evox generally is a random thought up name, but kinda got the idea form the world "evolve" AGN is a acronym of my first username, which is AnimeGameNova, showing my likes, of anime, video games, and nova-type subjects like random colors or destruction, and 1337, of course, just numerial of "elite" for the fun

hence the story of EvoxAGN1337

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I made it up.  I was doing some reading for a Japanese lit course and came accros the Kanji for darkness (闇 - it can be read An, On, Yami).  I liked how it looked and enjoyed writing it.  I decided that I wanted to make a pseudonym using it, and decided to combine it with -tarou (太郎 - commonly used in male names).  The result was Antarou  (闇太郎).  I first used AntarouDono when I created my PSN alias because I wanted to add some SWAG to it.  Dono (殿) is a Japanese honorific added to names to denote the elevated status of a person you are speaking to and is translated often as Lord or Master though not in a royal sense.  As honorifics go, it'd be placed somewhere between -san and -sama. 



That about covers it.

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