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BLADESTORM: Does it really NEED to Change?


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Yea i personally don't spam and yea they need to change it ..so it doesn't denie other players from participating....if it was  more of an aim and shoot type of deal...like when you activate the ult intead of using clones...just let him teleport between a fair number of targets using his melee weapon instead  or not...let it be more like the new valkyr augment... As long you are fireing he teleports and deals damage...so you have more control....because and after playing him for awhile the animation  seems to take the fun out of it... sense he's being flug through walls...and you Can't really see whats happening

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On 9/13/2016 at 2:31 PM, Profit62 said:

I actually don't think it would be bad if it worked like exalted blade in which you have to manualy aim and  fire

If you mean  point and click on an enemy to bladestorm we kinda already have that. Teleport  


Edited by (XB1)Stage DRGR
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4 hours ago, Profit62 said:

Yea i personally don't spam and yea they need to change it ..so it doesn't denie other players from participating....if it was  more of an aim and shoot type of deal...like when you activate the ult intead of using clones...just let him teleport between a fair number of targets using his melee weapon instead  or not...let it be more like the new valkyr augment... As long you are fireing he teleports and deals damage...so you have more control....because and after playing him for awhile the animation  seems to take the fun out of it... sense he's being flug through walls...and you Can't really see whats happening

Teleport is what your looking for

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Stage DRGR said:

If you mean  point and click on an enemy to bladestor....m we kuindsa already have that. Teleport  


No telepir


2 hours ago, (XB1)Stage DRGR said:

Teleport is what your looking for

teleport is not what i mean you're thinking in a box Use more imagination and less analysis and click or fire in doesn't matter ....you clearly misunderstood the concept..and to further note teleport only or mostly opens up for finisher....to be more cleary...the concept is to allow teleportation between targets while performing combos from the melee weapons combo list

Edited by Profit62
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On 9/13/2016 at 11:30 PM, Profit62 said:

No telepir

Huh? Typo?


On 9/13/2016 at 11:30 PM, Profit62 said:

port is not what i mean you're thinking in a box Use more imagination and less analysis and click or fire in doesn't matter ....you clearly misunderstood the concept..and to further note teleport only or mostly opens up for finisher....to be more cleary...the concept is to allow teleportation between targets while performing combos from the melee weapons combo list

So what your saying is if ash had a stance and In the middle of a combo he can teleports to an enemy kill em then finish off his combo??

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4 hours ago, (XB1)Stage DRGR said:

Huh? Typo?


So what your sayng is if ash had a stance and In the middle of a combo he can teleports to an enemy kill em then finish off his combo??

Yea like hyabusa..in ninja gaiden...not ash having a stance.... But while performing the combos from the weapon stance he Moves between a  Sensible amount of  targets For a sensible amount of time steal dealing the same dmg of the current bladestorm  and  It still stacks with the Combo multiplier...using the type of activation system as exaltedblade...i'll even go so far as saying to make it ...where it might even go through the combos well...in sequence

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