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@Digital Extremes - Update 19 makes Warframe feel Empty, Shallow and Hollow.


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Guys, In the latest Prime Time, Steve already said that they were going to change the fissure system because it isn't doing what he wanted it to, (making it feel less grindy), and he and Rebecca talked, at least for a little bit, about how the void is still going to have a purpose.

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4 minutes ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

This is a great way to explain it.

well yeah, all the tuning in the world won't change that in say an endless survival you are constantly responding to incoming, ie playing.

running the same amount  of time in survivals by going to 5 minutes then extracting and relaunching you add in a massive creep of time staring at loadscreens, and/or reforming group.

it just injects more NON-gameplay, which should never be desired.


even if you argue anything else, i don't think you will find any statistically significant number of people who would prefer loadscreens to actual gameplay.

and all the new systems walls/gates do is add more loads via spamming shorter runs.

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1 hour ago, pauli133 said:

Breaking the endless, ugly Orokin Void tileset treadmill, with its monotonous missions and infuriating drop tables, was the best thing to ever happen to this game.

Do you seriously think it isnt monotone anymore? It is much more. Closing Fissures - No matter what you are farming you are forced to play this stupid mini-event. Oh god its sooo boring. I want the old void back.

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I would honestly just wait until the rest of U19 is out.  They could STILL tweak a few things, but I like the fact that you can go to the void whenever you want WITHOUT a key.  No, unfortunately, primes don't drop there anymore, but you can still go and do endless missions if that's what you desire.  

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I love the new system with the void not being so repetitive. I also enjoy Lunaro to provide me with easy standing without killing people! Spectors of the rail isnt so bad though, they revamped everything in an attempt of change and improvment to draw in new players. This adds a chance to larger the community. Sure there are a few bugs here and there but, with (DE) working around the clock to try to make you guys have a good time isnt always easy. Take a step back and really look at everything they put in the game. My example is a Stance for a weapon. (The Dark Split-Sword) To make the weapon have its own stance like everyone wanted, they'd have to put on a motion sensor suit and record the motion of a few things. (The heavy stance, each combo for that stance - the spitting of the sword - the new stance with each combo - then put in coding for all those items and add sound from the sound studio and impliment it into the game as well as adding a toggle to the weapon to split it with more non-sence coding.) Lets not even mention how complicated the new archwing would be to make a 6 degree view. So honestly in my oppinion I'm very thankfull for what (DE) has attempted for us.

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3 minutes ago, DYPR4X said:

Do you seriously think it isnt monotone anymore? It is much more. Closing Fissures - No matter what you are farming you are forced to play this stupid mini-event. Oh god its sooo boring. I want the old void back.

I can see your point but I have to disagree on the part of bringing the old void back.

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I feel like it takes ''just one veteran player'' to make good FREE TO PLAY decisions for WARFRAME

That being said some of the ''decisions in this update ''example hiden blueprints'' shake my trust in game and make me a bit not ''in to it as i was before''

New system is fine the thing i dont undestand is why be greedy if the concept of money flow in this game is already proven ?

Also from personal expirience i dont feel like doing new ''revoked missions as much as i did play OLD void''

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)JoeABroke said:

The new void is much more efficient for those people who haved been tired by the amound of grinding.

I know it is.

I said earlier in the thread that I've been here for 3 years. So thats 2 years or so of the old void. 2 years of the same old rooms. 2 years of the same old colors. 2 years of the same drop table of mods and materials with the exception of the change of Alloy to ferrite. 2 years of doing the same basic missions in one @(*()$ tile set.

2 minutes ago, TennoPain said:

I feel like it takes ''just one veteran player'' to make good FREE TO PLAY decisions for WARFRAME

That being said some of the ''decisions in this update ''example hiden blueprints'' shake my trust in game and make me a bit not ''in to it as i was before''

New system is fine the thing i dont undestand is why be greedy if the concept of money flow in this game is already proven ?

Also from personal expirience i dont feel like doing new ''revoked missions as much as i did play OLD void''

I would like to agree with you but I just want to ask why you put things in quotations? I mean I guess you're trying to highlight your points but??

Edited by FenrisHellhound
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1 minute ago, FenrisHellhound said:

I know it is.

I said earlier in the thread that I've been here for 3 years. So thats 2 years or so of the old void. 2 years of the same old rooms. 2 years of the same old colors. 2 years of the same drop table of mods and materials with the exception of the change of Alloy to ferrite. 2 years of doing the same basic missions in one @(*()$ tile set.

I would like to agree with you but I just want to ask why you put things in quotations?

To get the point across.

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Just now, FenrisHellhound said:

I know it is.

I said earlier in the thread that I've been here for 3 years. So thats 2 years or so of the old void. 2 years of the same old rooms. 2 years of the same old colors. 2 years of the same drop table of mods and materials with the exception of the change of Alloy to ferrite. 2 years of doing the same basic missions in one @(*()$ tile set.

I would like to agree with you but I just want to ask why you put things in quotations?

Because i had a lot of problems with certain Admin on forum because of my opinions ergo quotations.

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1 hour ago, Cradicias said:

Trust me, you'll love it once you're in need of Forma and can get many quickly by simply using the appropriate relics. All in all, this eased the prime grind (and in return, will kill a lot of the insane prices for prime gear that was way unreasonable). One thing I might want them to do is give a crap ton more relics from Void missions, thus giving us a reason to do more missions there.

t3 sab would on average drop 2 forma per run and was pretty quick if you know where you are looking, they should have left the void as it was until TWW dropped as it looks like there are plans for the void... having both the void missions and fissure give the prime parts would have been a great idea, so people had a CHOICE, people like chioces. maybe DE were worried if they left both people would not do fissures as they are a sucky and boring cluster.....

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2 minutes ago, cannonfodder1982 said:

t3 sab would on average drop 2 forma per run and was pretty quick if you know where you are looking, they should have left the void as it was until TWW dropped as it looks like there are plans for the void... having both the void missions and fissure give the prime parts would have been a great idea, so people had a CHOICE, people like chioces. maybe DE were worried if they left both people would not do fissures as they are a sucky and boring cluster.....

But when you can only craft the blueprints at 12 hour intervals does it really change anything at all? You still have to wait those 12 hours.

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1 minute ago, cannonfodder1982 said:

its quite simple, spend a couple of hours getting maybe 30+ bps dont have to do it again for like 15 days and can do other stuff. I dont see how you dont see that...

I do the same thing, as well as nueral sensor farms. Them nightmares only are whats up.

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4 minutes ago, cannonfodder1982 said:

its quite simple, spend a couple of hours getting maybe 30+ bps dont have to do it again for like 15 days and can do other stuff. I dont see how you dont see that...

Probably because my experience with the game is different. I guess I did void too much since I have a fat stack of Forma I'll never be able to build in my lifetime. Frankly I got pretty pissed when I got 2 forma BPs in a high-tier sab.

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Just now, FenrisHellhound said:

Probably because my experience with the game is different. I guess I did void too much since I have a fat stack of Forma I'll never be able to build in my lifetime.

Iv done so much void I'm burnt out. I ended up rushing a lot of formas though only to complete 5 forma builds like all the sniper rifles.

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Maybe, just MAYBE the reason that nobody wants to play the long-&#! survival and defence missions in the void anymore is because the only reason this EVER happened was because it was necessary to earn a good amount of loot per void key, and people found it a nuisance and now that nobody is forced to deal with broken scaling anymore, nobody does so on his/her free will.

But yeah, DE fixing or at least circumventing one of the most glaring issues of the game is totally the wrong step and makes the game feel empty and shallow.

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