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Excalibur got overnerfed


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On ‎23‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 5:52 PM, DestinyEX said:

Tbh the nerf is fine its not that bad or anything, just the nerf should atleast have made the skill a bit more energy efficient.

The best way to really use the skill since its pretty much purely melee, is to have this weird energy/tank focused build.

And yeah like some have posted before, maybe over-nerfed now, but it's not the end result, maybe the end result with come when they add syndicate melee weapons or finally add an augment mod for his EB. since...lets be honest, his current augment mods are all pretty useless right now.

Maybe its just me, but I main excal 99% of the time, and the nerf was kinda needed, but at the very least should have made the energy cost to using the skill a bit less to make up for the cost to slide blind and the weaker attack overall.

I said this in my own words. They should buff his total energy to 200. reduce slide blind to 10 energy. or both. btw radial blinds augment is good though.

Edited by (XB1)LAZYNOOB2015
adding a statement
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