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Here is How to Fix Nullifiers


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It isn't as crazy difficult to deal with them now as people make it out to be... provided you have a melee weapon or high fire rate weapon. But even the changes I'm about to suggest aren't insane.

Make sniper rifles pierce through the bubble. Even if you want to reduce the damage a little so it isn't a one shot kill after it's penetrated the bubble, fine, but it's definitely a huge step up from trying to sniper nullifiers now.

Make each shotgun pellet do damage to the bubble, not just one. It makes logical sense that an up close shotgun blase to his make-shift shield would decimate it. That's a lot of damage to one area of the bubble that would overload his cosplay backpack.


If you want to get crazy with how nullifiers work, make it to where shooting an area of the bubble creates a hole in it that closes after a certain amount of time and allow bullets, abilities, etc fly through it. I think that would make nullifiers much more dynamic and interesting to fight again instead of just throw bullets at it until it pops and then kill it yay. 


Personally, I think my second idea adds the most enjoyment to them as an enemy, but takes more work, where as my first idea is just common sense and should be there regardless of whether or not you want to change how the bubble works or not. They'd be less of a menace while retaining their purpose as a challenge if either is implemented.

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This, and many other things... or just get rid of them. Frankly - if the Corpus and Grineer can render us worthless, I really wonder why their boss units (or all units) aren't completely immune.

Hek turns himself into a chicken, but forgets to hang one of his own nullifiers around his neck? makes no sense.

Formorian doesn't have a nullifier around the core... why not?

The very existence of nullifier technology breaks the concept of magic powers - you threw midichlorians in when Viver was posting huge XP numbers, CRISIS AVERTED we farm Grineer now.

nullifier game mechanics are troublesome and they destroy immersion.  Their utility has run it's course. Just retcon them into the trashbin.


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I honestly think they should just get rid of them. Clearly they were a response to a problem that doesn't exist anymore, and now they're just an un-fun frustration for everyone. My issue with them isn't just that their game-breaking bubble blocks bullets and tenno powers, or that the bubble has a damage cap for every shot that hits it. It's the fact that they have an incredibly accurate, semi-auto LANKA. Fairly frequently I've been 1-2 shot buy level 40 nullifiers at about the range that their bubble reaches out, even when using a fairly tanky frame like Saryn Prime. I've also been frequently 1-shot at long range and medium range, even while bullet jumping and doing parkour stuff that's supposed to reduce their accuracy. But oddly enough, in 3 years of playing this game, I've never had this issue with sniper crewman, railgun moas, or ballistas. Sure, I've been 1-shot by a ballista, but only at a reasonable range and when I was barely moving myself. They also don't have an absurd fire rate, and with the recent change to them, you can now see when their about to shoot. Why didn't nullifiers receive this change? They do have a charged weapon, after all.


Logically, the enemy with the shield should be in the front lines, trying to protect their friends with their magical bubble. But for some reason, they have the most confused AI ever. They're aggressive until they see you, then they just start shooting away while slowly walking toward you. Theoretically, the counter-play for nullifiers would be to get inside the bubble and just kill em, but realistically, that doesn't work, especially at higher levels. They either need to just be removed from the game, or fundamentally changed, because as it stands, they are cancer to this game, and most likely part of the reason nobody wants to do high level corpus ever.

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