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Jägare, the Beast Master - ARTIST NEEDED!!


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Hello and welcome to the Jägare concept page. Jägare is Hunter in Swedish. Now, I need an artist to design him and something else that will be mentioned later on the page. I'll revisit that part at the bottom of the page. For now please enjoy this little Origin Story that will later be turned into a quest.

Origin Story

This story is said by Jägare himself.

Vild en, or, the Wild One. The first of many beasts to walk the solar system, the one who started the great species know now as the Kubrow. Åh bra vild ett, I will find you, and you shall be mine.....

4 years have gone past since I set off to find Vild en, and journey with no end they all told me. A dream within my self concious that will never be fufilled. Jävlarna de är, nothing but non-believers of the great Vild en. They judge me for my culture and for my beliefs, but I'll show them....... Jag ska visa dem.....

I am close, I can feel it!! Nothing can stop me from my goal! Vild en shall be mine!! MINA!! They say I am obsessed, and that I must calm down. dumma idioter, they have no idea what it means to meet the Vild en. It is a great honor, yet they still laugh and tell me that I am chasing a lost cause. They have no idea what I have done do get here..... the customs I have broken.... the rituals I was sworn to never do..... Var det värt det? Now, I'm not sure that it was......... I feel that they could possibly be right.... I am chasing a dream, yet I feel that I am so close to him... to Vild en...

As I give up my search, I come to terms with what I have done... there is no Vild en... it is just a fairy tale of my förfäder. Yet, as I was closing my eyes, I felt something aproaching me. "Vild en? Är det du?" I felt him breathing on my back and I turned to see him, Vild en, the Wild One, the first Kubrow. I had finally found him.... I'll call him... Wolf....

Now here are all his Stats and Abilities.

Note – All of Jägare abilites that aren't in English have an English translation next to the name. All foreign names are in Swedish.


Stats        Base Level      Max Rank


Health           250                   350

Engery          150                   450

Sheilds          150                   200

Speed           1.3                    1.3

Armor           100                   125

Stamina        125                  125





Ability 1 – 25 energy cost

Vild en – Wild One

When Vild en is used, Jägare summons Wolf to fight beside him. Wolf's damage is based off of your melee damage . Toggleable, if Wolf dies he cannot be used for 2 minutes and emits a wave of slash damage to enemies around him.


Ability 2 – 50 energy cost

Knäppa – Snap

When Jägare uses Knäppa, he puts down a trap that expands into a cage when stepped on. When expanded into a cage it slowly shrinks and kills whatever is inside. Strength Based.


Ability 3 – 50 energy cost

Frekvens – Frequency

When Jägare uses Frekvens, he now has control over all radios in the area. When used twice he can cause all radios to emit a high frequency which will either kill or damage all enemies that are affected. Not only that but any wild life such as Feral Kubrows, Desert Skate, or even Feral Kavats will become enraged and attack enemies. Ranged Based, Strength Based.


Ability 4 – 100 energy cost

fä Ande – Beast Spirit

When Jägare uses fä Ande, he and Wolf combine into one and he goes on a rampage. Jägare is reduced down to melee energy claws that are made when the merge is made. Damage is increases by 10% and is also based on how much your melee's BASE damage is, not your overal damage. Efficiency Based, Strength Based, Toggleable, Can only be used if Wolf is out.

Jägare - Made by Zeroxin



Now, I said I would revisit the art and here it is. I need art made for just Wolf now, so if you would like to make the art please message me or comment below! It would be greatly appreciated!

As requested by Zeroxin, here are some images for an idea of what I want Wolf to look like.







Edited by Cruser.Bruser
Added reference images, edited the 1st and 4th abilities, added the Jägare Concept Art.
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6 hours ago, Cruser.Bruser said:

As in some references or?

This community is very visually oriented. You could have a cool concept, but no one pays attention without artwork. You could make something mediocre,  but the community praises it like the sun if you have cool artwork. It is what it is.

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5 minutes ago, MechaTails said:

This community is very visually oriented. You could have a cool concept, but no one pays attention without artwork. You could make something mediocre,  but the community praises it like the sun if you have cool artwork. It is what it is.

It does say that I need an artist doesn't it? Like no offense, but if you're asking for art and so am I, you're a bit blind. I'll try and whip something up tho. Gonna be crap, but its something.


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6 minutes ago, MechaTails said:

I'm musing out loud, sharing information, not requesting anything.

Which I understand, I am just not that good at art, which is why I have ARTIST NEEDED in the title. If you know anyone who would be willing to lead a hand that would be great!! But for now I'll have to make my own and I am not that good


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I meant you should post some pictures for the artist of what you had in mind, sure you can let the artist do the design and stuff, but they won't know if it matches your vision.

I had an intrest to draw the concept, but with only text I can't make out much of it.

Edited by Zeroxin
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7 hours ago, Zeroxin said:

I meant you should post some pictures for the artist of what you had in mind, sure you can let the artist do the design and stuff, but they won't know if it matches your vision.

I had an intrest to draw the concept, but with only text I can't make out much of it.

Ok, give me a second and I'll grab some images.

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