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Trinity, Make Her More Fun And Better?


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Now to start as of this moment most people, (i believe most at least) would agree that there is almost no point to running a trinity as the way she supports people is almost ineffectual,not to mention she isn't really all that fun to play so my suggestion to help make her both more fun and more viable. a replacement of her first two powers.


on well of life and Energy vampire, this effect while helpful ultimately is very limited, most people will kill anything but a boss with this on it too fast to really gain much health, or energy, so how can we make this both more viable and honestly, more fun?


My idea to fix this change both from marking an enemy to a timed damage modifier. each skill would last about as long as saryn's contagion, for the duration a percentage of damage caused by trinity will become health for her or become energy for her, and if trinity attacks an ally they're given a percentage of her weapon damage as health or energy.  besides this i think trinity really wouldn't need any changes but i'd also love to hear any idea's anyone else has for making her more fun and just generally better 

Edited by Oblitum
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Trinity is great fun for players cut-out for a dedicated support role.


What needs work is Well of Life, this S#&$ is useless. Devs should consider changing it from a bad healing skill to a buffing/debuffing support skill of sorts.

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Trinity is great fun for players cut-out for a dedicated support role.


What needs work is Well of Life, this S#&$ is useless. Devs should consider changing it from a bad healing skill to a buffing/debuffing support skill of sorts.

to bad that is her job is dedicated support role they say it atleast 3 tiems in any stream they talk about her as the only  warframe who is supposed to have a job of healing and support

;n; i wish her skills where more support then self preservation

even the only one that actualy can be used to heal is more self preservation because of its long wind up time

sure you make everyone invincible and healed but it takes so long to use you honestly only use it to heal yourself or teammates between fights

and link does not help your team at all and its the only good skill for a fast paced game

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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AoE heal is actually very strong and I have a friend who does miracles with it.

I have to agree that the other skills are rather weak outside the assassination missions.


Edit: grammar

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to bad that is her job is dedicated support role they say it atleast 3 tiems in any stream they talk about her as the only  warframe who is supposed to have a job of healing and support

;n; i wish her skills where more support then self preservation

even the only one that actualy can be used to heal is more self preservation because of its long wind up time

sure you make everyone invincible and healed but it takes so long to use you honestly only use it to heal yourself or teammates between fights

and link does not help your team at all and its the only good skill for a fast paced game

Blessing needs foresight to use, play with clanmates, use voicecomms and keep an eye on them physically instead of relying on their health displays with Z.

Play her well and manage your energy, and you won't even use Link much at all.

Energy Vampire's great on Assassination and Defense, but don't bother outside of that.


Hell, only Assassination and Endless Defense truly need a healer WARFRAME. But really, do something about Well of Life please.

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Blessing needs foresight to use, play with clanmates, use voicecomms and keep an eye on them physically instead of relying on their health displays with Z.

Play her well and manage your energy, and you won't even use Link much at all.

Energy Vampire's great on Assassination and Defense, but don't bother outside of that.


Hell, only Assassination and Endless Defense truly need a healer WARFRAME. But really, do something about Well of Life please.


I actualy only use link to rush solo alerts

I literaly only ever use blessing unless its a boss then its vamp and link as i stand infront of the boss :/ woo real fun there

I have said this many times before

15 somekind of throwing knife that oozes healing that can stick to enemys and teammates arks like a shuriken instant

50 aoe floor markings that regen energy but faster and does not hang around that long kinda the same reach as fireblast windup time as blessing (50% effective for caster so it only gens 50-75 energy with max power strength - then combine with durration for 100 energy)

75 aoe heal that overheals and does not heal shield 100% heals 50% overheals forever range same cast time as link

100 make everyone invincable but 2x longer then it currently is and has a range same range as link kinda and the windup time of blessing

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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