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Ion the time warframe


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Ion: The temporal energy and health stealing time frame  


Health: 500

Shields: 200

Armor: 300

Energy: 400

Passive: Whenever you stealth kill an enemy, you get 25 energy


1. Spiral Gear: Ion can throw a gear at the ground or an enemy. If an enemy is hit, he will be drained of his health, ignoring shields and armor. If thrown at the ground, Same affects but a group of enemies may be affected but enemies can walk out of the trap. Enemies are proc'd with slash damage. Affected by range, duration, strength and efficiency. 


2. Temporal Spike: Grants a time buff that enables your melee weapon to receive energy per kill. Affected by strength, duration and efficiency. 


3. Hour Glass: Hold to activate, press to switch. Affected by duration, range, efficiency and strength.

-First Part: Age: create a wave of energy that can hit enemies. If enemies come in contact with the temporal wave, their health starts to increase. If their health goes above their maximum, they will die from aging to quickly. Note if the health doesn't overflow, their health will just be restored.

-Second Part: Revert: create a wave of energy (opposite energy color of age) that can hit enemies. If enemies come in contact with the temporal wave, their health starts to decrease. If their health depletes, they will die. If not, They will just have lower health.


4. Clockwork: Ion creates a stasis field that follows Ion around. Like Frost's snow glove. When an enemy is in the stasis field, its health is drained. When an ally is in the field, he gains energy and shields overtime. The field drains energy. Affected by efficiency, range and strength.


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The first part of the Hourglass ability seemed unique and quite promising, then again you'd just use it on enemies that are already max health. I believe it should be higher risk (of making them tankier) higher reward (greatly lowing thier health and giving a buff of some sort) but most important it shouldn't be an instant cheese ability and should require a desired time of use (in this case im guessing targets who've already lost health).

Edited by ZeroLiger
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