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Lotus, your intel collection is... really bad.


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Excuse me, spy master.  I'd like to file a work-related grievance.


Lotus:  "I'm detecting freezing temperatures. The ice in here will damage your shields."

I'd hate to be "that guy", ma'am, but don't you think this is information that we could have used BEFORE we suited up and dropped in?  I mean, I literally have warframes with larger than normal shield capacities, companions that can regenerate my shields, and mods that can mitigate the cold effects.  It would have been nice to equip, ya know, ANY of that stuff before you sent me on this time critical mission.  Of all the things that can be determined with our advances in technology, I think the temperature on a planet is a pretty easy one.

I know you mean well, Lotus, and we generally think your intentions as our space mother are genuine.  However, you have a tendency to send your children on missions with such an incomplete intelligence analysis that I just have to ask what you do with your time at work.  Many times, I find myself answering your call to action for an objective, and then later I find that I did not bring the optimal loadout for said mission.  Naturally, we Tenno are capable of surviving very difficult situations.  Yet, why not give us all of the information possible so that we can get a full picture of what we will be up against and what challenges we may face?  If the balance of the universe is really at stake here, you're totally dropping the ball by not letting me know, for example, that half of my effective health pool might be drained away immediately when I land.


Lotus:  "This area has taken some hits. Stay away from fire damage."

Again, I have a warframe sitting like ten feet away from me in my liset that can turn fire damage into more damage for herself.  She's like... right there!  However, once you and Ordis have dropped me on a planet, I can't very well bring her along, now can I?

I suggest a little more information in the Navigation section of our ships; a little something that says we'll be restricted in our equipment in some way when that is the case.  When I've spent some time gaining proficiency in lower level Archwing gear, I severely dislike being dropped into some alert that turned out to be an Archwing mission (because how would I have known that from the alert information you provided) with under-developed weapons.

Do better, Lotus.  For the sake of all of us.

Perhaps in the future, you could even let us know things like when the enemy faction is using a significant amount of Ferrite armor, or maybe that our capture target is equipped with Nullifier technology.  The possibilities are indeed vast, so this is just a suggestion for down the road.

And just one more thing...


Lotus:  "We're done here. The extraction team will take over from here, time to evacuate."

Hmm, I've never seen any of these extraction teams.  How many of them have frozen to death or been roasted from the fire damage that you left out of the briefing reports?  Just, ya know... ball park number...  HR may want to keep an eye on stuff like that if we want to hit those 2017 annual goals.


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DE already stated that intel/enviromental hazards will be changed to exactly what we expect, so we can have info before the mission and plan accordingly. Also the hazards will be more aggresive (to the point of making ud use the protective mods)

Also the intel will be available prior to the mission ("beware this node is on fire")

Edited by GordoFreeman
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