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The Stalker Is Getting Stronger...


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So, the other night, I was playing Warframe, like usual, and I ran a mission, again like usual. But this one was... Different.


The first thing I noticed was that it was on Neptune, and the description said it was Corpus, yet the tile set was Grineer. I shrugged it off, figured it was a basic bug, and started playing. The second thing I noticed was that there were no enemies. None, for the first eight rooms of the mission.


Then things got creepy. I began to hear death screams of both Corpus and Grineer, coupled with sounds of Grakatas and Deras going off. I was a bit surprised, but not upset yet. Faction changes are normally violent affairs at first. Then a Crewman ran around a corner ahead. He was sprinting, running full out, as if heading for cover. He made it about half way around the corner, and was mowed down by at least half a dozen Grakatas.


I rounded the corner, already drawing back my Paris, and saw nothing. The hallway was empty. I was slightly confused by this point, but I kept going, heading to the jail, as it was a rescue mission. Then I noticed the lights were flickering. I was excited! I had a Despair blueprint, but no Dread or Hate. I readied myself for the combat, but he never came. The lights just flickered endlessly, in all rooms I went in.


I was worried, but kept at it, if for no other reason just to make a good bug report. Then a Machine Gunner rounded a corner ahead of me. The Grineer looked at my Ash, began to spin up her Gorgon, and vanished. She didn't die, she didn't run away, she just disappeared, mid spin.


I was very worried now, but still thought it was a bug. I continued onward, still finding no enemies, and still hearing screams around me. I finally reached the jail, and began hacking the doors. The first cell I opened had two Crewmen and a Prod inside it. They attacked me, and I mowed them down with my Orthos.


I had basically decided this entire mission was bugged by this point. I kept at opening the doors, and each one had more Corpus in them, mostly alive. But one cell had several corpses in it, slumped against the walls and benches. They evaporated after a few seconds, like all corpses, but I was still shocked.


I opened the last cell, and it was empty. Every cell was opened, and the objective marker was still telling me a hostage was inside the room. I had had enough. I tried to abort the mission. It wouldn't do it. I got a "Failed to abort," message. I tried several more times, then tried to quit the game. I got a "Failed to quit," error message.


By this point, I was nearly shaking, and it wasn't helped that it was 1:32 AM. I tried to shut the game down by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the window. Clicking did nothing. I tried right clicking on the icon on the task bar and shutting it down that way. Nothing happened.


I finally opened the Task Manager, and force quit the Warframe operation, and then it closed. I logged back into Warframe, and told my clan mates what had happened. They requested to join a game of mine to see for themselves, so I ran Terminus. They couldn't join. It said I was offline, even though I was sending invites. Then I checked my contacts list, instead of the clan list. Of the twenty contacts I have, four of whom I was talking to in clan chat, none of them were online. It was as if I was cut off completely. I talked for a bit more, then logged off and shut down the computer.


I've been afraid to play Warframe since. I'm sure the Stalker is real. He hacked my computer. He wasn't hunting me, he was watching me. Waiting. Biding his time until he could destroy me.

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Wow, that got a lot more attention than I thought...


Except, this really isn't a creepy pasta. I added the part about Stalker hacking my computer, but I actually had a mission go like this, minus the flickering lights. It was one hell of a scary moment.

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Wow, that got a lot more attention than I thought...


Except, this really isn't a creepy pasta. I added the part about Stalker hacking my computer, but I actually had a mission go like this, minus the flickering lights. It was one hell of a scary moment.


Speaking of strange missions, I myself had an extermination where even though the counter was showing all the enemies, there were none. So I follow the objective marker, which takes me to the extraction, and then BAM, every enemy is cluserf**ked at the extraction tile. I was on solo, too, so it wasn't exactly an easy fight. No stalker, though.

Edited by CrazyCanadian24
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Wait, how the hell does he expect to make me lose my mind? Don't you need your mind in order to lose it?


That, is a very good question. Perhaps he will make us sane, and then make is lose it?


As I'm fairly sure that most people on this forums have lost their minds some time ago.

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That, is a very good question. Perhaps he will make us sane, and then make is lose it?


As I'm fairly sure that most people on this forums have lost their minds some time ago.


Joke's on him, I'm too far gone to be made sane. I need scissors. 61!

Edited by CrazyCanadian24
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So, the other night, I was playing Warframe, like usual, and I ran a mission, again like usual. But this one was... Different.


The first thing I noticed was that it was on Neptune, and the description said it was Corpus, yet the tile set was Grineer. I shrugged it off, figured it was a basic bug, and started playing. The second thing I noticed was that there were no enemies. None, for the first eight rooms of the mission.


Then things got creepy. I began to hear death screams of both Corpus and Grineer, coupled with sounds of Grakatas and Deras going off. I was a bit surprised, but not upset yet. Faction changes are normally violent affairs at first. Then a Crewman ran around a corner ahead. He was sprinting, running full out, as if heading for cover. He made it about half way around the corner, and was mowed down by at least half a dozen Grakatas.


I rounded the corner, already drawing back my Paris, and saw nothing. The hallway was empty. I was slightly confused by this point, but I kept going, heading to the jail, as it was a rescue mission. Then I noticed the lights were flickering. I was excited! I had a Despair blueprint, but no Dread or Hate. I readied myself for the combat, but he never came. The lights just flickered endlessly, in all rooms I went in.


I was worried, but kept at it, if for no other reason just to make a good bug report. Then a Machine Gunner rounded a corner ahead of me. The Grineer looked at my Ash, began to spin up her Gorgon, and vanished. She didn't die, she didn't run away, she just disappeared, mid spin.


I was very worried now, but still thought it was a bug. I continued onward, still finding no enemies, and still hearing screams around me. I finally reached the jail, and began hacking the doors. The first cell I opened had two Crewmen and a Prod inside it. They attacked me, and I mowed them down with my Orthos.


I had basically decided this entire mission was bugged by this point. I kept at opening the doors, and each one had more Corpus in them, mostly alive. But one cell had several corpses in it, slumped against the walls and benches. They evaporated after a few seconds, like all corpses, but I was still shocked.


I opened the last cell, and it was empty. Every cell was opened, and the objective marker was still telling me a hostage was inside the room. I had had enough. I tried to abort the mission. It wouldn't do it. I got a "Failed to abort," message. I tried several more times, then tried to quit the game. I got a "Failed to quit," error message.


By this point, I was nearly shaking, and it wasn't helped that it was 1:32 AM. I tried to shut the game down by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the window. Clicking did nothing. I tried right clicking on the icon on the task bar and shutting it down that way. Nothing happened.


I finally opened the Task Manager, and force quit the Warframe operation, and then it closed. I logged back into Warframe, and told my clan mates what had happened. They requested to join a game of mine to see for themselves, so I ran Terminus. They couldn't join. It said I was offline, even though I was sending invites. Then I checked my contacts list, instead of the clan list. Of the twenty contacts I have, four of whom I was talking to in clan chat, none of them were online. It was as if I was cut off completely. I talked for a bit more, then logged off and shut down the computer.


I've been afraid to play Warframe since. I'm sure the Stalker is real. He hacked my computer. He wasn't hunting me, he was watching me. Waiting. Biding his time until he could destroy me.

Add me. Looks like you have stalker problems and bugs. I'll help you out (that is if you want my help).

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Add me. Looks like you have stalker problems and bugs. I'll help you out (that is if you want my help).


Thanks for the offer, but I fight alone. This is between me and Stalker, and I will win it on my own.


(Also, I don't have Warframe on this computer, so I can't add you.)

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Thanks for the offer, but I fight alone. This is between me and Stalker, and I will win it on my own.


(Also, I don't have Warframe on this computer, so I can't add you.)

No probs, fight well tenno :)

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I personally have not played Phorid yet (I had him unlocked, had never played him, then did an account reset and just barely hit him again now) but J3 Golem would be interesting... I'll see what I can do!

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